1.11 [11] 景公欲废嫡子阳生而立荼晏子谏
A man from the state of Qunyu[2] gave his daughter as a concubine to Duke Jing and she gave birth to a son[3] named Tu. The Duke loved him and the m inisters plotted to depose the crown prince Yang Sheng in favor of Tu. The Duke informed Yanzi about it.
Yanzi said: “It would not be proper. Taking the noble as equal to the low ly is harm ful to the state. Setting aside the elder son and installing the younger as a successor is the root of disorder. Yang Sheng is the elder,and the people of the state support him. You,my Lord,should not change this. Clothes and positions have their proper ranks,and therefore the lower do not supersede the higher. There are rites pertaining to the appointment of a son as a successor; therefore,the son of a concubine should not disrupt the family line. I w ish that you,my Lord,would teach Tu the rites,so as not to let him fall into perversity,guide him w ith righteousness and prevent him from sinking into self-interest. When the elder and the younger sons each follow his own proper way,then the w ife’s son and the concubine’s son receive their proper standing. How would Yang Sheng presume not to let Tu appease his hunger w ith the taste of millet and meat,and delight to the sound of bell and stone,when such conduct would lead to such worries? You cannot instruct those below you by deposing the elder and appointing the younger; you cannot benefit those you love by honoring the concubine’s son and degrading the w ife’s son. If no difference in rank exists between the elder and the younger,and no difference exists between the son of the formal wife and the son of the concubine,then this is the root of fostering the w icked and sow ing the seeds of evil. You,my Lord,should give this your careful consideration. It is not that the enlightened rulers of antiquity did not know various pleasures; but rather,they were of the opinion that excessive pleasures result in misery. It is not that they did not know how to install their cherished ones as their successors,but rather,they thought that the loss of righteousness results in troubles. For these reasons,they tempered enjoyment with proper measure and installed sons as successors in accordance w ith the Way. If people serve you,my Lord,w ith slanders and flattery,then they are not qualified to be charged w ith responsibility and trust. But now you,my Lord,make use of the advice of slanderers and you pay heed to the words of those who create disorder,deposing the elder and appointing the younger. I fear that in the future,there w ill be people who w ill use your m istakes,my Lord,to support their ow n perversities. They w ill depose your younger son and reappoint your elder in order to attain profit for themselves. M y Lord,you should give this your careful consideration.”
The Duke,however,paid him no heed. A fter Duke Jing’s death,the Tian[4] clan killed Lord Tu and reinstalled Yang Sheng. They then killed Yang Sheng and installed Duke Jian as his successor. They then killed Duke Jian and seized control of the state of Qi.
[1]Item–1.11 [11] ↔ Chunqiu Gongyangzhuan 春秋公羊传,12.6.8/153/22.
[2]A minor state in the Chunqiu period located in present-day Shandong.
[3]Om it ru 孺 (JS,40/4).
[4]YZCQ’s “Tian lineage” (田氏) is identical w ith the Zuozhuan’s “Chen lineage” (陈氏). For a discussion of the interchangeability of these two lineages’ names,see Legge,V,840. See also Item 4.17 [97].