MY DEAR BROTHER,--It was at least two weeks before I left New York, that I received my last letter from home: and since then, not a word have Iheard from any of you.And now, since I think of it, it wasn't a letter, either, but the last number of the "Daily Journal," saying that that paper was sold, and I very naturally supposed from that, that the family had disbanded, and taken up winter quarters in St.Louis.Therefore, Ihave been writing to Pamela, till I've tired of it, and have received no answer.I have been writing for the last two or three weeks, to send Ma some money, but devil take me if I knew where she was, and so the money has slipped out of my pocket somehow or other, but I have a dollar left, and a good deal owing to me, which will be paid next Monday.I shall enclose the dollar in this letter, and you can hand it to her.I know it's a small amount, but then it will buy her a handkerchief, and at the same time serve as a specimen of the kind of stuff we are paid with in Philadelphia, for you see it's against the law, in Pennsylvania, to keep or pass a bill of less denomination than $5.I have only seen two or three bank bills since I have been in the State.On Monday the hands are paid off in sparkling gold, fresh from the Mint; so your dreams are not troubled with the fear of having doubtful money in your pocket.
I am subbing at the Inquirer office.One man has engaged me to work for him every Sunday till the first of next April, (when I shall return home to take Ma to Ky;) and another has engaged my services for the 24th of next month; and if I want it, I can get subbing every night of the week.
I go to work at 7 o'clock in the evening, and work till 3 o'clock the next morning.I can go to the theatre and stay till 12 o'clock and then go to the office, and get work from that till 3 the next morning; when Igo to bed, and sleep till 11 o'clock, then get up and loaf the rest of the day.The type is mostly agate and minion, with some bourgeois; and when one gets a good agate take,--["Agate," "minion," etc., sizes of type; "take," a piece of work.Type measurement is by ems, meaning the width of the letter 'm'.]--he is sure to make money.I made $2.50 last Sunday, and was laughed at by all the hands, the poorest of whom sets 11,000 on Sunday; and if I don't set 10,000, at least, next Sunday, I'll give them leave to laugh as much as they want to.Out of the 22compositors in this office, 12 at least, set 15,000 on Sunday.
Unlike New York, I like this Philadelphia amazingly, and the people in it.There is only one thing that gets my "dander" up--and that is the hands are always encouraging me: telling me--"it's no use to get discouraged--no use to be down-hearted, for there is more work here than you can do!" " Down-hearted," the devil! I have not had a particle of such a feeling since I left Hannibal, more than four months ago.I fancy they'll have to wait some time till they see me down-hearted or afraid of starving while I have strength to work and am in a city of 400,000inhabitants.When I was in Hannibal, before I had scarcely stepped out of the town limits, nothing could have convinced me that I would starve as soon as I got a little way from home....
The grave of Franklin is in Christ Church-yard, corner of Fifth and Arch streets.They keep the gates locked, and one can only see the flat slab that lies over his remains and that of his wife; but you cannot see the inscription distinctly enough to read it.The inscription, I believe, reads thus:
and | Franklin"
I counted 27 cannons (6 pounders) planted in the edge of the sidewalk in Water St.the other day.They are driven into the ground, about a foot, with the mouth end upwards.A ball is driven fast into the mouth of each, to exclude the water; they look like so many posts.They were put there during the war.I have also seen them planted in this manner, round the old churches, in N.Y.....
There is one fine custom observed in Phila.A gentleman is always expected to hand up a lady's money for her.Yesterday, I sat in the front end of the 'bus, directly under the driver's box--a lady sat opposite me.She handed me her money, which was right.But, Lord!
a St.Louis lady would think herself ruined, if she should be so familiar with a stranger.In St.Louis a man will sit in the front end of the stage, and see a lady stagger from the far end, to pay her fare.The Phila.'bus drivers cannot cheat.In the front of the stage is a thing like an office clock, with figures from 0 to 40, marked on its face.
When the stage starts, the hand of the clock is turned toward the 0.
When you get in and pay your fare, the driver strikes a bell, and the hand moves to the figure 1 --that is, "one fare, and paid for," and there is your receipt, as good as if you had it in your pocket.When a passenger pays his fare and the driver does not strike the bell immediately, he is greeted "Strike that bell! will you?"I must close now.I intend visiting the Navy Yard, Mint, etc., before Iwrite again.You must write often.You see I have nothing to write interesting to you, while you can write nothing that will not interest me.Don't say my letters are not long enough.Tell Jim Wolfe to write.
Tell all the boys where I am, and to write.Jim Robinson, particularly.
I wrote to him from N.Y.Tell me all that is going on in H--l.
Truly your brother SAM.