第4章 写给未来的自己
Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes in to us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands, and hopes we've learned something from yesterday.
—John Wayne
Bend, but Don't Break 弯曲,但不折断
Ralph Manuel
One of my fondest memories as a child is going by the river and sitting idly on the bank. There I would enjoy the peace and quiet, watch the water rush downstream, and listen to the chirps of birds and the rustling of leaves in the trees. I would also watch the bamboo trees bend under pressure from the wind and watch them return gracefully to their upright or original position after the wind had died down.
When I think about the bamboo tree's ability to bounce back or return to it's original position, the word resilience① comes to mind. When used in reference to a person this word means the ability to readily recover from shock, depression or any other situation that stretches the limits of a person's emotions.
Have you ever felt like you are about to snap? Have you ever felt like you are at your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived the experience to live to talk about it.
During the experience you probably felt a mix of emotions that threatened your health. You felt emotionally drained, mentally exhausted and you most likely endured unpleasant physical symptoms.
Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The next time you are experiencing one of those bad times or unhappy moments that take you close to your breaking point, bend but don't break. Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you.
A measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant ordeal②. With hope for a better tomorrow or a better situation, things may not be as bad as they seem to be. The unpleasant ordeal may be easier to deal with if the end result is worth having.
If the going gets tough and you are at your breaking point, show resilience. Like the bamboo tree, bend, but don't break!
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.
—Leo Tolstoy
①resilience [ri'ziliəns] n. 适应力;弹性
②ordeal [ɔ:'di:əl] n. 严酷的考验;痛苦的经验
Stutter 口吃
Madison G., Alhambra, CA
My name is M-m-m-adison. That has always been a particularly difficult word for my lips to form, especially on unexpected occasions. In my mind I know exactly what I want to say and when and how I want to say it, but every now and then my words stumble① out in repetitive prolonged syllables accompanied by grimacing and pursed lips in a futile attempt to "push" the words out.
I have coped with stuttering my entire life, a problem that often goes unnoticed by those around me since I possess this speech impediment② to a very limited degree and experience it only in certain situations. However, it has wielded the same impact on my life as if I had it to its full extent. There have been times when I have wanted to rip my vocal cords from my throat in frustration, not understanding why I cannot speak with ease like those around me.
For many years I have worn a mask, one giving the appearance of fluency and normalcy. I've made a relatively successful attempt to hide my stutter, assuming the world had no desire to hear flawed or imperfect speech. I've kept it hidden by avoiding situations where I run the risk of stuttering. I have always striven for perfection in all other areas of my life, futilely attempting to compensate for my problem.
I exhausted myself. The obsessive drive that fueled my determination to shut out and ignore a festering disability started to corrode me from the inside out. The lies and deception usually strangled and suffocated me more than my stuttering ever did during a block or period of disfluency. Denial was the crutch upon which I rested, an unstable one that finally gave way this past year. I reached a breaking point, unable to withstand the pressure of pretending to be somebody I was not. After years of refusing to seek help, I was forced to acknowledge that there was, in fact, a problem.
My speech therapist extended her hand to me, hoisting me up. She is a woman who stutters severely herself but is unashamed and unapologetic when speaking at her achingly slow pace. She stumbles over certain words and at times experiences difficulties, yet perseveres through each sentence.
Entering her office that first time, we watched a videotape of her giving a speech in a college class, neck craned and grimacing, stuttering uncontrollably for ten minutes straight. It reminded me of me. I had never identified with anyone like I did with her in that moment. I discovered that I really wasn't alone after all.
Her office is a sanctuary, a place where I will not be judged for my imperfect speech. It's a safe heaven where I won't receive curious or impolite stares from those who don't understand what it's like to struggle with the simplest daily task—a place where I can stutter to my heart's content.
I've finally found my way. I accept that I have this disability and consider myself blessed to be a stutterer. I feel privileged to be among those who are disabled because we are able to appreciate certain abilities normally taken for granted. We know what it's like at times to find ourselves without them.
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame.—Bob Moawad
人生最美好的事莫过于决定过自己的人生,没有歉疚或借口,也不倚靠、依赖或责怪他人。—— 鲍勃·莫瓦德
① stumble [ˈstʌmbəl] v. 踌躇,蹒跚;失足;犯错
② impediment [ɪmˈpedɪmənt] n. 口吃;妨碍;阻止
Don't Let Anger Get the Best of You 管理你的愤怒情绪
Winifred Yu Walking
You're late for a job interview when traffic slows to a crawl. At the supermarket, a customer wheeling a full cart cuts ahead of you in the express check-out line. You spend months on a make-it or break-it project, and your lazy colleague lands the promotion.
Feel that burn? Before you implode with rage or erupt into a tantrum①, take a deep breath and remember this: Anger hurts. Study after study has found that high levels of anger and hostility are associated with greater risk for heart disease, poor immune responses, and even a propensity② for obesity. Men with high anger scores were three times more likely to develop heart disease than their calmer cohorts, a Harvard School of Public Health study found. And in women, arguments with spouses raise hormone levels and lower immunity—a real problem, since lower immune response may boost women's risk of cancer.
Anger unleashes a torrent of hormones that wreak havoc③ on our circulatory and immune systems. When we are angry, our fight-or-flight response prompts our adrenal glands to send out an extra jolt of adrenaline and cortisol. The two hormones then cause the heart rate to speed up, blood pressure to soar, and the immune system to slow down—all helpful responses if you're going to fight or flee, but not if you're going to stand and seethe.
The extra hormones also cause blood platelets to clump and fat cells to empty into the bloodstream. Then, when the extra energy isn't used, the liver converts the fat into cholesterol. Extra cholesterol creates plaque in the arterial walls, which, over time, raises the risk for heart disease. To make matters worse, hostile people are more likely to overeat, smoke, and drink too much alcohol, studies have found.
It doesn't seem to matter whether you release the anger or hold it in, experts say. The effects on your health are the same. "Anger is anger," says Redford Williams, M.D., director of the Behavioral Medicine Research Center at Duke University Medical Center and co-author of the book Life Skills. "Both are harmful to health."
The good news is, it is possible to control your anger. "By evaluating it and using various techniques, you can talk yourself out of it," Williams says. "That's what's nice about us humans: We can always do something or not do something to change our behavior."
Take stock
Many people who are angry don't recognize themselves as angry, according to Knoxville psychologist Richard Driscoll. He suggests that you ask yourself these questions to measure your anger quotient④: Do you feel as if you are frequently mistreated by others? Do you often consider minor inconveniences to be personal attacks against you? Do you complain often? Do you exaggerate the actions of others or take their affronts⑤ personally? On the road, do you frequently curse other drivers, to the point that driving has become unpleasant?
Keep a record
Many people are unaware of what ticks them off, says Jerry Deffenbacher, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of Colorado in Fort Collins. "For lots of us, our anger sort of happens," he says. "We don't know what it comes from. We're just on automatic pilot."
To get a better sense of what makes you mad, keep a journal of situations that rile⑥ you. Reflect on why they set you off and make you feel wronged. Ask yourself honestly whether your anger is justified. By writing down feelings and situations, you'll become more aware of the events that get your ire and maybe even avoid them.
Change or accept
When you feel anger welling up, take a change-it or accept-it approach. If, for example, your neighbor's garbage is fluttering into your yard yet again, it's time to put your problem-solving skills into motion. Calmly discuss the situation, and look for ways to change it.
If you can't do anything about the situation—the rude driver who just cut you off has left the scene—work to put your anger on hold right then and there. Accept that you can't do anything about it, take some deep breaths, and move on to something else.
Don't take it personally
How many times have you said to yourself, "That shouldn't have happened to me" or "I don't deserve that"? Such thinking can easily set off angry feelings. But smart people realize that, sometimes, the water-on-the-back-of-a-duck approach is the best way to deal with many of life's unfairnesses.
"Many of us have a God-like or little-kid-like mentality that we shouldn't be imposed upon, frustrated, or have things happen to us," Deffenbacher says. "That's a demanding kind of thinking. Fact is, you're going to have your base rate of crummy things happen to you." The better able you are to accept that, the less angry you'll be.
Stop dwelling on the past
If you still remember a minor infraction long after it happened, it's time to let go. Life has moved on, and so should you. Practice understanding people who have dealt you minor wrongs. Think of the problem as having been caused by the situation, not the person. If it's a more serious matter, such as childhood abuse or an unfaithful spouse, consider seeing a therapist to help you work through and release the pain, says Susan Heitler, Ph.D., a psychologist in Denver.
Adjust your routine
If you've been keeping track of your anger, you know what sets you off. Use that information to avoid upsetting situations. For instance, if you know that the grocery store is crowded on weekends, shop after work. By avoiding frustrating situations, you dodge anger.
Ultimately, the ways you react to upsetting situations and express your anger come from a combination of several factors, including genetics⑦, upbringing, and culture. Your response also varies by day, depending on your mood and even how tired you are.
Fortunately, angry people can learn to become happy people. "We just have this personality type that sometimes gets us into trouble," Williams says. "You'll always have that tendency to get angry. But you can probably control it enough to keep it from damaging your health."
专家认为,将愤怒释放出来或将其掩藏在心里似乎并没有太大区别,两者对健康的影响是相同的。“愤怒就是愤怒,” 杜克大学医学中心行为医学研究中心主任、《生活技能》合著者雷德福·威廉姆斯博士说道,“两者都有害健康。”
Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones.—Phillips Brooks
①tantrum ['tæntrəm] n. 发脾气,发怒
②propensity [prə'pensiti] n. 倾向;习性
③havoc ['hævək] n. 大破坏;混乱
④quotient ['kwəuʃənt] n. 份额
⑤affronts [ə'frʌnt] n. 侮辱
⑥rile [rail] v. 激怒
⑦genetics [dʒi'netiks] n. 遗传学
Standing Tall on a Surfboard in Midlife 中年冲浪第一课
Mike Gordon
A wave rose behind me, but it was barely a swell. If I had been standing instead of lying on a surfboard, it might have been tall enough to splash① my calves.
Still, I stroked the water like a man about to be swallowed by a shark. If the board was moving, I couldn't tell. I started to think this was an awful idea, that maybe this was not meant to be.
Maybe I had waited too long to learn how to surf.
Middle-aged egos can be painful to watch. A man can turn forty, spot a few gray hairs and do all kinds of things to prove he's still younger. Some men have affairs with leggy redheads, others start jogging. I decided to make good on a promise I made to myself when I was twelve.
I was going to learn to surf.
I often told myself it wasn't right to have grown up in Hawaii and not have learned how to surf. All my life, this concept got steady reinforcement. Everywhere, I saw people with surfboards—young people, old people, men, women. Once, I saw a five-year-old "carving wave". Another time, I saw a dog "hang ten". How hard could it be to learn this?
And yet, I didn't do anything about it. Instead, I made excuses about not having enough time and not knowing anyone who would teach me.
Then I saw a yellow flyer for a surf school in Waikiki, and the child in me spoke up, telling me it was time.
That was how I found myself floating off Diamond Head at a surf break called Tonggs. My arms were stroking the water as if my life had no other purpose. The wave scooped me up as my instructor grabbed the back of my surfboard and gave me a quick shove② forward.
I was moving, but I wasn't surfing. Before I could persuade myself to react, the ride was over. I'd blown it on my first attempt.
My instructor didn't know what to make of this. Then he shoved my board toward shore so quickly, I thought he was angry. "Paddle, now!" he shouted.
What happened next didn't take long: I stood up. I fell down. The wave passed me by.
Each new wave generated the same result: a wipeout with all the grace of a drunken belly flop.
Another wave rose like a dare. And then it happened. It was over in twenty seconds, but I'll remember it forever. Even if it never happens again.
I'll remember the sky was slightly overcast, and the ocean was an undulating③ slab of gray-blue, streaked with white breakers. I'll remember the taste of salt water on my lips and the ache between my shoulder blades.
But most of all, I'll remember that I stood up. I surfed.
You may avoid suffering and sorrow if you don't risk, but you simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live.—Bob Proctor
①splash [splæʃ] v. 溅(湿);报道
②shove [ʃʌv] n. 推;挤
③undulating ['ʌndjə.letiŋ] a. 波状的
The Greatest Gift We Can Give to Our Children 给孩子最珍贵的礼物
Leslie Karen Lobell
This past year—and the soon to end Year of The Golden Dragon on the Chinese calendar (considered a very lucky year for bearing children)—seemed to bring a baby boom to many places, including my island home of Providenciales. On days when I am able to enjoy the luxury of morning coffee at a favorite outdoor café, I often see mothers carrying infants as young children run around the plaza, full of energy and excitement. Though not a mother myself, (I am a proud aunt of two bright and beautiful nieces), I cannot help but smile back at the beaming faces and feel the tug these young girls and boys have on my heartstrings. I always pray that these young ones will hold onto their exuberance: the passion and curiosity with which they approach life.
Children are so full of joy, hopes, and dreams. They are spontaneous and creative. Sometimes they say or do things that make adults burst into laughter (or occasionally lead a parent to feel embarrassed), because we recognize that the child has not yet learned a particular rule of social etiquette. There is something so wonderful about how young children are directly connected to their essence, before the lessons and the inevitable pain of life experience lead them to hide that essence under layers of protection.
As a therapist, often my job is to get people back in touch with that essence. They have buried it so well, so carefully, that they cannot even find it themselves. Getting in touch with that essence, and allowing it to show again, is inextricably linked to self-love. When we love ourselves, we love our core, our essence, and we bring forth more of that vital part of ourselves into our daily lives. It probably would not be an exaggeration to say that over 95% of the problems that clients bring to therapy—be it relationship problems, depression and anxiety, substance abuse, career indecision, or general dissatisfaction with one's personal or professional life—have some link (often a primary one) to a lack of self-love. This lack of self-love generally begins in childhood. When teenagers or adults walk into my office for counseling, I often think, "If only we could catch them sooner…"
To develop self-love, children need to know that they are loved, unconditionally. Many children fear they will be "kicked out" or abandoned if they do not behave in ways that please their parents. Children need to know that their parents love them, even when the parents do not approve of the child's behavior. Children need consistency① from their parents: They need to feel that they are on a solid foundation, and that their place in the family is secure. Children need both to see the actions and hear the words to reassure them of their parents' love. A big birthday gift from a parent who never says, "I love you" can feel like a bribe to a child. Similarly, when a parent forgets to pick up the child from school or doesn't plan anything special for the child's birthday, the child may hear an "I love you" from that parent as empty words. Many parents assume that their children "just know" that they love them, when this is not always the case.
Some people believe that the most important thing to give a child is the "best education money can buy". I disagree (although an excellent education is very high on my list). I do believe we should "teach them well and let them lead the way". We should give our children the best education possible (both in and out of the classroom). We must share with them our sense of values and ethics, and encourage their curiosity to learn and explore on their own. Once we have given our children a solid foundation and the basic knowledge and tools they need, we need to let go and trust them to create their own lives, make their own mistakes, have their own successes, and follow their own destiny②. We need to let them blossom on their own. I think for many parents the greatest challenge is to learn how to give guidance and at the same time allow their children to be themselves, to have their own lives and follow their own dreams.
More important than giving a child a proper formal education is to foster the child's self-esteem. A child with a great education who lacks a sense of self-confidence and self-trust will rarely become a happy adult, whether or not he or she is "successful" in the material sense. However, a child who has grown to love himself or herself, will be motivated to learn or do whatever it takes to be successful and happy in life. As we must learn to love ourselves, so, too, must we encourage our children to love themselves, to trust their instincts and intuition, to know and express "the beauty they possess inside". If we give our children love that is unconditional, then they feel worthy of love; this is a key ingredient③ for them to develop a sense of self-love. Therefore, I believe that unconditional love is the greatest gift we can give to our children.
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.—Oscar Wilde
①consistency [kən'sistənsi] n.连贯,一致性,强度,硬度,浓稠度
②destiny['destini] n.命运
③ingredient[in'gri:diənt] n.成分,原料,配料, 因素
A Letter to Myself 10 Years Down the Road 致十年后的自己的一封信(一)
Dear Red,
You've been with hubby for 19 years now…are we happily celebrating our 15th anniversary? Do you still snuggle in the mornings before work or give each other head massages when you're stressed? Do you still make each other laugh? Does he still refuse to let you cook the main meals because he "fears death", oh, and does he still over-compliment your sandwiches in an attempt to get you to make them instead? Most importantly, are you two still in love?
If you answered no to any of these, you should work on that. Laugh more. Loosen up. Unless of course he did something supremely crappy①. Then you should…never mind…leave no proof.
So, did we change our minds on the kid front? If we didn't, do we have more dogs? If we did, I hope he or she is healthy and not a pain-in-the-butt like you were. I would hate for Mom to have been right. You know any kid you have is going to be a smart-ass, right? I wouldn't have it any other way. Is hubby a great dad? I bet he surprised himself.
How is our money looking? Did BFS take off? Is the house paid off as planned? Did hubby talk you into trading up yet? I hope not. Stick to your guns and keep his mind off it. You know how…buy him some board games or something. (Haha, you didn't think that was what I was going to say.)
Anyway, are we still on track to retire in 15 more years? If not, why? I don't want to work into our 60's, do you?
Are you still a nice person? Have you made someone random② smile today? I hope we still have a good sense of humor. I also hope we still help others. If you haven't volunteered for a while, schedule that for this weekend. You know you want to and there are a ton of places that appreciate our time.
Okay, please make sure that you make the rest of our life fun. Love hubby some more, you know he's crazy about you. Make a silly joke or use that kid voice we always fall into. If you haven't been silly lately, man up and try it out. You know we love to laugh.
Red at 27…the one who hopes we had a great 10 years…
That was fun. Do any of you have any comments or questions for your future selves?
The purpose of our lives is to give birth to the best which is within us.—Marianne Williamson
①crappy ['kræpi] a. 蹩脚的;没价值的;讨厌的
②random ['rændəm] a. 任意的;随机的;随意的
Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years 致十年后的自己的一封信(二)
Dear Ninja,
Holy Crap. It's 2020! Are there flying cars? Do you have a robot maid? Has the world come to an end? I guess if it had, you wouldn't be able to tell me anyways.
Seriously though, you are pushing 35 right now which means A) you have gray hair on your head, or B) you are balding. Depressing stuff huh? I have a few matters of business that I need to discuss with you.
1) Girl Ninja:
Dude you have been married for 10 years now! Have you been honoring your wife? Loving her for her benefit and not yours? Have you told her you think she is beautiful today? If not, you have some serious business that needs to get taken care of, mister. In fact, why don't you stop reading this letter right now and call her to tell her how much you appreciate her. I assume you two have gone through some pretty major fights over the years, but I have faith that you both remain committed to love. Remember love is not a fight, but it's something worth fighting for.
2) Kids:
Barring no major medical complications, it's safe to assume you probably have at least 2 kids, hopefully all boys (only kidding…sort of). Are you sticking to your commitment to be a good dad? Does your job allow you to cut out early to catch your kids youth soccer game? If not, it's time for you to start looking for a new job. I, meaning you, refuse to work in an industry that overtakes my family life. Do not compromise① this. Ever.
3) Finances:
Do you remember that silly blog you started after you graduated college? No? You don't? It was Punch Debt In The Face. Remember how clever you thought you were when you came up with that name? While you are most likely no longer blogging, I do hope that you have been continually growing in your knowledge of personal finance. You are debt free right? I swear if you still have that stupid Sallie Mae loan there is going to be hell to pay. More important than your individual journey through personal finance, how has the walk with Girl Ninja been? Do you sit down and talk money at least once a month? Does she know how much money you all have in savings? I hope that you have tamed your intense passion for PF and found a way to communicate finances with Girl Ninja in a way that benefits the both of you.
4) Fun:
Seriously man, you better still have a sense of humor and an excitement about life. I know as you grow older your responsibilities increase, but that doesn't mean you can't have a good time. What have you done lately that has given you an adrenaline② rush? Are you involved in things that make you smile? Remember you were voted your high school's best sense of humor, I hope you still live up to that silly award every single day.
If you haven't succeeded in these four areas, you have fallen short of your life goals. This letter is a reminder, that the 24 year old you, had an expectation to live a fulfilling and rewarding life. If that is not the case at the time you are reading this, you only have yourself to blame.
Your much younger and better looking self
P.S. You currently weigh 180lbs, if you are tipping the 200 mark I'm gonna come cut the excess baggage off of you.
1. 女孩忍者
2. 孩子们
3. 财务方面
4. 生活乐趣
①compromise ['kɔmprəmaiz] v. 妥协处理,危害,妥协, 让步
②adrenaline [ə'drenəlin] n. 肾上腺素(使激动兴奋等)
A Letter to Myself in 10 Years
Many, many people write letters to their past selves, advising their earlier selves to avoid mistakes that they've made. I thought it might be interesting to take the opposite approach and write myself a letter today to read on my fortieth birthday.
Dear Trent,
Today is your fortieth birthday. Your son is twelve years old, your daughter is ten years old, and you've been married for fifteen years. Right now, I can scarcely① believe that's possible. I don't know what frustrations and joys you will have experienced between now and then, but I just wanted to pop in with a little reminder of the things you value now, so that maybe you'll sit down and use your fortieth birthday as an opportunity to really look at your life and make sure that it's still centered around the things that you value.
I guess that's the first thing I want to say. Right now, take a few hours and set it aside to really reflect on your life. You probably don't remember the day to day realities of your life when your daughter was a newborn and your son was two, but you spent it working full time at a job and at two side businesses, plus you devoted time to your children and your wife, spent time on your hobbies, and still squeezed in a bit of time for reflection, too. The times in your life that you've been melancholic② have been the same ones where you failed to take time to reflect on things. So, take that time right now. Go for a walk in the woods and think about where you're at right now.
When you get back, do these things.
Take that wonderful wife of yours, the mother of your children, into your arms, give her a kiss, look her straight in the eyes, and tell her that you love her. Right now, she is the emotional center of your life, and even if that has changed somewhat in the intervening ten years, let me assure you that right now, as I write this, she is the reason to get up in the morning. Don't let little aggravations③ get in the way of things.
Give each of your children a hug, too. You and your wife used to spend every evening completely devoted to them, and they've likely grown into interesting people as well. You're probably wondering where the time went, and asking yourself when your son turned into a budding young man and your daughter transformed from a soft, snuggly little baby into a nuanced and thriving child. Hug them both, and don't let these last few years of their childhood slip past. Take some extra time to spend with them, and never hesitate to let them know that you love them.
Think about what you really want to do. Right now, I'm planning on spending much of my thirties making the strongest possible foundation I can for you, one of financial security for you and your wife and those kids. Why? So you can do some amazing things now. Go on a few deeply memorable vacations in the next few years. Take your family and visit every continent in the world. Do some things that will build your family's connections, but also enable your children to grow and see new things. I've spent much of my time over the last few years worrying about how I will be able to take care of those children, but they're growing up now and the worry should be less, so use those resources you've got to experience some new things.
Right now, our family's plan is to build a new house when I'm about your age. We want to build it out in the country, and we've already started planning for it financially. Ask yourself seriously, is this still the dream? Talk about it as a family, and then use those financial resources in whatever way you think is the most valuable for you.
Most of all, never, ever stop dreaming. Your dreams of writing made The Simple Dollar possible and has (hopefully) led to some great writing opportunities over the last decade. Don't stop. Listen to what your heart is telling you and do it. You should be close to complete financial freedom now—take that leap and just run with whatever it is that's in your heart.
One final thing: she still wants to go on that Bahamas trip, you know. See if you can leave the kids with her parents for a week or two and just go. It will probably be the best thing you guys have done since, well, your honeymoon.
Best wishes,
Your twenty nine year old self
No matter where my life goes between now and then, the contents of that letter will mean something when I read it again in 2018.
①scarcely ['skɛəsli] adv.几乎不,简直不,刚刚,决不
②melancholic ['melən'kɔlik] a.忧郁的,忧郁症的
aggravation ['ægrəv'eiʃən] n.更恶化,加厉,恼怒,恼人的事
Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.
美丽英文袖珍馆 第1辑:
1.《假如人生不曾相遇》 刘育红 编译
2.《拥抱此刻的阳光》 彭 芳 编译
3.《成功是一种选择》 冯铃之 编译
4.《让爱在心里成长》 冯铃之 编译
5.《动物们教会我的事》 蒋云南 编译
6.《心灵深处的音乐》 刘育红 编译
美丽英文袖珍馆 第2辑:
7.《童年是孤单的冒险》 詹少晶 编译
8.《青春是华丽的旅行》 詹少晶 编译
9.《爱是最美丽的语言》 詹少晶 编译
10.《世界上最感人的书信》 詹翠琴 编译
11.《别处的风景》 王婉俊 编译
12.《成长是不可替代的事》 牛小蹊 编译
美丽英文袖珍馆 第3辑:
13.《那些震撼世界的声音》 满 屹 编译
14.《那些改变未来的身影》 张 露 编译
15.《无法忘却的电影对白》 冯铃之 编译
16.《童话若有张不老的脸》 胡燕娟 编译
17.《一个人,也能有好时光》 冯铃之 编译
18.《那一年,我们一起毕业》 徐玲燕 编译
美丽英文袖珍馆 第4辑:
19.《世界上最美的情书》 余 莉 编译
20.《遇见成功的自己》 陈微微 编译
21.《那些激励我前行的睿思》 张 露 编译
22.《那些触动我心扉的故事》 李 影 编译
23.《致十年后的自己》 何之遥 编译
24.《快乐是自找的》 胡潇俊 编译