1.14 [14] 景公欲使楚巫致五帝以明德晏子谏
Through the mediation of Yi Kuan,Wei,a female shaman from Chu,[2] was granted an audience w ith Duke Jing. For three days she sat in attendance w ith Duke Jing,who was pleased w ith her.
The shaman from Chu said: “You,M y Duke,are a sovereign w ith the stature of the bright spirits and a ruler of the caliber of Emperors and Kings.[3] My Lord,seventeen years ago you acceded to your position,but your deeds have not been fully successful because the bright spirits have not descended.[4] I request permission to summon the Five Emperors in order to make your virtue shine forth,my Lord.”
The Duke bowed twice,w ith his forehead touching the ground.
The shaman from Chu continued: “Perm it me to make a tour of inspection to the suburbs of the capital in order to identify the place where the Five Emperors are going to reveal themselves.”[5]
When the shaman arrived at Mount Niu,[6] she did not dare to ascend it,saying: “The site for the Five Emperors to present themselves is south of the capital. I would like to perform a purification ceremony first and then ascend the mountain.”
The Duke gave orders to the various officials to prepare the purification utensils at the site indicated by the shaman from Chu. Yi Kuan took charge of the matter.
Yanzi heard of this and went for an audience w ith the Duke,saying: “Did you order the shaman from Chu to purify herself in order to ascend Mount Niu,My Duke?”
The Duke said: “Yes,she is going to summon the Five Emperors in order to make my virtue shine forth,and then the spirits w ill shed their blessings upon me. Will that not be helpful?”
Yanzi said: “Your words are w rong. The virtue[7] of the ancient kings was substantial enough to pacify the entire world. Their conduct was broad enough to accommodate the multitude. The regional princes supported them and regarded them as rulers and as superiors; the people gave them their allegiance and regarded them as their own parents. For these reasons,Heaven and Earth and the four seasons were in faultless harmony. Stars,planets,sun,and moon traversed their regular courses w ithout disorder. It was only after their substantial virtue and broad conduct corresponded w ith the Heaven and accorded w ith the seasons that they could become rulers of the caliber of Emperors,kings and sovereigns of the stature of the bright spirits. The ancients were not negligent in their conduct,nor did they multiply their sacrifices unduly. They did not belittle themselves by relying on shamans. Now the government is in disorder,conduct is deviant,and you seek the illustrious virtue of the Five Emperors? You discard the worthy,and yet you use a shaman and you want the Five Emperors and the Three Kings to manifest themselves in your presence? The people do not acknow ledge virtue w ithout good cause; good fortune does not befall upon you w ithout good cause; is it then not difficult,my Lord,to realize your aspirations regarding the Five Emperors and the Three Kings? What a pity! M y Lord,your position is noble but your arguments are low ly.”
The Duke said: “It was Yi Kuan who directed me,in regard to the Chu shaman,saying: ‘Test her and observe the results.’ I received the shaman for an audience and was pleased with her. I put faith in her way and followed her words. Now you,my master,have criticized this,and you would have me expel the shaman from Chu and put Yi Kuan into custody.”
Yanzi said: “The shaman from Chu should not leave the country.”
The Duke said: “Why so?”
Yanzi answered: “If the shaman from Chu is allowed to leave the country,then some regional princes or other is bound to take her in. You,M y Duke,trusted her and thereby committed an error w ithin your domain; this is not w ise. If you let her leave the country she w ill,from w ithout,affect the regional princes for the worse; this is inhumane. Please send the shaman from Chu to the East[8] and put Yi Kuan in custody.”
The Duke said: “Very well,” and then[9] he sent the shaman from Chu to the East and placed Yi Kuan into custody w ithin the capital.
[1]The Five Emperors were the legendary rulers of high antiquity. Different listings of names of these Five Emperors exist. The usual list includes the Yellow Em peror 黄帝,Emperor Zhuan Xu 颛顼 ,Emperor Ku 帝喾 and Emperors Yao 尧 and Shun 舜.
[2]Wu 巫 is a female shaman but in the Chunqiu period,it could also mean a male shaman.
[3]I.e.,the Five Emperors (see note 78 above) and the Three Kings of antiquity,Yu 禹,Tang 汤 and Wu 武,the founders of the X ia,Shang and Zhou royal dynasties.
[4]The Zuozhuan,B 3.32.3/65/25,reads 国之将兴,明神降之— “W hen a state is about to prosper,bright spirits descend there to inspect its virtue.”
[5]The shaman is looking for the proper venue to perform as a medium through which the Five Emperors would reveal themselves.
[6]Another example of the author’s artificial topography: the present Mount Niu 牛山(Ox M ountain) is located tw enty-five m iles south of Linzi 临淄 the historical capital of Qi. It cannot be found on the historical maps of the Chunqiu period (722–480 BCE) but only on the maps of the Warring States period (480–221 BCE) onwards.
[7]得→德 (YZCQ-ICS,6,n. 4).
[8]Qi was situated in the East; therefore,sending one to the East meant expelling the person almost all the w ay to the seashore or,in other words,to a place from which there was no exit.
[9]Either omit yue 曰 or replace it with qiu 囚 (JS,54/16).