Unit1 Summarize of Mould Technology 模具技术概述
1.1 Role and Type of Mould 模具的作用及类型
1.1.1 Mould Role in Industrial Production 模具在工业生产中的作用
Mould(mold) is the foundational process equipment of industrial production, is the mother of industry.In industrial production, all kinds of parts or products are obtained by machining or mould forming, including mould based on their specific shape and through certain way makes raw materials conform to the required shape parts or products.For example, stamping and forging are acquired by the way that metal materials occur plastic deformation in the mould.Metal squeeze casting, powder metallurgy parts and non-metallic products such as plastic, ceramic, rubber, glass etc., the vast majority are in mould forming.Because the mould forming has characteristics of high quality, high yield, save material and low cost, so the mould has become one of the important process equipment that is used most widely in modern industrial production.That technique and technology is used in mould forming so that processes parts have been used extremely extensively in various fields of national economy, especially in the automobile, tractor, aerospace, instrument and meter, machinery manufacturing, petrochemical industry, household electrical appliances, daily necessities of light industry and other industrial departments.The products with mould have high precision, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption, is can’t be matched by other manufacture methods. 模具是工业生产的基础工艺装备,是工业之母。在工业生产中,各类零件或产品都是通过机械加工或模具成形而获得的,其中模具是以其特定的形状并通过一定的方式使原材料成为符合所需形状的零件或产品的。例如,冲压件和锻件是通过冲压或锻造方式使金属材料在模具内发生塑性变形而获得的制件;金属压铸件、粉末冶金零件以及塑料、陶瓷、橡胶、玻璃等非金属制品,绝大多数也是用模具成形而获得的。由于模具成形具有优质、高产、省料和低成本的特点,所以模具已成为当代工业生产中使用最为广泛的重要工艺装备之一。利用模具成形来加工零部件的技术和工艺已在国民经济各个领域,特别是汽车、拖拉机、航空航天、仪器仪表、机械制造、石油化工、家用电器、轻工日用品等工业部门得到极为广泛的应用。用模具生产制件所具备的高精度、高复杂程度、高一致性、高生产率和低消耗,是其他加工制造方法所不能比拟的。
According to the prediction of the international technology association, in industrial field in the world, 75% of rough machining of the mechanical parts and 50% of finishing parts can be complete by mould.In the meantime, the mould is“benefit amplifier”, the value of the final product with mould, is often several times or even one hundred times of mould’s own value. 根据国际生产技术协会的预测,在世界工业生产领域内,机械零件粗加工的75%和精加工的50%都可以用模具来完成。同时,模具又是“效益放大器”,用模具生产的最终产品的价值,往往是模具自身价值的几十倍甚至上百倍。
The high-low of the mould manufacturing technology level has become one of the important marks which measures manufacturing level of a country, because the mould decides the quality of products, benefits and development capability of new product in a large part.Not only that, but many of the development of modern industry and the improvement of technical level depends on the development level of die and mould industry in a large part.Today, die and mould industry is gradually becoming independent industry to keep pace with the machine tool industry, become an important part of modern industrial production and technology development direction, become the important basis for the development of national economy. 模具制造技术水平已成为衡量一个国家机械制造水平的重要标志之一,因为模具在很大程度上决定着产品的质量、效益和新产品的开发能力。不仅如此,许多现代工业的发展和技术水平的提高,在很大程度上都取决于模具工业的发展水平。如今,模具制造业正逐步成为与机床工业并驾齐驱的独立行业,成为当代工业生产的重要组成部分和工艺发展的方向,成为国民经济发展的重要基础。
1.1.2 Mould and the Type of Mould 模具及模具的类型
Mould is made of the mechanical parts.It is a forming tool that with match of the corresponding pressure forming machines, such as punching machine, plastic injection machine, die-casting machine, etc., can be directly changing the shape, size, position and nature of the metal or nonmetal material, makes them forming qualified parts or semi-finished products. 模具是由机械零件构成的,在与相应的压力成形机械(如冲压机、塑料注射机、压铸机等)相配合时,可直接改变金属或非金属材料的形状、尺寸、相对位置和性质,使之成形为合格制件或半成品的成形工具。
Mould is basic process equipment of the forming parts of metal, plastic, rubber, glass, ceramic etc.Many parts must use mould to take shape.Mould used the flow and deformation of materials to get the parts with required shape and size, so it can realize less chip, non-chip, saving raw materials. 模具是成形金属、塑料、橡胶、玻璃、陶瓷等制件的基础工艺装备。许多制件必须用模具才能成形。模具常利用材料的流动、变形获得所需形状和尺寸的制件,因此可实现少切屑、无切屑,节约了原材料。
Many different kinds of mould are there.According to the forming characteristics of the material in the mould, mould can be divided into two types of cold die and cavity mould. 模具的种类很多,按材料在模具内成形的特点,模具可分为冷冲模及型腔模两大类型。