12.Operation Nursing Procedures手术护理过程
A.Sentences Commonly Used(常用语)
Urine 尿液
1.Have you passed urine today?
2.Have you emptied your bladder?
3.Have you been to the toilet/ bathroom?
4.How many times have you passed urine today?
5.What color is your urine?
6.I need a specimen of urine.
7.I need to test your urine,please give me a specimen in this container.
Urine Catheterization 导尿管插入
8.I need to catheterize you.
9.I need to put a tube into your bladder to help you pass urine.
10.The catheter will be attached to a bag,which will collect the urine,and it will be emptied when it becomes full.
11.Please lay down.
12.Please open your legs.
13.I will clean you with some fuid.
14.It will feel cold/warm.
15.Please take a deep breath,and breathe out slowly through your mouth.
16.Please tell me if this feels uncomfortable.
17.I have fnished,I have attached a bag to your catheter.
18.Please do not worry about passing urine.
19.It is a strange feeling,you will feel that you want to pass urine,but you will get used to it after a short time.
20.If you walk around you need to take the bag with you.
21.If the bag becomes full,please ask a nurse to empty it.
Removal of Catheter 导尿管移除
22.I need to remove your catheter.
23.I need to do this over a period of time.
24.I will clamp your catheter for two hours,and then come back and release it.
25.I will clamp your catheter for three hours/four hours and then release it.
26.It is done slowly to help you get muscle tone back in your bladder sphincter muscle.
27.If you feel very uncomfortable or in pain,please tell me.
28.Please lay on the bed with your legs open.
29.I will clean you with some fuid.
30.Please take a deep breath,and breathe out slowly through your mouth.
31.The catheter is out.
32.Please tell me when you have passed urine normally.
33.Please tell me if you can’t pass urine and are in any discomfort or pain.
Stools /Faeces 粪便
34.Have you had your bowels open today?
35.How many times have you had your bowels open?
36.What did it look like?
37.Have you passed any wind?
38.Do you feel uncomfortable?
39.Are you constipated?
40.When was the last time you had your bowels open?
41.I need a stool specimen.
42.Please use the bedpan,here is the container,please let me know when you have a specimen.
Enema 灌肠
43.You need a bowel prep.
你需要使用bowel prep(一种强泻剂)。
44.You need an enema.
45.I will give you medication to help you.
46.I need to insert some suppositories.
47.You need to insert these suppositories.
48.Please lay down on you left side with your knees up as far as you can.
49.I am going to insert a small tube into your rectum. Please take a deep breath and breathe out slowly.
50.You will feel pushing as the fuid enters.
51.Please keep as still as you can.
52.I have fnished,please get up gently,and try and keep the fuid in your bowel as long as possible before you go to the bathroom/ toilet.
53.Please tell me if you have any problems or concerns.
54.Please tell me when you have emptied your bowels.
55.Please tell me when you have been to the bathroom/ toilet.
56.You will need to empty your bowels in a bedpan,please tell me when you are ready.
Taking Blood Specimens(Sample) 血液取样
57.I need to take a specimen/sample of blood.
58.The blood tests are for...
59.I am going to take the specimen(sample)from your arm/ elbow /hand/ wrist/groin/ankle/neck.
60.I’m going to put a tourniquet around your arm/leg,it will feel tight.
61.Please open and close your hand.
62.I’m just going to clean the skin.
63.You will feel a slight prick.
64.Please stay still.
65.Please bend your arm,and leave it like that for a few minutes.
66.Please press hard on this dressing.
67.I need to press your groin for 10 minutes,please try and keep still.
68.I will put a dressing on this,you can take the dressing off in a couple of hours.
69.The doctor will tell you the results as soon as they are here.
70.The results will be back in a couple of hours please go to 2nd foor to collect them.
71.The results will be back in a couple of hours,the doctor will come and tell you the results.
Cannulation 插管
72.I need to insert a cannula /small tube into your vein.
73.It will be in your wrist /hand/elbow/foot/groin.
74.I will put a tourniquet around your arm/lower leg,it will feel tight.
75.You will feel a small prick and some pressure,please try and keep still.
76.I will secure this with a dressing,so it doesn’t come out.
77.I am going to attach the intravenous tubing.
Intravenous Fluids 静脉输液
78.The doctor has said you need to have intravenous fuids.
79.I will need to insert a cannula into your vein.
80.It will be in your wrist /hand/elbow.
81.I am going to attach the intravenous tubing to your cannula.
82.You will need intravenous fuids for...days.
83.The doctor has prescribed intravenous fuids for...days.
84.Please can I check your cannula and dressing.
85.The intravenous fuids are called...
86.You need intravenous fuids because you are dehydrated.
87.You need intravenous fuids to give you the antibiotics that the doctor has prescribed.
Electrocardiogram(ECG) 心电图
88.The doctor would like you to have an ECG test.
89.You need to have an ECG test.
90.Please come with me,I need to do an ECG test.
91.Please lay on the couch and wait for me.
92.Please take off your top/shirt/ bra.
93.I am going to put these little pads on your chest,they will feel cold.
94.Please try and keep still.
95.I’ve fnished now,you can get dressed.
Cleaning,Dressing & Checking of Wounds 清理、敷料处理和检查伤口
96.I need to check your dressing today.
97.Please can I see your dressing?
98.Does your dressing need changing?
99.I need to change your dressing.
100.Please don’t get your dressing /bandage/plaster wet.
101.I need to re-bandage this.
102.Please lay on the bed/examination couch.
103.Please lift up your clothes.
104.Let me see your dressing/wound.
105.Does that feel comfortable?
106.Is that too tight?
107.Does your wound feel sore or uncomfortable?
108.Is your wound painful if I touch it?
109.I need to remove your stitches/clips/sutures.
110.I am going to remove the dressing.
111.I am going to clean your skin with...
112.Please take a deep breath,and breathe out through your mouth.
113.Please tell me if I am hurting you.
114.Your wound looks OK.
115.Your wound looks a bit red and sore.
116.Your wound looks infamed,does it hurt/ is it painful?
117.Your wound is weeping a little bit.
118.I am going to remove your drainage tube.
119.I am going to clean it with...
120.Please take a deep breath.
121.I will just put a dry dressing on that.
122.Please let me know if it is weeping/ leaking.
Assisting a Doctor in an Angioplasty 协助医生进行血管成形术
123.You are here to have a catheter procedure,because the doctor in the Emergency Room has diagnosed a...
124.How are you feeling now?
125.This emergency procedure has to be done now.
126.Please can you sign this consent form giving us permission to perform the catheter procedure?
127.Please take off all your clothes and put on this gown,the ties need to be at the front.
128.Please give all your valuables to your friend/ husband for safe keeping.
129.Lay down on this couch and try to relax.
130.Roll up your sleeve,I need to take your pulse,blood pressure and take an ECG,I will put these pads on your chest.
131.I am going to put this peg on your fnger,this takes your pulse,it is not heavy and it doesn’t hurt.
132.The operation takes about half an hour.
133.I need to give you intravenous fuids,so I need to put a cannula into your hand.
134.I am going to give you some oxygen,please put this oxygen mask over your face.
135.This is Dr...,he is going to do your catheterization,he is just getting the equipment ready.
136.The doctor is going to give you a local anesthetic.
137.The doctor will insert a catheter into your artery,and send it to your heart.
138.The equipment is needed,so he can see what is happening.
139.If you feel any pain,please tell us,and the doctor can give you some more local anesthetic.
140.The doctor has fnished now.
141.He is now putting pressure onto your wound to stop the bleeding,this will be for about ffteen minutes.
142.You will have to stay for about three days for anti-coagulation treatment,IV antibiotics,chest X-ray and an ECG check.
Assisting a Doctor in a Lumbar Puncture Procedure 协助医生进行腰椎穿刺术
143.The doctor needs to do a lumbar puncture to get some spinal fuid for tests.
144.Please turn onto your left side.
145.Can you bend your knees as far as you can.
146.Can you bend your head to touch your chest as far as you can.
147.I need your back curved as much as possible.
148.The doctor is going to clean your skin with an antiseptic,it will feel very cold.
149.He is going to put a clean towel on your back,please do not touch it.
150.The doctor is going to start the procedure now.
151.He is going to give you a local anesthetic,you will feel a sharp prick,please try not to move.
152.You will feel pushing and pressure on your back.
153.If you feel any pain,please tell me,and I will ask the doctor to give you some more local anesthetic.
154.The doctor has fnished now and is putting a dressing on your back.
155.Please roll back onto your back.
156.You will need to stay in bed for twelve hours with no pillow.
157.Please do not sit up,if you try to sit up you will have a very severe headache.
158.If you need anything,please ring for a nurse.
159.Your test will be back in...days.
160.The doctor will come and see you and tell you the results.
B.Situational Conversation(情景会话)
Urine Catheterization 导尿管手术
Nurse: Hello,Mrs. Jones,the doctor says you need to have a urine catheter,so I need to catheterize you.
护士: 你好,琼斯夫人,医生说你需要导尿,所以我需要给你插入导尿管。
Patient: Oh,OK,what does that mean,what are you going to do?
病人: 哦,好的。你所谓的插入导尿管指什么?你接下来要做什么?
Nurse: I am going to put a tube into your bladder,to help you pass urine.
护士: 我接下来要连接一根管子到你的膀胱以帮助你排尿。
Patient: What happens when I want to go to the toilet?
病人: 当我想上厕所的时候会怎么样?
Nurse: The catheter will be attached to a bag,which will collect the urine,and it will be emptied when it becomes full.
护士: 导管会接连到一个用来收集尿的袋子上,当袋子盛满的时候,会有人过来倒掉。
Patient: Does the doctor really think I need to have this?
病人: 医生确实需要我这样做吗?
Nurse: Yes,he does. Please will you lay down for me and open your legs?
护士: 是的,他确定。请问你能躺下并把腿张开吗?
Patient: Yes,OK.
病人: 是的,可以。
Nurse: I am going to clean you with some fuid,it might feel cold.
护士: 我接下来用一些液体给你清洗,会感觉有点凉。
Patient: Oh,yes,that is a bit cold.
病人: 哦,是的,确实有点凉。
Nurse: Please take deep breaths,and breathe out slowly through your mouth.
护士: 请深吸一口气,并慢慢地用嘴呼出来。
Nurse: Please tell me if this feels uncomfortable.
护士: 如果你感到不舒服,请告诉我。
Patient: It feels a bit uncomfortable,but it’s OK.
病人: 是感觉有点不舒服,不过没有问题。
Nurse: OK,I’ve fnished,and I have attached a bag to your catheter,so please do not worry about passing urine.
护士: 好的,我完成了。我已经将导管连接到袋子,请不要担心排尿问题。
Patient: It feels very strange,it feels as if I want to pass urine.
病人: 我感觉很怪,就像我时刻有尿意似的。
Nurse: It is a strange feeling,you will feel that you want to pass urine,but the feeling will go after a while and you will get uses to it.
护士: 是这种奇怪的感觉。你会感觉你想排尿,但过一会儿就会消失,你会习惯的。
Patient: OK,what happens if I want to walk around?
病人: 好的。如果我想到处走走呢,怎么办?
Nurse: If you walk around,you need to take the bag with you.
护士: 如果你想走动,你需要带着那个袋子。
Patient: What do I do if the bag feels up with urine?
病人: 如果袋子盛满了怎么办?
Nurse: If the bag becomes full,please ask me or another nurse to empty it.
护士: 如果袋子满了,请告诉我或其他护士过来倒掉。
Patient: OK,nurse,thanks very much.
病人: 好的,护士小姐,非常感谢。
Nurse: If you have any problems or worries,please come and tell me.
护士: 如果你有什么问题或忧虑,请过来告诉我。
Patient: OK,I will. Thanks!
病人: 好的,我会的。谢谢!
Removal of Catheter 导尿管移除
Nurse: Hello,Mrs. Jones,how are you? I’m here as I need to remove your urine catheter.
护士: 你好,琼斯夫人。你感觉怎么样?我来移除你的导尿管。
Patient: Oh,that’s great,how are you going to do this,just take it out?
病人: 哦,太好了。你怎么办,只是拔出来吗?
Nurse: I shall need to do this over a period of time as you have had the catheter in for a few days.
护士: 由于这导尿管已经插了几天了,所以我需要花一段时间才能将它取出来。
Patient: Oh,really? So what are you going to do?
病人: 哦,真的?那你将怎么做?
Nurse: I will clamp your catheter for two hours,and then come back and release it.
护士: 我将夹着导管2个小时,然后再松开。
Nurse: I will clamp your catheter for three hours,and then come back and release it.
护士: 我将夹着导管3个小时,然后再松开它。
Patient: Oh,why do you have to do that,and not just take it out?
病人: 哦,为什么你需要这么做而不是直接取出来?
Nurse: It is done slowly to help you get muscle tone back in your bladder sphincter muscle.
护士: 操作这么慢是为了帮助你的膀胱括约肌恢复张力。
Patient: Oh,OK,that makes sense I guess.
病人: 哦,好的,我想我懂了。
Nurse: If you feel very uncomfortable or in pain,please tell me.
护士: 如果你感到非常不舒服或者疼痛,请告诉我。
Patient: Oh,right. I will. How many times do you need to do this for before you take the catheter out?
病人: 哦,好的。在导管取出来之前,你需要这样操作多少次?
Nurse: Two or three times.
护士: 2次或3次。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: Mrs. Smith,I’ve come to take your catheter out,please can you lay on the bed with your legs open.
护士: 史密斯夫人,我过来移除导管,请问你能躺在床上并将腿张开吗?
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: I’m going to clean you with some fuid,it might feel a bit cold.
护士: 我接下来会用一些液体给你清洗,会感觉有点凉。
Nurse: Please take deep breaths,and breathe out slowly through your mouth.
护士: 请深吸一口气,然后慢慢地用嘴呼出来。
Nurse: OK,the catheter is out.
护士: 好的。导管取出来了。
Patient: OK,that’s a relief!
病人: 好了,解放了!
Nurse: Please tell me when you have passed urine normally.
护士: 你正常排尿之后请告诉我。
Patient: Shall I just carry on normally or drink lots of water?
病人: 我是正常喝水还是要喝很多?
Nurse: Drink some water,but you don’t have to drink too much,and please tell me if you can’t pass urine and if you are in any discomfort or pain.
护士: 喝一些水,但你不需要喝很多。如果你不能正常排尿或者感到不舒服和疼痛,请告诉我。
Patient: How long should I wait to tell you if I don’t pass urine?
病人: 我多长时间不排尿需要通知你?
Nurse: The normal length of time is about two to three hours.
护士: 正常的时间间隔是2~3小时。
Patient: OK,thanks.
病人: 好的,谢谢。
Enema 灌肠
Nurse: Hello,Miss Smith,you are having your surgery this afternoon,so you will need a bowel prep.
护士: 你好,史密斯小姐。你今天下午要进行手术,所以你需要用bowel prep(一种强泻剂)。
Patient: What do you mean by that?
病人: 你什么意思?
Nurse: It means you need to empty your bowels of faeces.
护士: 我指的是你需要将肠里面的粪便排干净。
Patient: How are you going to do that?
病人: 你们打算怎么做?
Nurse: I am going to give you an enema.
护士: 我将对你使用一种灌肠剂。
Patient: Oh,that’s not going to be very pleasant.
病人: 哦,感觉很糟糕。
Nurse: Please come with me to the Treatment Room.
护士: 请跟我过来到治疗室。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: Miss Smith,please lay down onto your left side with your knees up as far as you can.
护士: 史密斯小姐,请朝左侧躺着,尽量将膝盖抬高。
Patient: This doesn’t feel very comfortable.
病人: 这样感觉很不舒服。
Nurse: I am going to insert a small tube into your rectum. Please take a deep breath and breathe out slowly; you might feel some pushing as the fuid enters.
护士: 我将插一根管子到你的直肠。请深呼吸。当液体进入的时候,你会有一定程度的紧压感。
Patient: That feels very uncomfortable.
病人: 感觉太糟糕了。
Nurse: Yes,I know,I’m sorry,but please keep as still as you can.
护士: 我知道,很抱歉,不过请尽量保持别动。
Patient: Well,I’ll try,but I don’t like it at all.
病人: 好吧,我尽量,不过我真的很不喜欢这样。
Nurse: I have fnished,please get up gently,and try and keep the fuid in your bowel as long as possible before you go to the bathroom(toilet).
护士: 我完成了,请慢慢起来。在上厕所前,尽量地让这些药液在你的肠道里停留更多的时间。
Patient: How long do I try to keep it inside before I can go to the toilet?
病人: 我需要让这些药液在身体里停留多久才能上厕所?
Nurse: There is no time,but the longer you can hold the fuid the better the result,but please don’t make yourself very uncomfortable.
护士: 没有确定的时间,你让药液在体内停留的时间越长效果越好,当然不要因此太为难自己。
Patient: OK,I’ll try to keep it as long as I can,do you want me to tell you when I have been to the toilet?
病人: 好的,我会让药液保留的时间尽量的久,当我去完厕所的时候需要告诉你吗?
Nurse: Yes,please tell me when you have emptied your bowels.
护士: 是的,你上完厕所之后请告诉我。
Patient: OK,nurse,thanks.
病人: 好的,谢谢你,护士小姐。
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Nurse: We are going to give you an enema. Do you mind?
护士: 我们准备给你灌肠,有问题吗?
Patient: No. But I am not constipated. Why do I need it?
病人: 没有。不过我并不便秘。为什么给我灌肠?
Nurse: From your chart I know your bowel movement is normal. But we must do it to prepare for your operation.
护士: 从你的病历上我知道你排便正常,但这是手术前必须要做的准备工作。
Patient: Why do I need enema before the operation?
病人: 手术前为什么要做灌肠呢?
Nurse: It is necessary to fush out intestine in order to keep your bowel clean for the operation.
护士: 为了在手术时保持你的肠道清洁,你必须先冲洗一下。
Patient: I see. Where shall we do it?
病人: 好。在什么地方做?
Nurse: If you can get up,it is better to have it done in the Treatment Room.
护士: 如果你能起床,最好是在治疗室做。
Patient: OK. I’ll go with you now.
病人: 可以。我现在跟你去。
Nurse: May I help you to put on your clothes?
护士: 我帮你穿上衣服好吗?
Patient: Yes. Thank you.
病人: 好的。谢谢。
Nurse: But wait. I’ll frst have to go and get the enema tray and everything else ready. Then I’ll come back for you.
护士: 但是等一下。我必须先去准备好所有的灌肠用品,再来找你。
(In the Treatment Room)
Nurse: Now we are ready. Please lie on your left side.
护士: 现在已经准备好。请你左侧位躺下。
Patient: What kind of solution are you using?
病人: 你用什么水灌肠?
Nurse: This is soap water. But we often use saline solution,too.
护士: 这是肥皂水。但我们也经常用盐水。
Patient: Is the saline enema more comfortable?
病人: 盐水灌肠是不是更舒服一些?
Nurse: Yes,it is. But we believe soap water is more effective in your case. However,the relative comfort of an enema depends mainly upon the temperature of the solution and how fast it fows from the bottle. I’ll try to hold the bottle in such a way as to keep it from going too fast. Let me know if you feel any discomfort.
护士: 是的,但是我们认为肥皂水灌肠对你更适宜。而灌肠是否舒服主要与液体的温度和流入的速度有关。我尽量使液体灌入得慢一些。如果你觉得不舒服就告诉我。
Patient: How much solution is there still left in the bottle? I can’t hold much longer.
病人: 还有多少液体?我坚持不住了?
Nurse: It will be fnished soon. Please take a deep breath with your mouth open. This will help you to hold a little longer.
护士: 快要完了。请你张口深呼吸,这样可以使你多坚持一会儿。
Nurse: Now we are through. Try to lie on your back or on the right side for a few minutes. I’ll then help you to the toilet.
护士: 现在灌肠完毕。你要平卧或右侧卧几分钟,然后我扶你去厕所。
Patient: Thank you. I don’t feel so uncomfortable now. So I can go there by myself.
病人: 谢谢你。我并没有感到很难受。我可以自己去厕所。
(On the way back to his ward)
Patient: It seems that the enema worked well. It is much better than taking a purge.
病人: 灌肠效果很好。比吃泻药好多了。
Nurse: Right. Enema is always better than medicine. It is often given also to relieve constipation caused by long bed rest. Have you ever had your stool examined for parasites?
护士: 对。一般来讲,灌肠是比吃药好。长期卧床的便秘病人也常用灌肠法。你查过大便内寄生虫吗?
Patient: Yes. But they didn’t fnd anything.
病人: 查过。但是,没发现什么。
Nurse: Fine. Now you can lie down and take a rest. Please call if you need me.
护士: 好,现在你可以上床休息了。需要时请叫我。
Patient: Thank you ever so much.
病人: 多谢你了。
Taking Blood Specimens 取血样
Nurse: Mrs. Smith,the doctor needs you to have some blood tests,so I will need to take some blood from you.
护士: 史密斯夫人,医生需要做些血液检测,所以我过来取些血样。
Patient: Why does the doctor need more tests,what are they for?
病人: 为什么医生又需要做血液检测?检测什么?
Nurse: The doctor would like a blood sugar and liver function test to help him in his diagnosis.
护士: 医生想做一下血糖和肝功能检测以帮助诊断。
Patient: Oh,OK,I guess.
病人: 哦,我想可以吧。
Nurse: Please come with me to the Treatment Room.
护士: 请跟我来治疗室。
Nurse: I am going to take the specimen(sample)from your arm,I’m going to put a tourniquet around your upper arm it will feel tight.
护士: 我将从你的手臂部取些血样,我接下来要在你的上臂放压脉器,会感觉有点紧。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: Please open and close your hand for me,I’m just going to clean the skin,you will feel a slight prick,please try and stay still.
护士: 请松开然后握紧你的手。我接下来给你清洁皮肤,(针管插入时)你会感觉有点刺痛,请尽量不要动。
Nurse: Please bend your arm for me and leave it like that for a few minutes.
护士: 请弯着你的手臂,保持这个姿势几分钟。
Patient: When will you get the results?
病人: 结果什么时候能出来?
Nurse: The results will be back in a couple of hours,the doctor will tell you the results as soon as they are here.
护士: 结果两个小时后出来,结果一出来医生就会告诉你。
Patient: OK,thanks very much!
病人: 好的,非常感谢!
Intravenous Fluids 静脉输液
Nurse: Miss Smith,the doctor has said you need to have intravenous fuids.
护士: 史密斯小姐,医生说你需要输液。
Patient: Yes,he told me,he said you would put a cannula in my arm and give me intravenous fuids.
病人: 是的,他告诉过我。他说你需要接一个套管到我的手臂处给我输液。
Nurse: Yes,I have come to insert cannula into your vein and give you some fuids.
护士: 是的,我过来给你的血管插入套管进行输液。
Patient: Are you going to do it here?
病人: 你是在这里进行吗?
Nurse: No,please come with me to the Treatment Room.
护士: 不,请跟我到治疗室。
Patient: Where are you going to put the cannula?
病人: 你将要把套管接到什么地方?
Nurse: I will put it in your wrist.
护士: 我会接到你的手腕处。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: I am going to put a tourniquet around your arm it will feel tight,you will feel a small prick and some pressure,please try and keep still.
护士: 我接下来要绑一个止血带到你的手臂处。你会感觉有点紧、有点疼和压迫感,请尽量保持不要动。
Nurse: OK,I’ve fnished,I will secure this with a dressing so it doesn’t come out and I am going to attach the intravenous tubing.
护士: 好的,我完成了。我会放敷料来防止它掉出来。接下来我要将它连接到输液管上。
Patient: OK,nurse,thanks,how long do I need to have intravenous fuids for?
病人: 好的,谢谢你,护士小姐。我需要输液多长时间?
Nurse: The doctor has prescribed intravenous fuids for the next 3 days.
护士: 医生给你开的是三天的量。
Patient: Can I still walk around?
病人: 我还能到处走动吗?
Nurse: Yes,you can walk around with a drip stand.
护士: 可以。你可以举着输液架走动。
Patient: What fuid has the doctor prescribed?
病人: 医生给开的是什么药液?
Nurse: The intravenous fuids the doctor has prescribed is called dextrose & saline(glucose &saline).
护士: 医生给你开静脉滴注液是“葡萄糖盐水”。
Patient: OK,nurse,thanks.
病人: 好的,谢谢你,护士小姐。
Cleaning,Dressing & Checking of Wounds 清洗、敷料处理和检查伤口
Nurse: Good morning,Mrs. Jones,I need to check your dressing today.
护士: 早上好,琼斯夫人。我今天需要检查你的敷料。
Patient: OK,nurse.
病人: 好的,护士小姐。
Nurse: Please can I see your dressing,does it need changing?
护士: 请问我能看看你的敷料需要更换吗?
Patient: No,it seems OK.
病人: 不用,看起来还行。
Nurse: Please come to the Treatment Room with me.
护士: 请跟我来治疗室。
Nurse: Please lay on the examination couch and lift up your clothes.
护士: 请躺在检查床上,把衣服往上拉起来。
Nurse: Does your wound feel comfortable?
护士: 你的伤口感觉舒服吗?
Patient: Yes,it feels fne.
病人: 是的,感觉很好。
Nurse: Your wound looks OK,I will just put a dry dressing on that,the doctor will come and have a look at your wound later today.
护士: 你的伤口看起来还行。我会放些干敷料在上面,医生今天过些时候会过来看你。
Patient: OK,nurse,thanks.
病人: 好的,谢谢你,护士小姐。
Nurse: Please don’t get your dressing wet.
护士: 请不要弄湿你的敷料。
Patient: No,I make sure I don’t.
病人: 不会,我保证不会。
Removal of Drainage Tube 引流管移除
Nurse: Hello,Mrs. Jones,I am going to remove your drainage tube today.
护士: 你好,琼斯夫人。我今天将移除你的引流管。
Patient: OK,do I need to go to the Treatment Room with you?
病人: 好的,我需要跟你到治疗室吗?
Nurse: Yes,please,come with me.
护士: 是的,请跟我来。
Nurse: Please lay on the examination couch,and lift up your clothes,I am going to clean the area with disinfectant,it might feel cold.
护士: 请躺在检查床上,将衣服撩起来。我接下来要用消毒剂给你清洗,会感觉有点凉。
Patient: Oh,yes,that’s cold.
Nurse: OK,please take a deep breath and breathe out slowly as I take the tube out.
护士: 好了。当我移除的时候请深呼吸。
Patient: That feels really uncomfortable.
病人: 感觉很不舒服。
Nurse: OK,I’ve fnished now,I will just put a dry dressing on that. Please let me know if starts leaking.
护士: 好的,我完成了。我会给你放些敷料。如果有渗透,请告诉我。
Patient: OK,thanks nurse.
病人: 好的,谢谢你,护士小姐。
Assisting a Doctor in an Angioplasty 协助医生进行血管成形术
Nurse: Hello,my name is Nurse Li DeHong,please call me Linda. What is your name?
护士: 你好,我是李德红护士,请叫我琳达护士,你怎么称呼?
Patient: Hello,my name is Mary Smith.
病人: 我叫玛丽.史密斯。
Nurse: Hello,Mary,you are here to have a Catheter procedure,because the doctor in the Emergency Room has diagnosed a problem with the veins to your heart. How are you feeling now?
护士: 你好,玛丽。你来这里接受导管插入,因为急诊室的医生诊断出连接你的心脏的血管有问题。你现在感觉怎么样?
Patient: I feel dizzy,tired and have chest pain,And I’m feeling a little nervous.
病人: 我感觉眩晕、疲惫、胸口痛,除此之外,我还感觉紧张。
Nurse: How long have you had the chest pain?
护士: 你胸痛多长时间了?
Patient: About ten minutes.
病人: 大约10分钟。
Nurse: Is the pain radiating to your shoulder? Is the pain in your shoulder or down your arm?
护士: 疼痛辐射到你的肩膀处吗?肩膀还是腋下?
Patient: Yes,in my shoulder.
病人: 是啊,在肩膀。
Nurse: This emergency procedure has to be done now. Please can you sign this consent form giving us permission to perform the catheter procedure.
护士: 这个紧急手术必须现在进行。请问你能在手术同意书上面签字允许我们进行导管插入吗?
Patient: Yes,OK,what happens now?
病人: 是的,可以。接下来会发生什么?
Nurse: Please take off all your clothes and put on this gown,the ties need to be at the front.
护士: 请将所有衣服脱掉换上这件袍子,朝前系带。
Nurse: Please give all your valuables to your husband for safe keeping.
护士: 请将你值钱的东西交给丈夫保管。
Then lay down on this couch and try to relax.
Roll up your sleeve,I need to take your pulse,blood pressure and take an ECG. I will put these pads on your chest.
I am going to put this peg on your fnger,this takes your pulse,it is not heavy and it doesn’t hurt.
Patient: How long will this procedure take?
病人: 手术要持续多久?
Nurse: The operation takes about half an hour.
护士: 手术大概需要持续半小时。
I need to give you intravenous fuids,so I need to put a cannula into your hand.
I’m going to put a tourniquet on your arm,it will feel tight.
Please open and close your hand.
You will feel a slight prick.
Please stay still.
I will put a dressing on this.
I am going to attach some intravenous fuids now and give you some oxygen,please put this oxygen mask over your face. Does that feel comfortable?
Patient: Yes,thank you. What is the intravenous fuid that you are giving me?
病人: 是的,谢谢。你给我的静脉滴注什么液?
Nurse: Glucose Saline.
护士: 葡萄糖盐水。
Nurse: This is Dr. Wang,he is going to do your catheterization,he is just getting the equipment ready.
护士: 这是王医生,他是来给你做导管插入术的,他现在在准备所用的仪器。
Nurse: The Emergency Room nurse has already shaved you.
护士: 急诊室的护士已经给你刮过毛了。
The doctor is going to clean your skin,the fuid is very cold.
He is going to give you a local anesthetic,you will feel a sharp prick,but it will go away very quickly.
He will then insert a catheter into your artery,and send it to your heart.
The equipment is needed,so he can see what is happening.
If you feel any sharp pain tell us,and the doctor can give you some more local anesthetic.
The doctor has fnished now. He is now putting pressure onto your wound to stop the bleeding,this will be for about ffteen minutes.
Are you OK?
Patient: Yes,thank you.
病人: 是的,谢谢。
Nurse: I will put a dressing on this for you.
护士: 我在这上面放些敷料。
We will help you to get onto a bed.
And we will take you to get you to the ward.
Patient: How long will I be in hospital?
病人: 我需要住院多久?
Nurse: You will have to stay for about three days for anti-coagulation treatment,IV antibiotics,chest X-ray and an ECG check.
护士: 你需要留院3天接受抗凝结治疗、静脉抗生素输液、胸部X线检查和心电图检测等。
Patient: OK,thanks very much for all your help and kindness.
病人: 好的,非常感谢你的热心帮助。
Nurse: Please,it was no problem. I hope you get better soon.
护士: 不客气。我希望你尽快康复。
Lumbar Puncture 腰椎穿刺
Nurse: Mrs. Smith,the doctor needs to do a lumbar puncture procedure to get some spinal fuid for tests.
护士: 史密斯夫人,医生需要对你进行腰椎穿刺手术来取一些脊髓液进行检测。
Patient: Oh,when does he want to do the test?
病人: 哦,他想什么时候进行检测?
Nurse: He is going to do it now,please come with me to the Treatment Room.
护士: 他想现在做。请跟着我到治疗室。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: Mrs. Smith,please lay on the couch,and will you turn onto your left side and bend your knees as far as you can.
护士: 史密斯夫人,请左侧位躺在床上,膝盖尽可能地弯曲。
Patient: This feels uncomfortable.
病人: 这样感觉很不舒服。
Nurse: Please will you bend you head to touch your chest as far as you can? I will put a pillow under your head,so it is more comfortable.
护士: 请问你能尽量地低头碰你的胸部吗?我会在你的头下面垫个枕头,这样会舒服很多。
Patient: Nurse,this really does feel very uncomfortable.
病人: 护士小姐,这样真的很不舒服。
Nurse: Yes,I know. I’m very sorry,but the doctor needs your back curved as much as possible.
护士: 是的,我知道。很抱歉,不过医生需要你的背尽量地弯曲。
Patient: Yes,I do understand. But it is diffcult to stay like this.
病人: 是的,我明白。但是这样很难保持。
Nurse: The doctor is going to clean your skin with an antiseptic,it will feel very cold.
护士: 医生接下来会用杀菌剂清洁你的皮肤,会感觉很凉。
He is putting a clean towel on your back,please do not touch it.
He is going to start the procedure now,he is going to give you a local anesthetic,you will feel a sharp prick,please try not to move.
You will feel the doctor pushing and putting pressure on your back,if you feel any pain please tell me and I will ask the doctor to give you some more local anesthetic.
Patient: Has he fnished now? I don’t think I can stay like this for much longer.
病人: 他完成了吗?我想这个姿势我坚持不下去了。
Nurse: The doctor has fnished now,he is just going to put a dressing on your back.
护士: 医生完成了,他现在给你背部放敷料。
Patient: Thank goodness.
病人: 谢天谢地。
Nurse: Please roll back onto your back.
护士: 请转过来平躺着。
Nurse: You will need to stay in bed for twelve hours with no pillow,if you try to sit up,you will have a very severe headache.
护士: 你需要不枕枕头地平躺12个小时,请不要坐起来,如果你尝试坐起来,你会有严重的头疼。
Patient: What happens if I need to go to the toilet or need a drink or something?
病人: 如果我要上厕所或者喝东西要怎么办?
Nurse: If you need anything,please ring for a nurse.
护士: 如果你需要什么东西,请呼叫护士。
Patient: When will you know the results?
病人: 结果什么时候出来?
Nurse: Your test will be back later today,the doctor will come and tell you the result.
护士: 你的化验结果今天晚些时候出来,医生会过来告诉你结果。
Patient: OK,thanks very much.
病人: 好的,非常感谢。
Intensive Care Unit 监护室
Nurse: Dr. Wang,the condition of that patient is very poor. He’s so excited,I can’t quiet him down.
护士: 王医生,那个病人情况不好。他躁动得厉害。我不能使他安静下来。
Doctor: I’m afraid he will be in a state of shock. It’s necessary to take his pulse,respiratory rate and blood pressure regularly.
医生: 恐怕他进入早期休克了,要定期测量他的脉搏、呼吸和血压。
Nurse: All right. I’ll take them every hour.
护士: 好,我每小时测一次。
Doctor: No,you’d better take them half an hour.
医生: 不,最好半小时测一次。
Nurse: His blood pressure is eighty six over fifty mmHg and he has rapid pulse and respiratory rate.
护士: 他的血压86/50 mmHg,脉搏及呼吸加速。
Doctor: Place the patient in the head-low position. Elevate the foot of the bed. Put hot water bottles around him. Telephone to the blood bank to ask whether there is blood available for this patient. His blood is type O. I’ll give him a blood transfusion.
医生: 将病人置于头低位,抬高床腿。患者身旁放些热水袋。电话问一下有没有合适的血,他是O型血。我准备给他输血。
Nurse: What if there is no type O blood available for him?
护士: 如果没有O型血怎么办?
Doctor: In that case,please tell the patient’s relatives to donate blood to him.
医生: 若那样,就通知病人亲属给他献血。
Nurse: Is oxygen given?
护士: 吸氧吗?
Doctor: Yes,of course. The patient’s condition is very critical and his life is in danger,but we’ll do everything possible to save him. Head nurse,please get the emergency drugs ready as soon as possible.
医生: 当然要吸氧。患者病情危重,有死亡的危险。我们要尽一切努力抢救他。护士长,请尽快把急救药品准备好。
Head Nurse: All right,I’ll do so. What else?
护士长: 好,我会照办的。还有其他吩咐吗?
Doctor: You’d better arrange special nursing care for him.
医生: 最好给他安排个特护。
Head Nurse: It is what I want to say.
护士长: 我也是这个意思。
Doctor: You should notice whether the patient is conscious or not and differentiation of his pupils,recording the volume of urine and other fluid in or out of his body accurately.
医生: 你们要注意观察病人的意识状态和瞳孔变化,准确记录尿量及其他液体出入量。
Nurse: I’ll do it well.
护士: 我会干好的。
Doctor: Keeping his respiratory tract through,abstracting sputa from air way regularly,measuring his blood pressure in time,especially after noradrenaline or dopamine is given.
医生: 保持呼吸道通畅,定时吸痰,及时测量血压,特别是在用去甲肾上腺素或多巴胺后要注意监测。
Head Nurse: We’ll clean his oral cavity twice a day and his eyes once a day.
护士长: 我们每天得做两次口腔清洁护理和一次眼部护理。
Doctor: It is skin that is the most important thing. You manage to protect him from bedsore occurring. Besides these,we should maintain the balance of three kinds of nourishing elements,water and electrolytes in his body. There are a lot of things for us to do.
医生: 最重要的是皮肤,你们要设法防止发生褥疮。此外,要维持病人体内的三大营养素和水电解质平衡。要做的事很多。
Nurse: Hope he would come to soon.
护士: 希望他会很快醒来。
Oxygen Delivery 给氧
Prof. Chang: ...In short,oxygen is one of the most frequently ordered drugs for patients with a variety of disorders. Therefore,oxygen delivery is worth your much attention. Is there any question?
常教授: ……总之,对多种疾病的病人来说,氧气是最常用的药物之一。所以你们对给氧应给予足够的重视。有什么问题吗?
Student A: What should low-fow oxygen administration be applied to patients with chronic lung disease?
学生甲: 为什么治疗慢性肺疾病患者必须用低流量给氧?
Prof. Chang: A good question! Those patients usually have chronic CO 2 retention,they rely more on the hypoxemia stimulus to breathe whereas normal people utilize the CO 2 mediated one. Too much oxygen may remove the hypoxic drive.
常教授: 问得好!这些病人通常都有CO 2滞留,正常人靠CO 2刺激呼吸,而他们则更多地靠低氧血症来刺激呼吸,过多地给氧可能会消除这种低氧刺激。
Student B: It seems that all drugs have some kind of side effects. Does oxygen follow the same rule?
学生乙: 所有的药物似乎都有副作用,氧气也有吗?
Prof. Chang: Certainly. Abuse of oxygen may cause hypoventilation and absorption atelectasis.So you should keep in your mind the dictum“Use the least oxygen to gain acceptable goal”.
常教授: 当然。氧气滥用有可能导致肺换气不足与吸收性肺不张,所以请记住这句格言“用最少的氧气达到可接受的目标”。
Student C: Then,how should oxygen administration be monitored?
学生丙: 那么,给氧该如何监测呢?
Prof. Chang: Thanks to the advances in medical sciences,oxygen delivery is no longer empirical. Arterial blood gas analysis helps doctors to be more scientific in oxygen delivery.
常教授: 由于医学科学的进步,给氧已不再是经验性的,动脉血气分析使得医生在氧疗中能做得更科学。
Prof. Chang: Any more question? Now Sister Li is going to give you a demonstration of oxygen administration.
常教授: 还有问题吗?下面李护士长将为大家做给氧示范。
(Sister Li demonstrated the procedures for oxygen delivery.)
Student D: Sister Li. How shall we decide the proper depth a nasal cannula is to be inserted?
学生丁: 李护士长,鼻导管进入的深度怎么确定呢?
Sister Li: The distance from nose to ear is usually considered as a proper indication of depth a nasal cannula should enter.
李护士: 通常认为耳鼻间距是鼻导管插入深度的一适宜指标。