更新时间:2021-07-16 10:57:53
Web Design Blueprints
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Chapter 1. Responsive Web Design
Introduction to responsive web design
Getting familiar with the basics
Using media queries for responsive design
Working with responsive media
Building responsive layouts
Chapter 2. Flat UI
A brief history of flat design
Flat UI color
Creating a flat UI layout
Chapter 3. Parallax Scrolling
Starting off
Color classes
Using SVG font icons
Getting the fonts
That's no moon!
OMG it's full of stars!
Clouds birds and airplanes
The rocket
Terra firma
Next up the CSS
Styling the objects with CSS
Styling the ground objects
Writing the JavaScript effects
Setting the row height
Spreading the objects
Spreading the clouds
Loading the page functions
Smoothening the scroll
Updating elements on the scroller
Collecting the moving elements
Creating functions for the element types
Setting the left positions
Creating the rocket's movement function
Finally moving the earth
Chapter 4. Single Page Applications
What is an SPA?
Getting to work
Getting the old files
Object and function conventions
Creating utility functions
Working with the home structure
Setting up other sections
Performing housekeeping
Creating a callBack function for the API
Chapter 5. The Death Star Chapter
Where to begin?
Dropping in the parallax game
Loading elements from JSON
What can be done in the shared levels service
Editing the home JavaScript
Creating the other pages – credits and leaderboard
Creating the second level