For eight days we did penance, checking off the hours, meeting doggedly one after another the disagreeable things.We were bathed in heat; we inhaled it; it soaked into us until we seemed to radiate it like so many furnaces.A condition of thirst became the normal condition, to be only slightly mitigated by a few mouthfuls from zinc canteens of tepid water.Food had no attractions: even smoking did not taste good.Always the flat country stretched out before us.We could see far ahead a landmark which we would reach only by a morning's travel.
Nothing intervened between us and it.After we had looked at it a while, we became possessed of an almost insane necessity to make a run for it.The slow maddening three miles an hour of the pack-train drove us frantic.There were times when it seemed that unless we shifted our gait, unless we stepped outside the slow strain of patience to which the Inferno held us relentlessly, we should lose our minds and run round and round in circles--as people often do, in the desert.
And when the last and most formidable hundred yards had slunk sullenly behind us to insignificance, and we had dared let our minds relax from the insistent need of self-control--then, beyond the cotton.
woods, or creek-bed, or group of buildings, whichever it might be, we made out another, remote as paradise, to which we must gain by sunset.So again the wagon-trail, with its white choking dust, its staggering sun, its miles made up of monotonous inches, each clutching for a man's sanity.
We sang everything we knew; we told stories;we rode cross-saddle, sidewise, erect, slouching; we walked and led our horses; we shook the powder of years from old worn jokes, conundrums, and puzzles, --and at the end, in spite of our best efforts, we fell to morose silence and the red-eyed vindictive contemplation of the objective point that would not seem to come nearer.
For now we lost accurate sense of time.At first it had been merely a question of going in at one side of eight days, pressing through them, and coming out on the other side.Then the eight days would be behind us.But once we had entered that enchanted period, we found ourselves more deeply involved.
The seemingly limited area spread with startling swiftness to the very horizon.Abruptly it was borne in on us that this was never going to end; just as now for the first time we realized that it had begun infinite ages ago.We were caught in the entanglement of days.The Coast Ranges were the experiences of a past incarnation: the Mountains were a myth.
Nothing was real but this; and this would endure forever.We plodded on because somehow it was part of the great plan that we should do so.Not that it did any good:--we had long since given up such ideas.The illusion was very real; perhaps it was the anodyne mercifully administered to those who pass through the Inferno.
Most of the time we got on well enough.One day, only, the Desert showed her power.That day, at five of the afternoon, it was one hundred and twenty degrees in the shade.And we, through necessity of reaching the next water, journeyed over the alkali at noon.Then the Desert came close on us and looked us fair in the eyes, concealing nothing.She killed poor Deuce, the beautiful setter who had traveled the wild countries so long; she struck Wes and the Tenderfoot from their horses when finally they had reached a long-legged water tank; she even staggered the horses themselves.And I, lying under a bush where I had stayed after the others in the hope of succoring Deuce, began idly shooting at ghostly jack-rabbits that looked real, but through which the revolver bullets passed without resistance.
After this day the Tenderfoot went water-crazy.
Watering the horses became almost a mania with him.He could not bear to pass even a mud-hole without offering the astonished Tunemah a chance to fill up, even though that animal had drunk freely not twenty rods back.As for himself, he embraced every opportunity;and journeyed draped in many canteens.