第7章 Editor 日常事务(5)
A:How about"Don't think twice to contact me'?B:"直接与我联系就行"如何?
B:Yes,that's OK,but,again,it's a little less formal.Now your final phrase should be something like'I look forward to hearing from you soon.'B:可以,但这个也是不那么正式。现在你可以写下最后一句,诸如"我期待着早日收到您的回复"。
A:Ah yes or'I hope to hear from you soon.'A:嗯,或说"我希望很快收到您的回复"。
Elizabeth does not know how to write a business letter,so she asked Bob to teach her.伊丽莎白不知道如何写商业信函,所以她让鲍伯教她。A:Hello,Bob,could you teach me how to write a business letter?A:你好,鲍伯,你能不能教我如何撰写商业信函?B:Sure.Before writing a business letter,you need first consider the objective of your letter,that is,why are you writing the letter or in other words,what is the purpose of writing the letter.B:当然可以。在撰写商业信函时,你首先需要考虑这封信的目的是什么,也就是你为什么写这封信,或者换句话说,你写这封信的目的是什么。
A:Yes,I will bear that in mind.A:是的,我会记住这一点。B:Next,you have to consider the audience of your letter,so that you can choose the right address form.B:然后,你必须要考虑信的读者,这样你才能够选择合适的称呼。
A:And then?A:然后呢?B:You have to organize all the information you want to include in the letter and their order.B:你必须组织你想要的所有信息,并合理安排它们的顺序。
A:And I should put the most import information first,right?A:我要把最重要的信息放在最前面,对不对?B:Yes,and then the last step.B:是的,然后是最后一步。A:What is that?A:是什么?B:Careful proofreading.That is very important.You have to check whether the format of the letter is appropriate,whether there are spelling errors or whether you have signed your name,etc.B:仔细校对。这是非常重要的。你必须检查信的格式是否适当,是否有拼写错误,或你是否已签署自己的姓名,等等。
A:Oh,I see.A:噢,我明白了。
1.key phrase 重要的短语。key作形容词,意为"重要的,关键的"与important同义。常用的词组有:key word(关键词),key problem(关键问题)等。key作名词,除了指钥匙外,还指计算机键盘中的键,键盘则是keyboard.
2.No problem 此处用来表示愉快地同意某人的请求,译为"当然了,没问题"。例如:Could you open the window?The office is stuffy.你能打开窗户吗?办公室里很闷。No problem.没问题。
3.be willing to do sth 意为愿意做某事。例如:He is willing to join the army.他愿意参军。
4.bear sth in mind 与 keep sth in mind 意思相同,都是指记住某事。
A friendship founded on business is better than business founded on friendship.(John D.Rockefeller,American businessman)
Did you ever expect a corporation to have a conscience,when it has no soul to damned,and no body to be kicked?(Edward Thurlow,British lawyer)
Good times,bad times,there will always be advertising,In good times people want advertising;in bad times they have to.(Bruce Barton,British economist)
Here's the rule for bargains'Do other men,for they would do you.'That's the true precept.(Charles Dickens.British novelist)
If enterprise is afoot,wealth accumulates whatever may be happening to thrift and if enterprise is asleep,wealth decays,whatever thrift may be doing.(John Maynard Keynes,British economist)
Literature flourishes best when it is half a trade and half an art.(William Ralph Inge,British writer and churchman)
Walk on Water
Joey had heard a family rumor that his father,his grandfather and even his great grandfather,all"walked on water"on their 21st birthday.Well today was his 21st birthday and if they could do it,so could he.
So,off he went in a boat with his friend Eric.When he got out in the middle of the lake,he got up and stepped out of the boat……and damn near drowned.
The next day,Joey asked his grandmother why he wasn't given the same gift as the others in his family.The grandmother told him that his father,grandfather and great grandfather had all been born in February……not in August as was he.