1.4.6 设计色彩方法
1 色color
2 光谱spectrum
3 物体色object color
4 固有色propor color
5 色料coloring material
6 色觉三色学说three-component theory
7 心理纯色unique color
8 拮抗色学说opponent color theory
9 色觉的阶段模型stage model of the
color perception
10 色彩混合color mixing
11 基本感觉曲线trisimulus valus curves
12 牛顿色环Newton's color cycle
13 色矢量color vector
14 三原色three primary colors
15 色空间color space
16 色三角形color triangle
17 测色colourimetry
18 色度chromaticity
19 XYZ表色系XYZ color system
20 实色与虚色real color and imaginary color
21 色等式color equation
22 等色实验color matching experiment
23 色温color temperature
24 色温轨迹color temperature locus
25 色彩三属性three attributes of color
26 色相hue
27 色相环color cycle
28 明度value
29 彩度chrome
30 环境色environmental color
31 有彩色chromatic color
32 无彩色achromatic colors
33 明色light color
34 暗色dark color
35 中明色middle light color
36 清色clear color
37 浊色dull color
38 补色complementary color
39 类似色analogous color
40 一次色primary color
41 二次色secondary color
42 色立体color solid
43 色票color sample
44 孟塞尔表色系Munsell's color system
45 奥斯特瓦德表色系Ostwald's color system
46 日本色研色体系practical color co-ordinate system
47 色彩工程color engineering
48 色彩管理color control
49 色彩再现color reproduction
50 等色操作color matching
51 色彩的可视度color visibility
52 色彩恒常性color constancy
53 色彩的对比color contrast
54 色彩的同化color assimilation
55 色彩的共感性color synesthesia
56 暖色与冷色warm color and cold and color
57 前进色与后退色advancing color and receding color
58 膨胀色与收缩色expansive color and contractile color
59 重色与轻色heavy color and light color
60 色价valeur
61 色调color tone
62 暗调shade
63 明调tint
64 中间调halftone
65 表面色surface color
66 平面色film color
67 色彩调和color harmony
68 配色color combination
69 孟塞尔色彩调和Munsell's color harmony
70 奥斯特瓦德色彩调和Ostwald's color harmony
71 孟·斯本瑟色彩调和Moon
Spencer's color harmony
72 色彩的感情feeling of color
73 色彩的象征性color symbolism
74 色彩的嗜好color preference
75 流行色fashion color
76 色彩的功能性color functionalism
77 色彩规划color planning
78 色彩调节color conditioning
79 色彩调整color coordination
80 色彩设计color design