第19章 CHAPTER VI(2)
"Jennie, come out or let us come in. Here's the young man I was tellin' you about," Euchre said.
"Oh, I can't! I look so--so--"
"Never mind how you look," interrupted the outlaw, in a whisper. "It ain't no time to care fer thet. Here's young Duane. Jennie, he's no rustler, no thief. He's different. Come out, Jennie, an' mebbe he'll--"Euchre did not complete his sentence. He had spoken low, with his glance shifting from side to side.
But what he said was sufficient to bring the girl quickly. She appeared in the doorway with downcast eyes and a stain of red in her white cheek. She had a pretty, sad face and bright hair.
"Don't be bashful, Jennie," said Euchre. "You an' Duane have a chance to talk a little. Now I'll go fetch Mrs. Bland, but Iwon't be hurryin'."
With that Euchre went away through the cottonwoods.
"I'm glad to meet you, Miss--Miss Jennie," said Duane. "Euchre didn't mention your last name. He asked me to come over to--"Duane's attempt at pleasantry halted short when Jennie lifted her lashes to look at him. Some kind of a shock went through Duane. Her gray eyes were beautiful, but it had not been beauty that cut short his speech. He seemed to see a tragic struggle between hope and doubt that shone in her piercing gaze. She kept looking, and Duane could not break the silence. It was no ordinary moment.
"What did you come here for?" she asked, at last.
"To see you," replied Duane, glad to speak.
"Well--Euchre thought--he wanted me to talk to you, cheer you up a bit," replied Duane, somewhat lamely. The earnest eyes embarrassed him.
"Euchre's good. He's the only person in this awful place who's been good to me. But he's afraid of Bland. He said you were different. Who are you?"Duane told her.
"You're not a robber or rustler or murderer or some bad man come here to hide?""No, I'm not," replied Duane, trying to smile.
"Then why are you here?"
"I'm on the dodge. You know what that means. I got in a shooting-scrape at home and had to run off. When it blows over I hope to go back.""But you can't be honest here?"
"Yes, I can."
"Oh, I know what these outlaws are. Yes, you're different." She kept the strained gaze upon him, but hope was kindling, and the hard lines of her youthful face were softening.
Something sweet and warm stirred deep in Duane as he realized the unfortunate girl was experiencing a birth of trust in him.
"O God! Maybe you're the man to save me--to take me away before it's too later"Duane's spirit leaped.
"Maybe I am," he replied, instantly.
She seemed to check a blind impulse to run into his arms. Her cheek flamed, her lips quivered, her bosom swelled under her ragged dress. Then the glow began to fade; doubt once more assailed her.
"It can't be. You're only--after me, too, like Bland--like all of them."Duane's long arms went out and his hands clasped her shoulders.
He shook her.
"Look at me--straight in the eye. There are decent men. Haven't you a father--a brother?""They're dead--killed by raiders. We lived in Dimmit County. Iwas carried away," Jennie replied, hurriedly. She put up an appealing hand to him. "Forgive me. I believe--I know you're good. It was only--I live so much in fear--I'm half crazy--I've almost forgotten what good men are like, Mister Duane, you'll help me?""Yes, Jennie, I will. Tell me how. What must I do? Have you any plan?""Oh no. But take me away."
"I'll try," said Duane, simply. "That won't be easy, though. Imust have time to think. You must help me. There are many things to consider. Horses, food, trails, and then the best time to make the attempt. Are you watched--kept prisoner?""No. I could have run off lots of times. But I was afraid. I'd only have fallen into worse hands. Euchre has told me that.
Mrs. Bland beats me, half starves me, but she has kept me from her husband and these other dogs. She's been as good as that, and I'm grateful. She hasn't done it for love of me, though.
She always hated me. And lately she's growing jealous. There was' a man came here by the name of Spence--so he called himself. He tried to be kind to me. But she wouldn't let him.
She was in love with him. She's a bad woman. Bland finally shot Spence, and that ended that. She's been jealous ever since. Ihear her fighting with Bland about me. She swears she'll kill me before he gets me. And Bland laughs in her face. Then I've heard Chess Alloway try to persuade Bland to give me to him.
But Bland doesn't laugh then. Just lately before Bland went away things almost came to a head. I couldn't sleep. I wished Mrs. Bland would kill me. I'll certainly kill myself if they ruin me. Duane, you must be quick if you'd save me.""I realize that," replied he, thoughtfully. "I think my difficulty will be to fool Mrs. Bland. If she suspected me she'd have the whole gang of outlaws on me at once.""She would that. You've got to be careful--and quick.""What kind of woman is she?" inquired Duane.
"She's--she's brazen. I've heard her with her lovers. They get drunk sometimes when Bland's away. She's got a terrible temper.
She's vain. She likes flattery. Oh, you could fool her easy enough if you'd lower yourself to--to--""To make love to her?" interrupted Duane.
Jennie bravely turned shamed eyes to meet his.
"My girl, I'd do worse than that to get you away from here," he said, bluntly.
"But--Duane," she faltered, and again she put out the appealing hand. "Bland will kill you."Duane made no reply to this. He was trying to still a rising strange tumult in his breast. The old emotion--the rush of an instinct to kill! He turned cold all over.
"Chess Alloway will kill you if Bland doesn't," went on Jennie, with her tragic eyes on Duane's.
"Maybe he will," replied Duane. It was difficult for him to force a smile. But he achieved one.
"Oh, better take me off at once," she said. "Save me without risking so much--without making love to Mrs. Bland!""Surely, if I can. There! I see Euchre coming with a woman.""That's her. Oh, she mustn't see me with you.""Wait--a moment," whispered Duane, as Jennie slipped indoors.