2.3 翻译示例汇总
(1) The School of the Air (the school of the air)
(2) a family tree
(3) Last evening I went to a do held by our China Study Group.
【解析】do: n. social function集会,娱乐宴聚活动
(4) the See of Sydney
【解析】see: n. the official seat, or centre of authority, of a bishop教廷
(5) They wanted us to have tea, but we said we’d just had it. Then Miss Standish wanted us to have tea and cake.
【解析】第一个tea意为“a meal eaten in the early evening”, 即晚饭
(6) Seven months they spend up there killing themselves in the cane season, ‘nd then they come down here to live a little.
【解析】live: v. to enjoy life to the full尽情享受;
kill: v. to make feel great pain or exhaustion精疲力竭或受苦受累
(7) He’s unhappy now, because he had a blue with his friend just now.
【解析】blue: n. an argument, quarrel or fight争吵或干架
(8) That’s a tall story about the town’s high street.
【解析】high street:the main street of a town or a city;
tall: adj. hard to believe, exaggerated编造的,夸张的或难以置信的
(9) Miss Universe (or Miss World)
【解析】Miss Universe或Miss World意思为:the most beautiful or best girl of the world selected once a year
(10) She told me that her 18-year-old son was the baby.
【解析】baby: n. a person of any age, who is the youngest of a family among brothers and sisters兄弟姐妹中最年小的
(11) Her mother is a sister in a Melbourne hospital.
【解析】sister: n. senior nurse in a hospital护士长或资历高的护士
(12) 协议书
【译文】正:Agreement(or:Written Agreement)
【解析】误:Agreement Book
(13) 王教授精通《小学》和《大学》。
【译文】Professor Wang is a master of the study of ancient forms, phonology and meaning of written language as well as of the book The Great Learning.
【解析】此句中的“小学”不能译成“primary school”或“elementary school”,《大学》也不能译为什么“university”之类。因为“小学”在此句中的意思是指研究文字古字形、训诂、音韵的学问;《大学》是我国古代经典著作《四书》之一。
(14) 家政学
【译文】Home Economics
【解析】汉、英词典中的解释为:家政学:旧时指关于家务管理方面的学问,现仍沿用;home economics:the study of diet, budgeting, childcare, and other subjects concerned with running a home. 因此不能误译成the learning of home governing.
(15) a) 毛泽东同志的思想和学说是永存的;
【译文】Comrade Mao Zedong’s thought and teachings will live forever.
b) 关于社会主义建设总路线的基本思想;
【译文】the ideas underlying the general line for building socialism
c) 破除迷信,解放思想;
【译文】Do away with all fetishes and superstitions and emancipate the mind.
d) 毛泽东军事思想的一个重要组成部分,是关于人民战争的思想;
【译文】An important component of Chairman Ma0’s military thinking is his concept of people’s war.
e) 政治问题和思想问题。
【译文】political and ideological questions
(1) What we were offered was a big fat zero.
(2) Carter is shooting at oil now, but who will be next?
(3) That notion is being nurtured by people.
(4) He was open now to charges of willful blindness.
(5) Look here, old boy, no one is interested in your bloody appreciation.
(6) Alone Roosevelt could have accomplished little.
(7) Naturally I, a child of both worlds, gin conscious of these.
(8) He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.
(9) It is possible that they never imagined that any considerable amount of public opinion would be rallied in their favour.
(10) Dawn breaking over the islands, very beautiful in a soft grey light with many clouds. There is a transparency about the light here which cannot be described or painted.
(1) ××书:
①申请书Letter of Application
④成绩通知书Grade Report
⑥旅行委托书Booking Form
⑦成交确认书Sales Confirmation
⑧电视机使用说明书Television Operation Guide
⑨白皮书White Book
⑩家书a Letter from Home(or:a letter to home)
(2) ××启事:
③征稿启事Contributions Wanted
(3) ××单:
①名单name list
⑤订阅单subscription form
⑥收款清单account note
⑦文艺汇演节目单a program of entertainment
⑨床单bed sheet
(4) ××表
①病历表case history form
⑤价目表price list
(5) ××信:
①推荐信letter of recommendation
③口信an oral message
(1) form
①form of receipt收条
②ticket order form订票单
③application form申请表
④book form(旅行)委托书
⑤a telegraph form 电报纸
(2) list
①make a list造表
②an active list现役官兵名册
③a name list名单
④an export list出口商品目录
(1) Admittance Free免票入场
(2) No Admittance Except on Business非公莫入
(3) Wet(or:Fresh)Paint油漆未干
(4) Visitors Declined谢绝参观
(5) Out of Bounds游客止步
(6) Engaged(or:Taken)有人占用
(7) Road Up,Detour马路翻修,车辆绕行
(8) Blocks(or:No Thoroughfare)此路不通
(9) See to the Fire小心烟火
(10) Cameras Forbidden严禁拍照
(11) Shooting Prohibited禁止打猎
(12) Keep Top Side Up请勿倒置
(13) Handle With Care小心轻放
(14) Round—the-Clock Business昼夜营业
(15) 售票处Booking(or:Ticket)Office
(16) 问讯台Information Desk
(17) 传达室Gate House
(18) 衣帽间Cloak(or:Check)Room
(19) 太平门Emergency Door(or:Exit)
(20) 意见箱Complaint Box
(21) 旅客(或顾客)留言簿Visitors’(or:Customers’)Book
(22) 前面施工Workmen Ahead
(23) 勿踏草地Keep Off the Grass
(24) 中速行驶,安全礼让Drive at Moderate Speed; Yield the Right of Way for Safety’s Sake
(1) warming-up exercises准备性练习,热身活动
(2) space shuttle航天飞机
(3) the Braille system布莱叶盲字(系统)
(4) escalator lift自动楼梯,滚梯(=escalift)
(5) rush hours高峰时间
(6) traffic jams交通阻塞
(7) super highway高速公路
(8) Russian dressing蛋黄酱
(9) “Your Honour” “法官先生(阁下)”
(10) courtesy card优待卡
(11) O level学科水平合格证
(12) a pop test突然袭击的考试
(13) guidance counselor(学生)求职顾问
(14) the Dewey decimal system(DDS)杜威十进制(图书)分类法
(15) games of chances运气游戏(of. games of skills技艺游戏)
(16) picture writings象形文字
(17) Evening Standard《旗帜晚报》
(18) Syncom同步通讯卫星
(19) extended family直系家庭
(20) Waltzing Matilda背着铺盖流浪四方
(1) The Times(London)is a quality newspaper.
(2) “How We Kept Mother’s Day” was written by an English—born Canadian author.
(3) I have a government grant which is enough for my keep.
(4) The leisure business chiefly refers to tourist industry and the industry of entertainment.
(5) Agriculture still is the States’ biggest industry.
(6) Tom was born on Boxing Day, 1941.
(7) He said he’d love a trip on a luxury liner because he was always a good sailor.
(8) My former teacher told me that as an English major I should read Major Barbara, one of the major plays by G. B. Shaw.
【译文】我以前的老师告诉我,作为一名英专学生我应该读读G. 萧伯纳的主要剧作之一《巴巴拉少校》。
(9) Years ago, John, a student of an American high school which was a public school, and Jean, a public school student in England, are now classmates in a university of China.
(10) In every high street throughout Britain nowadays there is at least one “Do-it-yourself” shop.
(11) Mr. Brown thinks that family life is not enough without friends even if it is fulfilling.
(12) Some schedules are subject to last minute changes. Please call us if you can’t come.
(13) English is a language branch belonging to the West Germanic line of the Indo-European family.
(14) If the newspapers want to have a large circulation number, they must be informative, instructive and entertaining.
(15) And live telecasts now can come from outer space:In l969, the first astronauts to land on the moon televised their historic “moon walk” to viewers on the earth.
(16) Like knows like.
(17) There’s a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of that guy.
(18) Every life has its roses and thorns.
(19) Unexpectedly he found the regular mail on the standard lamp.
(20) In jotting down, people like to use abbreviations, acronyms and initials.
(21) He bought a cassette recorder in Washington D. C. with credit cards instead of cash.
(22) It was a grand experience to watch the TV animated cartoons Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck at Disney World, Florida.
(23) No later artist of the School of Paris has replaced P. R. Picasso, a founder of cubism in international influence.
(24) A policeman stopped the car and said to the driver, “You haven’t turned your lights on, sir, I must give you a ticket”.
(25) 他在伦敦那所广播、电视与函授大学学习时,常常认真做家庭作业,甚至连自由选作题也作了。
【译文】During his study in the Open University in London he often did his homework conscientiously and even completed the open questions.
(26) 他喜欢喝果味酒。
【译文】He likes to drink fruit cup.
(27) 本杰明·弗兰克林希望年轻人在他规划的职业学校里学到最有用的东西。
【译文】Beruamin Franklin hoped that the young people could learn the most useful things in the academy he planned.
(28) 赵忠祥同志曾是中国赫赫有名的电视节目主持人,尤以主持智力竞赛节目出名。
【译文】Comrade Zhao Zhongxiang was a well-known TV programme moderatot, particularly noted for being a quiz master.
(29) 自然科学分类统计资料如下:
【译文】The breakdown of the physical sciences is as follows:
(30) 他长得黑黝黝的,身材偏瘦而匀称;而他头发颜色浅浅的,眼睛碧蓝。
【译文】He’s dark and slim, and he’s got fair hair and blue eyes.
Going to the Theatre
If you want to be certain of seeing a play in London, you have to book your seat in advance. You can buy your tickets either at a theatre ticket agency or at the box-office in the theatre itself. If you go in a large party, it is not always possible for all of you to sit in the same part of the theatre. Some will have to sit in the stalls, others in the dress circle, and some in the upper circle. Seats in a box or the front stalls are the most expensive. While buying your tickets, you’ve got to make clear whether they are for matinee or evening.
In the Airplane
—A Dialogue Between Stewardess and Passenger
S: May I see your boarding pass?
P: Oh here it is. I hope I got non-smoking section.
S: Yes, you did. It’s Seat 32C on the aisle.
P: Miss, this is my first flight. I wonder if you could show me the ropes.
S: Certainly, I’d be glad to. Everyone has to make their first flight sometime.
P: Thanks, I don’t even know how to fasten my safety belt.
S: The intercom will give you instructions.
P: Thank you.
S: (Some time later) Hello there. How are you doing?
P: Fine so far, but my ears feel a little funny.
S: That’s the air pressure. You’ll get used to it in a little while.
P: Could I have some drink?
S: I’ll bring you one. Would you like Coke, Seven-up, beer or wine?
P: Just water, please.
Eating at a Restaurant
Westerners eat their food in the following order: first, the appetizer, second, the soup, third, the dinner itself, fourth, salad, and finally, dessert and tea or coffee.
Waiter: May I take your order, sir?
Customer: I haven’t seen a menu yet. May I have one, please?
Waiter: Here’s one, sir. The a la carte dishes are on the left. The regular dinners are on the right-hand page.