Look at me,you villain,said Beckwith,and see me as I really am.I took these rooms,to make them a trap for you.I came into them as a drunkard,to bait the trap for you.You fell into the trap,and you will never leave it alive.On the morning when you last went to Mr.Sampson's office,I had seen him first.Your plot has been known to both of us,all along,and you have been counter-plotted all along.What?Having been cajoled into putting that prize of two thousand pounds in your power,I was to be done to death with brandy,and,brandy not proving quick enough,with something quicker?Have I never seen you,when you thought my senses gone,pouring from your little bottle into my glass?Why,you Murderer and Forger,alone here with you in the dead of night,as I have so often been,I have had my hand upon the trigger of a pistol,twenty times,to blow your brains out!
This sudden starting up of the thing that he had supposed to be his imbecile victim into a determined man,with a settled resolution to hunt him down and be the death of him,mercilessly expressed from head to foot,was,in the first shock,too much for him.Without any figure of speech,he staggered under it.But there is no greater mistake than to suppose that a man who is a calculating criminal,is,in any phase of his guilt,otherwise than true to himself,and perfectly consistent with his whole character.Such a man commits murder,and murder is the natural culmination of his course;such a man has to outface murder,and will do it with hardihood and effrontery.It is a sort of fashion to express surprise that any notorious criminal,having such crime upon his conscience,can so brave it out.Do you think that if he had it on his conscience at all,or had a conscience to have it upon,he would ever have committed the crime?
Perfectly consistent with himself,as I believe all such monsters to be,this Slinkton recovered himself,and showed a defiance that was sufficiently cold and quiet.He was white,he was haggard,he was changed;but only as a sharper who had played for a great stake and had been outwitted and had lost the game.
Listen to me,you villain,'said Beckwith,and let every word you hear me say be a stab in your wicked heart.When I took these rooms,to throw myself in your way and lead you on to the scheme that I knew my appearance and supposed character and habits would suggest to such a devil,how did I know that?Because you were no stranger to me.I knew you well.And I knew you to be the cruel wretch who,for so much money,had killed one innocent girl while she trusted him implicitly,and who was by inches killing another.
Slinkton took out a snuff-box,took a pinch of snuff,and laughed.
But see here,said Beckwith,never looking away,never raising his voice,never relaxing his face,never unclenching his hand.
See what a dull wolf you have been,after all!The infatuated drunkard who never drank a fiftieth part of the liquor you plied him with,but poured it away,here,there,everywhere -almost before your eyes;who bought over the fellow you set to watch him and to ply him,by outbidding you in his bribe,before he had been at his work three days -with whom you have observed no caution,yet who was so bent on ridding the earth of you as a wild beast,that he would have defeated you if you had been ever so prudent -that drunkard whom you have,many a time,left on the floor of this room,and who has even let you go out of it,alive and undeceived,when you have turned him over with your foot -has,almost as often,on the same night,within an hour,within a few minutes,watched you awake,had his hand at your pillow when you were asleep,turned over your papers,taken samples from your bottles and packets of powder,changed their contents,rifled every secret of your life!'
He had had another pinch of snuff in his hand,but had gradually let it drop from between his fingers to the floor;where he now smoothed it out with his foot,looking down at it the while.
That drunkard,'said Beckwith,'who had free access to your rooms at all times,that he might drink the strong drinks that you left in his way and be the sooner ended,holding no more terms with you than he would hold with a tiger,has had his master-key for all your locks,his test for all your poisons,his clue to your cipher-writing.He can tell you,as well as you can tell him,how long it took to complete that deed,what doses there were,what intervals,what signs of gradual decay upon mind and body;what distempered fancies were produced,what observable changes,what physical pain.
He can tell you,as well as you can tell him,that all this was recorded day by day,as a lesson of experience for future service.
He can tell you,better than you can tell him,where that journal is at this moment.
Slinkton stopped the action of his foot,and looked at Beckwith.
No,said the latter,as if answering a question from him.'Not in the drawer of the writing-desk that opens with a spring;it is not there,and it never will be there again.
Then you are a thief!said Slinkton.