第二章 哪些大学会送你奖学金
第一节 大学排名与奖学金
《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S.News & World Report, U.S.News)自1983年起,开始对美国大学及其院系进行排名,而且其排名是全美最具权威性和影响力的。
《美国新闻与世界报道》通过多种渠道,如大学本身、美国教育部统计中心(Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics)等,收集所有学校的各项数据,包括学术声誉(全职教授人数、诺贝尔奖或其他大奖获得者、论文学术专著等)、经费资源(研究经费支持)、校友捐赠率、师资资源、学生就业率和薪资、学生保持率(回校率和毕业率)和招生标准等,应用科学的计算方法,结合各校校长和招生负责人的同行评议调查(peer assessment survey),对大学的全面、复杂的数据进行系统比较,从而得出相当客观的排名顺序。在其排名中,你会发现,经常有几个大学排名一样。比如,2016年最佳全美大学排名中,耶鲁大学排名为3,哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学和芝加哥大学排名同为4Tie,Tie即平手,也就是说,这三所大学并列第四。
另外有个词叫Tier,是等级的意思。凡是进入各类排名的大学,都是经过认证的正规大学。但是,《美国新闻与世界报道》只对排名进入大约75%的大学给予数字排名,这些大学属于Tier One,亦即第一等级。剩下的大约25%的大学没有数字排名,只是按照字母顺序排列,它们属于Tier Two,亦即第二等级。在第二等级中,有很多学校的排名栏中标明RNP,即排名未发布(Rank Not Published)。因为有的大学对提供数据给U.S.News,并不是很配合,甚至抵触,所以无法获得完备的数据,也就无法进行排名。
在美国,“大学”一词多数情况下用University,但College也常被用来表示大学。在美国,没有人认为College比University低一等,所以没有争先恐后将“学院”升级到“大学”的现象。比如,常青藤名校达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College),校名一直没变。又如,2016年大学排名中,波士顿学院(Boston College)排名30,而波士顿大学(Boston University)排名41,波士顿学院从未表示过要求“正名”。
- 美国国家大学(National Universities)
本书将美国国家大学简称为全美大学。U.S.News的定义是:“国家大学提供品种齐全的本科专业,也提供硕士和博士专业。在多数情况下,它们着重于研究,且接受联邦资助来支持其研究活动。”(National Universities offer a full range of undergraduate majors as well as master's and doctoral degrees. In many cases, they place strong emphasis on research and receive federal money to support their research endeavors.)
- 地区大学(Regional Universities)
美国其实并没有全国性大学和地区性大学的区别,任何人可以上任何大学。U.S.News列出的地区大学是指提供全面的本科专业和一些硕士专业项目但几乎没有博士项目的大学。(Regional universities offer a full range of undergraduate programs and some master's programs but few doctoral programs.)显然,地区大学与全美大学的分类标准不是地区级与国家级的差别,而是有没有博士项目。
- 全美文理学院(National Liberal Arts Colleges)
U.S.News对文理学院的界定是:国家文理学院着重于本科教育,归入此类别的学院提供的学位必须至少有一半属于人文学科,如语言与文学、生物与生命科学、哲学、文化研究与心理学。(National Liberal Arts Colleges emphasize undergraduate education. To be included in this category, colleges must award at least 50 percent of their degrees in liberal arts disciplines, such as languages and literature, biology and life sciences, philosophy, cultural studies and psychology.)
美国的文理学院很受推崇。名列第一的威廉姆斯学院(Williams College)的校友中,名人如云,如著名歌星王力宏、美国第20任总统加菲尔德(James A.Garfield)、奥斯卡大导演伊利亚·卡赞(Elia Kazan)、“美国在线”创始人史蒂夫·凯斯(Steve Case),施格兰公司CEO艾德加·布隆夫曼(Edgar Bronfman)等。
此外,还有其他很多排名类别,如最佳公立大学(Top Public Schools)、四年毕业率最高的学校(Highest 4-Year Graduation Rates)等。本书介绍的重点集中在能够给你提供资助的大学,或者是能减轻学费负担的大学,与此关系不大的排名类别就不介绍了。你若有兴趣,可上网查看。
美国大学的奖学金分为两种。一种是基于需要(need-based)的奖学金,它是基于你的财务需要(based on your financial need),严格地说,不应该叫奖学金,而相当于我国的助学金。另一种是“基于优秀”(merit-based)的奖学金,是基于你的学术成绩、考试分数和特别的才干(based on your academic achievement, test scores or particular talents),它是名副其实的奖学金。
有些一流的私立名校,在提供基于需要的奖学金方面非常慷慨。下面本书将列出的是十所最慷慨的私立名校,它们所授奖学金的名额相当多,每年的奖学金数额超过5万美元。原始资料中各校的奖学金数额精确到个位数,但因数额每年都会有调整变动,所以没有必要一一列出具体数额。你若有兴趣了解具体数额,可上网查看。学校英文简介摘自U.S. News。
- Harvard University(哈佛大学)
位于Cambridge, Massachusetts,离波士顿很近。
Harvard University is a private institution that was founded in 1636. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 6,694, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 5,076 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Harvard University's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 2.
- Yale University(耶鲁大学)
位于New Haven, Connecticut。
Yale University is a private institution that was founded in 1701. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 5,477, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 343 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Yale University's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 3.
- Stanford University(斯坦福大学)
位于California's Bay Area,距离旧金山约48千米。
Stanford University is a private institution that was founded in 1885. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 7,019, its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 8,180 acres. It utilizes a quarter-based academic calendar. Stanford University's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 4.
- University of Chicago(芝加哥大学)
University of Chicago is a private institution that was founded in 1890. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 5,681, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 217 acres. It utilizes a quarter-based academic calendar. University of Chicago's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 4.
- Williams College(威廉姆斯学院)
位于Williamstown, Massachusetts。
Williams College is a private institution that was founded in 1793. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,045, its setting is rural, and the campus size is 450 acres. It utilizes a 4-1-4-based academic calendar. Williams College's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is National Liberal Arts Colleges, 1.
- Amherst College(阿默斯特学院)
位于Amherst, Massachusetts。
Amherst College is a private institution that was founded in 1821. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,792, its setting is rural, and the campus size is 1,000 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Amherst College's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is National Liberal Arts Colleges, 2.
- Wesleyan University(威斯里安大学)
位于Middletown, Connecticut。
Wesleyan University is a private institution that was founded in 1831. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,928, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 316 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Wesleyan University's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is National Liberal Arts Colleges, 14.
- Bates College(贝茨学院)
位于Lewiston, Maine。
Bates College is a private institution that was founded in 1855. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,773, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 133 acres. Bates College's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is National Liberal Arts Colleges, 25.
- Skidmore College(斯基德莫尔学院)
位于Saratoga Springs, NY。
Skidmore College is a private institution that was founded in 1903. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,632, its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 890 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Skidmore College's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is National Liberal Arts Colleges, 38.
- Trinity College(三一学院)
位于Hartford, Connecticut。
Trinity College is a private institution that was founded in 1823. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,255, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 100 acres. It utilizes a 4-1-4-based academic calendar. Trinity College's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is National Liberal Arts Colleges, 43.
以上十所大学中,哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福和芝加哥大学都是顶尖名校,竞争之激烈,可想而知。其他六所属于文理学院(Liberal Arts Colleges),学费都相当贵。比如Amherst College,2015—2016年的学杂费(Tuition & fees)为50070美元。如果你只能拿到部分奖学金的话,负担依然较重。
第二节 80所给你奖学金的大学
我搜寻了大量的网站,挖掘提供国际生四年本科学习奖学金的大学,通过比较与筛选,最终发现The College Matchmaker上的一份大学名单最新、最全,共有约80所。其中,学校有私立的,也有公立的,都是正规学校。当然,排名差距很大,最好的有排名前十位的名校。少数乏善可陈的学校和“鸡肋”学校,我之所以没有删除,是因为考虑了资料的完整性和参考性。
这80所大学提供名额不同、价值不同的奖学金。奖学金的名额(number of awards),有的极少,只有一名、两名;有的较多,达数十名。奖学金的价值(value),有的每年只有一两千美元,有的则包括学费、杂费、住宿、膳食(including tuition + fees + room & board)。有的学校只提供一种奖学金,有的学校则提供数种不同的奖学金。有的学校还列出了最低要求(minimum requirements),比如,SAT (CR+M) 1360,即阅读和数学两部分分数共为1360;IELTS 6.0,即雅思6分。当然,符合最低要求只说明你取得了参与竞争的资格,能否获胜还得凭出色的成绩,需取决于各种决定因素(determining factors)。
- University of Alabama-Birmingham
Birmingham, AL
Name of Scholarship: International Scholarship
Value: $5,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0
- University of Alabama-Huntsville
Huntsville, AL
Name of Scholarship: Merit Tuition Scholarship
Value: 35% of tuition-full tuition
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0; SAT (CR+M) 1130/ACT 25
Determining Factors: Academic achievement (grades and test scores)
评注:公立大学。全美排名187左右。在校生约5600名。录取率约为82%。学费约为2万美元。该校的“优秀学费资助奖”(Merit Tuition Scholarship)根据GPA、SAT(CR+M)或ACT给予不同比例的数额。若GPA 3.0且SAT (CR+M) 1130或ACT 25,即可获得免去35%学费的资助奖。若GPA 3.5以上且SAT (CR+M) 1330以上或ACT 30以上,便可学费全免。若介于两者之间,则根据分数,可免45%、50%或75%的学费。
- Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ
Name of Scholarship: New International Student Presidential Scholarship
Value: $10,000 for first academic year
Minimum Requirements: Priority is given to students with GPA 3.0 or higher
评注:公立大学。排名未公布(RNP)。在校生约23000人。学费约23000美元。国际生GPA 3.0及以上者,可申请奖学金,第一年价值10000美元;1年后可继续申请,最多16000美元。该校跟中国关系不错,学校网页有中文介绍。
- University of Central Arkansas
Conway, AR
Name of Scholarship: Distinguished International Student Scholarship
Value: Full tuition + fees + room & board
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.25; SAT (CR+M+W) 2020/ACT 31
Determining Factors: Academic achievement, essay, letters of recommendation
Name of Scholarship: International Mobility Scholarship
Value: Up to $2,000 annually (full tuition + fees available for students from select countries for first semester)
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0; TOEFL 45 or IELTS 5.0; ACT 19 (E) or SAT 470 (W)
Determining Factors: Academic achievement, essay, letters of recommendation
评注:公立大学。南部地区排名68左右。在校生近1万人。录取率约为94%。学费约为13000美元。奖学金名为杰出国际生奖学金(Distinguished International Student Scholarship),包括免学杂费和食宿。成绩要求是:中学7个学期(中国从初三算起),GPA 3.25以上且SAT (CR+M+W) 2020以上或ACT 31分以上。需要写500~750字的自述文章;至少要有三封推荐信。
- Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles, CA
Name of Scholarship: Arrupe Scholarship
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.75; SAT (CR+M) 1350/ACT 30
Value: $12,500 renewable annually
- Soka University
Aliso Viejo, CA
Name of Scholarship: Global Merit Scholarship
Value: Full tuition + fees + room & board + transportation + books & supplies + personal expenses
Name of Scholarship: Merit Scholarship
Value: $2,000~$20,000 annually
评注:全美文理学院排名45左右。录取率约为65%。在校生约400人,是一所迷你型的大学。约半数学生来自世界40多个国家,包括中国。学费为3万多美元。全球优秀奖学金(Global Merit Scholarship)很是慷慨,学杂费、食宿、交通、书本文具和个人开销全包了。该校位于洛杉矶和圣地亚哥之间,占地103英亩。
- University of the Pacific
Stockton, CA
Name of Scholarship: Powell Scholars Program
Value: $36,000 annually + $5,000 research projects + $2,500 international travel
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.7; SAT (CR+M) 1350/ACT 30
Determining Factors: Academic achievement and leadership experience
Name of Scholarship: International Student Merit Scholarship
Value: $10,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.5
评注:私立大学。全美排名108左右。在校生有约3800名。录取率约为55%。学费为43000美元。最重要的奖学金是Powell Scholars Program,每年36000美元,外加5000美元研究金和25000美元国际旅行资助。最低分数要求:GPA 3.7; SAT (CR+M) 1350分或是ACT 30分。
- University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
Name of Scholarship: Mork Family Scholarship
Value: Full tuition + $5,000 stipend
Number of Awards: 10
Name of Scholarship: Stamps Leadership Scholarships
Value: Full tuition + $5,000 Enrichment fund
Number of Awards: 5
Name of Scholarship: Trustee
Value: Full tuition
Number of Awards: 100
评注:私立大学。全美排名23左右。在校生有18700多名。录取率约为18%。学费为50000多美元。学校奖学金有全奖、半奖和四分之一奖等。全奖共有115个名额。Mork Family Scholarship和Stamps Leadership Scholarships还额外提供5000美元奖金。南加大是名校,竞争激烈。以美国“高考”成绩来说,录取者的SAT或ACT的考分均处于全美的前1%~2%之列。(Average SAT and ACT scores are in the top 1 to 2 percent of all students nationwide.)
- Lynn University
Boca Raton, FL
Name of Scholarship: Interational Scholarship
Value: $6,000-$12,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic achievement (grades, TOEFL, and SAT/ACT scores)
Name of Scholarship: Presidential Scholrship
Value: Full tuition + room & board
Minimum Requirements: Must meet two of the followings: GPA 3.75; SAT (CR+M) 1200/ACT 24; or rank in the top 10% of class
- New College of Florida
Sarasota, FL
Name of Scholarship: Presidential Scholarship
Value: $15,000 annually
- University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL
Name of Scholarship: Singer Scholarship
Value: Full tuition
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
Name of Scholarship: President's Scholarship
Value: $8,000~$28,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
评注:私立大学。全美排名51左右。在校生约11000名。录取率约为38%。学费约45000美元。国际生可获得“校长奖学金”(President's Scholarship),每年8000~28000美元。国际生申请入学时,会被自动考虑此奖学金,但必须成绩优秀。成绩特别优秀的,可获得全免学费的奖学金“辛格奖学金”(Singer Scholarship)。辛格是小说家,1978年获“诺贝尔文学奖”。
- University of South Florida
Tampa, FL
Name of Scholarship: USF IB World Scholars Award and USF Green & Gold Presidential Award
Value: up to $15,000 per year
Requirements: IB 39+
Name of Scholarship: USF Green & Gold Presidential Award
Value: up to $12,000 per year
Requirements: GPA 4.00+; SAT (CR+M) 1300+, or SAT (CR+M+W) 2000+, or ACT 29+
Name of Scholarship: USF Green & Gold Directors Award
Value: up to $8,000 per year
Requirements: GPA 3.80+; SAT (CR+M) 1210+, or SAT (CR+M+W) 1800+, or ACT 27+
评注:公立大学。全美排名156左右。在校生有31000多名。录取率约为48%。学费约17000美元。该校有全奖和部分奖学金两种。奖学金用以支付学费。USF IB World Scholars Award and USF Green & Gold Presidential Award,每年最多可支付15000美元学费,要求IBF分数39分以上。USF Green & Gold Presidential Award,每年最多可支付12000美元学费,要求:GPA 4.00以上;SAT (CR+M) 1300分以上,或SAT总分2000分以上,或ACT 29分以上。
USF Green & Gold Directors Award,每年最多可支付8000美元学费,要求:GPA 3.80以上;SAT (CR+M) 1210分以上,或SAT总分1800分以上,或ACT 27分以上。
- Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Name of Scholarship: Emory University Scholars Program
Value: Up to full tuition
评注:这是一所私立名校。全美排名21左右。录取率约为27%。学费为46000多美元。该校所在城市是佐治亚州的最大城市亚特兰大,曾举办过1996夏季奥运会。有许多世界500强公司总部设立在亚特兰大,如著名的可口可乐、家得宝(Home Depot)、联合包裹服务公司(UPS)。最近,美国奔驰(Mercedes-Benz USA)也已迁入亚特兰大。因此,大学生的实习和工作机会较多。
- Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA
Name of Scholarship: Campus Atlanta Scholarship
Value: Part or full tuition waiver of out-of-state portion of tuition
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
- University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI
Name of Scholarship: International Undergraduate Student Scholarship
Value: $10,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.5; SAT (CR+M) 1550/ACT 23
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
评注:公立大学。全美排名161左右。在校生有14000多名。录取率约为78%。学费近32000美元。专门给国际本科生设立的奖学金每年1万美元,用以交学费。新生要求SAT (CR+M) 1550分以上,或ACT 23分以上。转学生要求GPA 3.5以上。
- University of Idaho
Moscow, ID
Name of Scholarship: International Tuition Waiver
Value: $6,500 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0
评注:公立大学。全美排名168左右。在校生有9000多名。录取率约为68%。学费约21000美元。国际生GPA 3.0以上的,每年可免去6500美元。此外,学校会帮助国际生找校内和校外的合法打工机会。
- Augustana College
Rock Island, IL
Name of Scholarship: Merit Scholarships
Value: $17,000~$22,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic Achievement
- DePaul University
Chicago, IL
Name of Scholarship: Freshman Scholarships
Value: $5,550~$17,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 2.5
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
评注:全美大学排名123左右。录取率约70%。学生有16000多名。学费为36000多美元。学校网页介绍说,该校每年发放2400多万美元奖学金,授奖标准是:学业优秀,具有强大的领导力,为社区服务,以及具有艺术天赋。(Each year, DePaul awards more than $24 million in scholarships. Scholarships are awarded for academic excellence, strong leadership, service to your community and artistic talent.)
- Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL
Name of Scholarship: Merit Scholarships
Value: At least $10,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic success, involvement in the community and other achievements
- Illinois Wesleyan University
Bloomington, IL
Name of Scholarship: President's International Students Scholarships
Value: Full tuition
Number of Awards: 2
Determining Factors: Academic achievement, talents, and interests
Name of Scholarship: Merit Scholarships
Value: $10,000~$25,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic achievement and test scores
评注:全美文理学院排名72左右。在校生将近1900名。学杂费约43000美元。录取率约为60%。除了基于优秀的奖学金外,该校的国际生还可以申请基于需要的奖学金,只要填写家庭收入等有关信息即可。可上网填写CSS PROFILE,递交截止期为每年4月1日。该校排名被U.S.News归入文学院,但该校有商科、心理学、会计、生化和护理等专业。
- Monmouth College
Monmouth, IL
Name of Scholarship: Scholarships for International Students
Value: $18,000~$21,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic excellence and promise of future potential
- Ball State University
Muncie, IN
Name of Scholarship: International Student Scholarship
Value: Half tuition to full tuition
- Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN
Name of Scholarship: IUPUI Chancellor's Scholarship
Value: $12,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.75; SAT (CR+M) 1250/ACT 28
Name of Scholarship: Dean's Recognition Scholarship
Value: $11,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.5; SAT (CR+M) 1200/ACT 26
Service Award
Value: $7,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0; recipients must volunteer for 20 hours of service at IUPUI annually
评注:全美大学排名199左右。在校生约为22000名。录取率约为71%。学杂费约为30000美元。生活费较便宜,住宿与伙食每年约需8000美元。奖学金中的IUPUI Service Award,要求每年在校内做20小时义工。
- University of Evansville
Evansville, IN
Name of Scholarship: International Student Scholarship
Value: $11,000~$20,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
评注:私立大学。中西部地区排名8左右。在校生有2400多名。录取率约为83%。学费近33000美元。给国际生的奖学金主要是International Student Scholarship,每年11000~20000美元。评奖标准是学生的出色成绩。所有申请人都会被自动考虑是否能获得此奖学金。
- University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
Name of Scholarship: Need-Based and Merit Scholarships
Value: $5,000 to full cost of attendance annually
Determining Factors: Exceptional academic accomplishment, leadership, commitment to service, and intellectual promise
- Drake University
Des Moines, IA
Name of Scholarship: National Alumni Scholarships
Value: Up to full tuition + fees + board
Minimum Requirements: SAT (CR+M) 1360/ACT 31; rank in the top 5% of class and/or GPA 3.8
Determining Factors: High scholastic achievement, extracurricular and community activities, leadership, communication skills, and potential to contribute to the academic and extracurricular life at Drake
- Iowa State University
Ames, IA
Name of Scholarship: Gold and Cardinal Scholarships
Value: $4,000~$8,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0
Determining Factors: Awarded to well-rounded students with strong academic achievement, talent in achievements in math, science, the arts, extracurricular activities, community service, leadership, innovation, or entrepreneurship
评注:公立大学。全美大学排名108左右。本科生有28000多名。录取率约为87%。该校有一百多个专业可供选读,最热门的是商科、工程学和农业学等专业。学杂费约为21000美元。给国际生的金奖(Gold Scholarship)是8000美元,红心奖(Cardinal Scholarships)是4000美元。你若申请的话,须上网填写International Merit Scholarship Application Form。
- University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Name of Scholarship: Presidential Scholarship
Value: $10,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: SAT (CR+M) 1330/ACT 30; GPA 3.8
Name of Scholarship: Old Gold Scholarship
Value: $5,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: SAT (CR+M) 1330/ACT 30; GPA 3.8
Name of Scholarship: University of Iowa International Scholars Award (ISA)
Value: $2,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic achievement as reflected through high school courses, course rigor, and grades
评注:公立大学。全美排名82左右。在校生约22000多名。录取率约为81%。学费近28000美元。国际生有望获得各类奖学金,其中“校长奖学金”(Presidential Scholarship)金额最高,每年1万美元。申请的最低要求是SAT (CR+M) 1330分,或ACT 30分;GPA 3.8。此外,请注意,由于河北省是爱荷华州的姐妹省,河北省的同学可获得额外的爱荷华姐妹省奖学金(Iowa Sister State Scholarship),每年4000美元,可获得4年。
- Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg, KS
Name of Scholarship: International Student Scholarships
Value: $1,000~$9,500 annually
- University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Name of Scholarship: International Ambassador Scholarship
Value: $3,000 to 50% of tuition
Determining Factors: Academic achievement, essay, and recommendation
Name of Scholarship: Academic Scholarships
Value: $7,000~$10,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: SAT (CR+M) 1130/ACT 25; GPA 3.0
Determining Factors: Academic credentials
Name of Scholarship: W.C. Parker Diversity Scholarship
Value: Average of $5,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 2.5
Determining Factors: Based on essay about how you will contribute to the campus diversity
评注:公立大学。全美排名129左右。在校生有22000多名。录取率约为72%。学费约24000美元。国际生有望获得各类奖学金,其中,“国际大使奖学金”(International Ambassador Scholarship),至少3000美元,最多可免除一半学费(约12000美元)。此奖学金没有GPA和SAT的分数要求,但分数越高,金额越多。申请人须写一篇文章,谈谈作为学生大使你将如何为大学服务。另外,还需要一份推荐信。学术奖学金(Academic Scholarships)包括三种奖学金:See Blue Scholarship(7000美元),Bluegrass Spirit Scholarship(8000美元),Kentucky Heritage Scholarship(10000美元)。该奖学金要求:SAT (CR+M) 1130分以上,或ACT 25分以上;GPA 3.0以上。W.C. Parker Diversity Scholarship的最低要求为GPA 2.5,而且需要写一篇500字短文,谈谈你如何为肯塔基大学多元化(diversity)作贡献。
- Tulane University
New Orleans, LA
Name of Scholarship: Partial Scholarship
Value: $10,000~$32,000 annually
Name of Scholarship: Full Tuition Scholarship
Value: Full tuition
Determining Factors: Superior academic performance, competitive test scores, community service and extracurricular involvement, and intellectual promise
Name of Scholarship: Community Service Scholarship
Value: $20,000 annually
Determining Factors: High academic achievement and outstanding dedication to serving the community with leadership, passion, peer engagement, and resourcefulness
评注:私立大学。全美排名41左右。在校生有8000多名。录取率约为28%。学费约50000美元。国际生有望获得各类奖学金,其中包括全免学费奖学金(Full Tuition Scholarship)。评奖标准是:学习成绩出色,考试成绩优异,参与社区和课外活动,才智发展有前途。
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lafayette, LA
Name of Scholarship: Fleur-de-Lis International Scholarship
Value: About $13,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0; TOEFL 80 or IELTS 7; SAT (CR+M) 1130 or ACT 25
Name of Scholarship: Vermilion International Scholarship
Value: About $8,700 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 2.75; TOEFL 80 or IELTS 7; SAT (CR+M) 1050 or ACT 23
评注:公立大学。全美排名未公布(RNP)。在校生有15000多名。录取率约为56%。学费近20000美元。Fleur-de-Lis International Scholarship可免除州外学费,约为13000美元。申请条件:GPA 3.0;托福网考80分,或雅思7分;SAT (CR+M) 1130分,或ACT 25分。Vermilion International Scholarship可免除2/3的州外学费,价值约为8700美元。申请条件:GPA 2.75;托福网考80分,或雅思7分;SAT (CR+M) 1050分,或ACT 23分。
- University of Louisiana-Monroe
Monroe, LA
Name of Scholarship: Academic Scholarship
Value: Out-of-state fee waiver
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0; SAT (CR+M) 980/ACT 21
评注:公立大学。全美排名93左右。在校生约有7200名。录取率约为77%。学费需19000美元。获得Academic Scholarship可免除州外学费,也就是说只须付州内学费,可省约12000美元。申请入学就会被自动考虑获取此奖学金。最低申请要求:GPA 3.0;SAT (CR+M) 980分,或ACT 21分。
- Towson University
Towson, MD
Name of Scholarship: International Student Scholarship
Value: Up to $8,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.5; TOEFL 77 or IELTS 6.5
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
评注:公立大学,属于马里兰大学系统。北部地区排名53左右。在校生约有1900名。录取率约为59%。学费为20000多美元。国际生可申请奖学金。该校奖学金的发放根据先来先得原则(awarded on a first-come, first-served basis)。成绩要求:GPA 3.5;托福网考77分或雅思6.5分。该校位于巴尔的摩北面,离首府华盛顿约70分钟车程。
- Babson College
Babson Park, MA
Name of Scholarship: Presidential Scholarship
Value: Half tuition
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0
Determining Factors: Academic achievement, leadership, and global perspective
Name of Scholarship: Weissman Scholarship
Value: Full tuition
Determining Factors: Leadership in the classroom and community
Name of Scholarship: Diversity Leadership Award
Value: Half tuition to full tuition
Determining Factors: Potential for leadership in creating a diverse community. Recipients of the full tuition scholarship must have financial need (need is not a factor for half tuition scholarship)
- Boston University
Boston, MA
Name of Scholarship: Trustee Scholarship
Value: Full tuition + some fees
Minimum Requirements: Candidates must be nominated by their school principal or headmaster
Determining Factors: Outstanding academic, extracurricular, and personal accomplishments
Name of Scholarship: Presidential Scholarship
Value: $20,000 annually
Determining Factors: Exceptional academic records
评注:私立大学,位于波士顿。全美大学排名41左右。录取率约为35%。学费将近49000美元。报考该校有希望拿到全免学费。但若获得的是Presidential Scholarship,自己需要花费近29000美元。
- Clark University
Worcester, MA
Name of Scholarship: Global Scholars Program
Value: At least $15,000 annually + $2,000 stipend for internship or assistantship
Determining Factors: Academic achievement and school/community leadership
评注:全美大学排名75左右。录取率约为54%。学费约42000美元。如果国际学生获得的奖学金无法支付所有的学杂费和生活费,并且家庭不富裕的话,可以上网填写College Board Profile Form,在1月15日前递交,以申请补贴。
- Hope College
Holland, MI
Name of Scholarship: Academic Scholarships
Value: $3,000~$13,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic Record, SAT, TOEFL, recommendations, and extracurricular involvement
- Kettering University
Flint, MI
Name of Scholarship: International Student Merit Scholarship
Value: $2,500~$15,500 annually
Determining Factors: SAT or ACT scores
Name of Scholarship: Kettering World Scholarship
Value: $2,500~$7,500 annually
- Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Name of Scholarship: Global Nighbors Scholarship
Value: $6,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic excellence
Name of Scholarship: Global Spartan Scholarship
Value: $1,000 for two semesters
Determining Factors: Academic talent
- Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI
Name of Scholarship: International Ambassador Scholarship
Value: $1,000~$6,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic Achievement
- Northern Michigan University
Marquette, MI
Name of Scholarship: Award for Global Ambassadors
Value: $4,400 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0
Determining Factors: Academic achievement, engagement in cultural sharing and community service activities
- Carleton College
Northfield, MN
Name of Scholarship: International Scholarships
Value: Half to full cost of college's comprehensive fee (including tuition + fees + room & board)
Number of Awards: 12
- Minnesota State University Mankato
Mankato, MN
Name of Scholarship: Cultrual Contributions Scholarship
Value: Nonresident tuition waiver (approximately $7,000 annually)
Determining Factors: Awarded to all admitted international students
评注:公立大学。中西部地区排名175左右。在校生有13000多名。录取率约为67%。学费约15000美元。Cultrual Contributions Scholarship免去州外学费的额外部分,也就是说,可省掉大约7000美元。只要被录取,就自动获得此奖学金,但只限于一年级新生,以后的学年需另外申请其他的奖学金。
- University of St. Thomas
St. Paul, MN
Name of Scholarship: Undergraduate International Student Scholarship
Value: up to 40% of tuition
Determining Factors: Academic achievement, leadership experience, goals and interests as reflected in essay
评注:私立大学。全美大学排名115左右。名叫University of St. Thomas的大学有两所,另一所在德州休斯敦。明尼苏达州的这一所的在校生约有6200人,学费为36000多美元。学校提供的国际本科生奖学金最多可支付40%的学费。申请人须写一篇短文,谈为何自己应该获得此奖学金,如为何选择此大学,参加了哪些显示领导力的活动,帮助他人与未来的计划等。
- University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS
Name of Scholarship: Regional Scholarship
Value: Full tuition
Minimum Requirements: SAT (CR+M) 1200; or GPA3.5; or ranked in top 10% of class
评注:公立大学。全美大学排名未公布。在校生约有12000名。录取率约为67%。学费约16000美元。Regional Scholarship可全免学费。最低要求:SAT (CR+M) 1200分,或GPA 3.5,或在班里的成绩在前面10%。
- Columbia College
Columbia, MO
Name of Scholarship: Presidential Scholarship
Value: Full tuition
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.5, ACT 26 (or SAT equivalent)
Determining Factors: Applicants must demonstrate high academic achievement and school/community leadership. To be considered, students must be available to attend Scholarship Day.
评注:名叫Columbia College的学校在美国有三所。这一所在密苏里州中部。它在全美有36个分部,共有学生约30000名。密苏里总部的学生有15000多名。该校学费非常便宜,2014—2015年才7115美元。也就是说,即使你拿不到奖学金,负担也不会太重。密苏里州在美国中部,生活费用相当便宜。要获得该奖学金的话,得参加该校的Scholarship Day。
- University of Missouri
Columbia, MO
Name of Scholarship: International Merit Scholarship
Value: $5,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: SAT (CR+M) 1200; TOEFL 80 or IELTS 7
评注:公立大学。全美大学排名103左右。在校生有27000多名。录取率约为78%。学费约25000美元。“国际优秀奖”每年5000美元。最低分数要求:SAT (CR+M) 1200分,或ACT 27分;托福网考80分,或雅思7分。
- Washington University-St. Louis
St. Louis, MO
Name of Scholarship: Annika Rodriguez Scholars Program
Value: Full tuition + $2,500 stipends
Determining Factors: Academic achievement (strong grades and SAT or ACT scores), a commitment to serving historically underprivileged populations, the ability to bring diverse people together, application answers and essay, and recommendations received as part of the admission application
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE
Name of Scholarship: Global Scholarships
Value: $3,500~$24,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
评注:公立大学。全美排名103左右。在校生约有2万名。录取率约为70%。学费23000多美元。国际生被录取后,学校即根据以往学习成绩来评定“全球优秀奖”(Global Scholarships)。该奖分三种:Global Laureate Scholarship(14500美元),Global Ambassador Scholarship(9500美元),Global Delegate Scholarship(3500美元)。只要保持GPA 2.0,每年修完24学分,即可获得4年。
- University of Nebraska-Omaha
Omaha, NE
Name of Scholarship: Advantage Scholarship
Value: Eliminates out-of-state tuition surcharge ($7,600~$9,600 value annually)
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
Name of Scholarship: New International Student Scholarship
Value: $6,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0
评注:公立大学。全美排名未公布。在校生有12000多名。录取率约为79%。学费19000多美元。学校给国际生的主要奖学金是“优势奖”(Advantage Scholarship),可免去州外学费,每年7600~9600美元。此外,“国际新生奖”(New International Student Scholarship),每年发放6000美元。最低分数要求都是GPA 3.0。
NH-New Hampshire新罕布什尔州
- Colby-Sawyer College
New London, NH
Name of Scholarship: Academic Scholarships
Value: $15,000~$24,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 2.8
Determining Factors: Academic Achievement (as reflected through GPA)
NJ-New Jersey新泽西州
- New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ
Name of Scholarship: International Presidential Scholarship
Value: Eliminates out-of-state tuition surcharge
Minimum Requirements: SAT (CR+M) 1150
- Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Name of Scholarship: International Award
Value: $3,500~$26,200 annually
评注:公立大学。属于纽泽西州立大学系统。全美排名72左右。在校生有34000多人。学费29000多美元。学校提供基于优秀的奖学金,最高达每年26200美元,国际生和美国公民、永久居民一样也被考虑获得此奖学金。(U.S. citizens and permanent residents as well as international students are considered for merit-based awards.)
NY-New York纽约州
- Concordia College
Bronxville, NY
Name of Scholarship: International Student Scholarships
Value: Up to $25,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic ability and family need
Name of Scholarship: IBScholarships
Value: $5,000 annually
Determining Factors: Awarded automatically to students with an IB Diploma who have earned 30 points or more
评注:名叫Concordia College的大学在美国有三所。这一所在纽约州纽约市的北面,到曼哈顿约30分钟车程。地点优势突出,各种机会很多。它在北部地区排名40左右。录取率约为74%。该校是文理学院,学费约29000美元。国际学生奖最高为每年25000美元,可支付大部分的学费。申请奖学金须另外填表。
- Long Island University
Brookville, NY
Name of Scholarship: President's Award
Value: $18,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.5; SAT (CR+M) 1300/ACT 29; TOEFL 100/IELTS 7.5
Name of Scholarship: Scholars Award
Value: $12,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.2; SAT (CR+M) 1100/ACT 24; TOEFL 90/IELTS 7.0
Name of Scholarship: Merit Award
Value: $10,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0; SAT (CR+M) 1000/ACT 21; TOEFL 80/IELTS 6.6
- Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY
Name of Scholarship: International Scholarship
Value: $6,000~$15,000 annually
- SUNY-Geneseo
Geneseo, NY
Name of Scholarship: International Student Scholarship
Value: $2,000~$6,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic Achievement
Note: Every international student admitted in 2014 received an International Student Scholarship valued at a minimum of $2,000 (except varsity athletes who are not eligible for the award)
Name of Scholarship: Scholar-in-Residence Award
Value: Cost of on-campus housing (approximately $7,000 annually)
评注:公立大学。北部地区排名14左右。纽约州立大学系统(State University of New York, SUNY)64所分校之一。在校生有5500多名。录取率约为59%。学费约为18000美元。国际生可申请各类奖学金。2014年,每个国际生都获得了至少2000美元的奖学金。该校有中文网页,你可直接上网查看有关信息。
- University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY
Name of Scholarship: The International Merit Scholarship
Value: $2,500~$15,000 annually
Number of Awards: 20~25
Minimum Requirements: SAT (CR+M) 1250/ACT 27; GPA 3.4 or equivalent
评注:公立大学。属于SUNY系统。在校生近20000人。录取率约为58%。学费为22000多美元。“国际优秀奖学金”每年的名额为20~25个。金额幅度为2500~15000美元,可获得4年。获奖最低要求:SAT (CR+M) 1250分以上,或ACT 27分以上;GPA 3.4以上。
- University of Rochester
Rochester, NY
Name of Scholarship: Merit Scholarships
Value: $2,000 to full tuition
Determining Factors: Varies by scholarship with some focusing on overall achievement, others on leadership and community. All of Rochester's many scholarships are open to international students unless stated otherwise.
NC-North Carolina北卡罗来纳州
- Duke University
Durham, NC
Name of Scholarship: Robertson Scholars
Value: Full tuition + fees + room and board + funding for up to three summer experiences
Determining Factors: Purposeful leadership, intellectual curiosity, strength of character, and collaborative spirit
- University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC
Name of Scholarship: Robertson Scholars
Value: Full tuition + fees + room and board + funding for up to three summer experiences
Determining Factors: Purposeful leadership, intellectual curiosity, strength of character, and collaborative spirit
评注:公立大学。全美排名30左右。这是一所名校,与杜克大学相邻。在校生有18000多名。录取率约为29%。学费约为33000美元。主要奖学金是Robertson Scholars,获得者可免除学杂费、食宿费,还可获得多达3个暑期的资助。这是全美唯一的跨两校的奖学金,学生可同时申请杜克大学和北卡大学教堂山分校,也可只申请后者。学生可选两所大学的课程。奖学金的评定是基于申请人的领导能力、求知欲、个性和协助精神。
- Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH
Name of Scholarship: Leadership Scholarship
Value: $2,500~$10,000 annually
Determining Factors: Leadership in academic and extracurricular pursuits
Name of Scholarship: Milton A. and Roslyn Z. Wolf Scholarship
Value: Full tuition + fees + room & board + books + elective summer experiences
Determining Factors: Character, leadership potential, academic performance, intellect, and accomplishments
Name of Scholarship: Creative Achievement Awards
Value: $10,000 annually
Determining Factors: Based on excellence in music or studio art as demonstrated through a portfolio or video audition
评注:私立大学。全美大学排名37左右。录取率约为38%。学费约为45000美元。你若没有什么资金的话,就得申请全奖的Milton A. and Roslyn Z. Wolf Scholarship。
- Hiram College
Hiram, OH
Name of Scholarship: Global Scholarship
Value: $1,000~$10,000 annually
Determining Factors: Holistic application review
- Kent State University
Kent, OH
Name of Scholarship: International Freshman Scholarship
Amount: Varies
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.6; SAT (CR+M) 1210/ACT 26; TOEFL 71 or IELTS 6.0 or higher
- University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
Name of Scholarship: Global Scholarship
Value: $1,000~$25,000 (full tuition) annually
Minimum Requirements: SAT (CR+M) 1200/ACT 27; TOEFL 79/IELTS 6.5, or ELS 112
评注:公立大学。全美排名140左右。在校生有24000多人。录取率约为76%。学费约为26000美元。Global Scholarship是基于优秀的奖学金,最大数额可以抵免全部学费。考分要求:SAT (CR+M) 1200分以上,或ACT 27分以上;托福网考79分以上,或雅思6.5(各部分至少5.5),或ELS 112分以上;通过辛辛那提大学的数学考试。
- Portland State University
Portland, OR
Name of Scholarship: International Achievement Scholarship
Value: Up to $4,500 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.5
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
- University of Oregon
Eugene, OR
Name of Scholarship: International Cultural Service Program (ICSP) Tuition Scholarships
Value: $7,000~$27,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic merit, ability to make presentations to diverse groups of people, and financial need. Recipients are asked to give presentations about their home country to children, community organizations, and University of Oregon affiliates
Number of Awards: 30~40
Name of Scholarship: IDEA Scholarship
Value: $6,000~$8,000 annually
Note: This award is open to all international students, however, students who have completed the full International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma will automatically receive the IDEA scholarship
Name of Scholarship: Summit and Apex Scholarships
Value: $4,000~$9,000 annually
Determining Factors: GPA and test scores
Name of Scholarship: Jim and Jean Tattersall International Student Scholarship
Value: $1,000~$3,000 annually
Name of Scholarship: Pressman Family Scholarship
Value: $1,000 annually
评注:私立大学。全美排名103左右。在校生有20000多名。录取率约为75%。学费为30000多美元。学校提供多种奖学金。“国际文化服务(ICSP)奖学金”的金额幅度为每年7000~27000美元,名额为30~40个。IDEA Scholarship,额度为每年6000~8000美元,面向所有国际生,但获得“国际文凭”(IB)的学生会自动获得此奖学金。Summit and Apex Scholarships,额度为每年4000~9000美元,评定主要依据GPA和SAT或ACT的成绩。
- University of Portland
Portland, OR
Name of Scholarship: International Student Scholarship
Value: $4,000~$6,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.0
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
评注:私立大学。西部地区排名7左右。在校生约有3700名。录取率约为63%。学费为40000多美元。国际生的奖学金金额根据申请人的GPA成绩来定:GPA 3.0~3.25,4000美元;GPA 3.26~3.75,5000美元;GPA 3.76~4.0,6000美元。
- Juniata College
Huntingdon, PA
Name of Scholarship: International Friendship Award
Value: $2,000 annually
Name of Scholarship: Merit-Based Scholarships
Value: $2,000~$20,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
RI-Rhode Island罗得岛州
- Johnson & Wales University
Providence, RI
Name of Scholarship: Merit-Based Academic Scholarships
Value: $1,000~$5,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
SC-South Carolina南卡罗莱那州
- Coastal Carolina University
Conway, SC
Name of Scholarship: Presidential Scholarship
Value: $11,000 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.75; SAT (CR+M) 1400/ACT 32/TOEFL 107
Name of Scholarship: Coastal, Provost, and President's Award
Value: $6,000~$9,500 annually
Minimum Requirements: GPA 3.5; SAT (CR+M) 1100/ACT 24/TOEFL 80
- East Tennessee State University
Johnson City, TN
Name of Scholarship: International Students Academic Merit Scholarship Award
Value: 50% of total out-of-state tuition and maintenance fees
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
评注:公立大学。学费相对便宜,州外学费约为18000美元。若拿到奖学金,便可免去一半学杂费。需要上网填写Scholarship Application Form。该校现有本科生11000多名。录取率约为92%,也就是说,你若成绩平平,这所大学仍会张开臂膀欢迎你。该校所在州是田纳西州,东面就是弗吉尼亚州和北卡州,今后的发展机会较多。
- Sewanee-University of the South
Sewanee, TN
Name of Scholarship: International Student Grant Program
Value: $5,000~$40,000 annually (full tuition + fees + room & board)
- Texas Wesleyan University
Fort Worth, TX
Name of Scholarship: International Undergraduate Scholarships
Value: $4,000~$12,000 annually
评注:公立大学。西部地区排名48左右。在校生有1900多名。录取率约为38%。学费约为24000美元。国际生每年最多可获得12000美元奖学金。所在城市Fort Worth毗邻达拉斯,当地生活费较低,住校与食宿每年大约需要7200美元。如果住校外,费用会更便宜。
- University of Vermont
Burlington, VT
Name of Scholarship: International Scholarships
Value: Up to $17000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
评注:公立大学,全美大学排名89左右。在校生约有11000人,学费为38000多美元。给国际生的奖学金分三种:International Distinction Scholarship(17000美元),International Excellence Scholarship(12000美元),International Merit Scholarship(6000美元)。要求:第一年的GPA 2.8,接下来每学期至少修12学分,且GPA 3.0。
- University of Richmond
Richmond, VA
Name of Scholarship: Richmond Scholars Program
Value: Full tuition + $3,000 supplemental grant + priority course registration guaranteed on-campus housing
Determining Factors: Academic achievement, leadership, ambition, enthusiasm, extracurricular involvement and excellence
- University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Name of Scholarship: Jefferson Scholarship
Value: Full tuition + fees + books + room & board + supplies + personal expenses
Minimum Requirements: Applicants must be nominated by their schools
Determining Factors: Academic abilities and exceptional leadership talents
评注:托马斯-杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)创立的名校。公立大学,全美大学排名26左右。在校生有16000多人,学费近44000美元。杰斐逊奖学金涵盖学杂费、书本费、食宿费、文具及个人花费,金额超过56000美元。评定标准包括学术成绩和出色的领导才干等。
- Lawrence University
Appleton, WI
Name of Scholarship: Merit Scholarship
Value: $5,000~$20,000 annually
Determining Factors: Academic achievement
DC-Dist. of Columbia哥伦比亚特区(首府华盛顿)
- American University
Washington, DC
Name of Scholarship: Emerging Global Leader Scholarship
Value: Full tuition; room & board
Number of Awards: 1
Determining Factors: Academic excellence, leadership development, and global engagement
- George Washington University
Washington, DC
Name of Scholarship: Merit Scholarships
Value: Up to full tuition
Determining Factors: Academic accomplishments
Name of Scholarship: Presidential International Scholarship
Value: Up to full tuition