"I'll fight--I'll fight!...I couldn't avoid Van.It was Holley who told me Van was threatening you.And when I met Van he told me how everybody said you insulted me--had been worse than a drunken rider--and that he'd beat you half to death.So I told Van Joel Creech might have seen us--I didn't doubt that--but he didn't see that I liked being hugged.""What did Van say then?" asked Slone, all aglow with his wonderful joy.
"He wilted.He slunk away....And so I'll tell them all.""But, Lucy, you've always been so--so truthful.""What do you mean?"
"Well, to say you liked being hugged that day was--was a story, wasn't it?""That was what made me so furious," she admitted, shyly."I was surprised when you grabbed me off Wildfire.And my heart beat--beat --beat so when you hugged me.And when you kissed me I--I was petrified.I knew I liked it then--and Iwas furious with myself."
Slone drew a long, deep breath of utter enchantment."You'll take back Wildfire?""Oh, Lin--don't--ask--me," she implored.
"Take him back--an' me with him."
"Then I will.But no one must know that yet."They drew apart then.
"An' now you must go," said Slone, reluctantly."Listen.I forgot to warn you about Joel Creech.Don't ever let him near you.He's crazy an' he means evil.""Oh, I know, Lin! I'll watch.But I'm not afraid of him.""He's strong, Lucy.I saw him lift bags that were hefty for me....Lucy, do you ride these days?""Every day.If I couldn't ride I couldn't live.""I'm afraid," said Slone, nervously."There's Creech an' Cordts-- both have threatened you.""I'm afraid of Cordts," replied Lucy, with a shiver."You should have seen him look at me race-day.It made me hot with anger, yet weak, too, somehow.But Dad says I'm never in any danger if I watch out.And I do.Who could catch me on Sarch?""Any horse can be tripped in the sage.You told me how Joel tried to rope Sage King.Did you ever tell your dad that?""I forgot.But then I'm glad I didn't.Dad would shoot for that, quicker than if Joel tried to rope him....Don't worry, Lin, I always pack a gun.""But can you use it?"
Lucy laughed."Do you think I can only ride?"Slone remembered that Holley had said he had taught Lucy how to shoot as well as ride."You'll be watchful--careful," he said, earnestly.
"Oh, Lin, you need to be that more than I....What will you do?""I'll stay up at the little cabin I thought I owned till to-day.""Didn't you buy it?" asked Lucy, quickly.
"I thought I did.But...never mind.Maybe I won't get put out just yet.
An' when will I see you again?"
"Here, every night.Wait till I come," she replied."Good night, Lin.""I'll--wait!" he exclaimed, with a catch in his voice."Oh, my luck!...
I'll wait, Lucy, every day--hopin' an' prayin' that this trouble will lighten.
An' I'll wait at night--for you!"
He kissed her good-by and watched the slight form glide away, flit to and fro, white in the dark patches, grow indistinct and vanish.He was left alone in the silent grove.
Slone stole back to the cabin and lay sleepless and tranced, watching the stars, till late that night.
All the next day he did scarcely anything but watch and look after his horses and watch and drag the hours out and dream despite his dread.But no one visited him.The cabin was left to him that day.
It had been a hot day, with great thunderhead, black and creamy white clouds rolling down from the canyon country.No rain had fallen at the Ford, though storms near by had cooled the air.At sunset Slone saw a rainbow bending down, ruddy and gold, connecting the purple of cloud with the purple of horizon.
Out beyond the valley the clouds were broken, showing rifts of blue, and they rolled low, burying the heads of the monuments, creating a wild and strange spectacle.Twilight followed, and appeared to rise to meet the darkening clouds.And at last the gold on the shafts faded; the monuments faded; and the valley grew dark.
Slone took advantage of the hour before moonrise to steal down into the grove, there to wait for Lucy.She came so quickly he scarcely felt that he waited at all; and then the time spent with her, sweet, fleeting, precious, left him stronger to wait for her again, to hold himself in, to cease his brooding, to learn faith in something deeper than he could fathom.
The next day he tried to work, but found idle waiting made the time fly swifter because in it he could dream.In the dark of the rustling cottonwoods he met Lucy, as eager to see him as he was to see her, tender, loving, remorseful--a hundred sweet and bewildering things all so new, so unbelievable to Slone.
That night he learned that Bostil had started for Durango with some of his riders.This trip surprised Slone and relieved him likewise, for Durango was over two hundred miles distant, and a journey there even for the hard riders was a matter of days.
"He left no orders for me," Lucy said, "except to behave myself....Is this behaving?" she whispered, and nestled close to Slone, audacious, tormenting as she had been before this dark cloud of trouble."But he left orders for Holley to ride with me and look after me.Isn't that funny? Poor old Holley! He hates to doublecross Dad, he says.""I'm glad Holley's to look after you," replied Slone."Yesterday I saw you tearin' down into the sage on Sarch.I wondered what you'd do, Lucy, if Cordts or that loon Creech should get hold of you?""I'd fight!"
"But, child, that's nonsense.You couldn't fight either of them.""Couldn't I? Well, I just could.I'd--I'd shoot Cordts.And I'd whip Joel Creech with my quirt.And if he kept after me I'd let Sarch run him down.
Sarch hates him."
"You're a brave sweetheart," mused Slone."Suppose you were caught an'
couldn't get away.Would you leave a trail somehow?""I sure would."