Nurse: I notice you have several boils on your body.
护士: 我看到你身上有几个疖子。
Patient: Yes,I have had these boils for some time. They would often subside a little,but they have never healed completely.
病人: 是的。这几个疖子已经长了一些时候了。有时会好一点,但从来没有完全消退过。
Nurse: Is there anything else that bothers you besides the boils?
护士: 除掉疖子外,你还有什么不舒服?
Patient: I feel tired,and I itch all over.
病人: 我感到疲乏和全身发痒。
Nurse: Have you lost weight recently?
护士: 最近体重减轻了吗?
Patient: I think I have.
病人: 我想是减轻了。
Nurse: How is your appetite?
护士: 你的食欲怎样?
Patient: I have a very good appetite,and I feel hungry all the time.
病人: 我胃口很好,总感到饥饿。
Nurse: Do you drink lots of water and go to the toilet often?
护士: 你是否喝水很多?常去厕所?
Patient: Yes,I drink lots of water,but I still feel thirsty. And,I have to go to the toilet often.
病人: 我喝水很多,但仍感到口渴。我去厕所十分频繁。
Nurse: How long have you had these symptoms?
护士: 你有这些症状多久了?
Patient: More than six months.
病人: 半年多了。
Nurse: We would like to take your urine and blood samples to check their sugar contents.
护士: 我们要取你的尿样和血样,检查其中糖的含量。
Patient: Dr. Li told me I had diabetes.
病人: 李医生说我患有糖尿病。
Nurse: Yes,I know. Are there any diabetics in your family?
护士: 这个我知道,你家里有人患有糖尿病吗?
Patient: Yes. My mother has it.
病人: 我母亲有糖尿病。
Nurse: Dr. Li has ordered that you should follow a diabetic diet and insulin therapy. Here are instruction for diet and the therapy,which by the way,you’ll have to administer yourself at home. We’ll help you if you fnd any diffculties. Here are some antibiotics for your boils. I am sure you will feel better soon.
护士: 李医生讲你应该用糖尿病饮食及胰岛素治疗。这是给你的糖尿病食谱和治疗的方法,这样你可在家里为自己注射药物。你如有困难,我们将予以协助。这里是给你治疗疖子用的抗生素。我想你一定会很快好起来的。
Nurse: Mr. Ni,it’s nice to see you have come around. Your wife and daughter were scared to death. How do you feel?
护士: 倪先生,你可醒了,把你的夫人和女儿吓坏了,感觉怎么样?
Patient: I’m exhausted and don’t feel like moving all.
病人: 就是没有力气,不想动。
Nurse: Don’t worry and make sure you have a good rest. Your blood glucose has decreased to 18.6 mmol/L today. And let me take your body temperature. Oh,very good,38.0℃.You should drink one glass of water,about 100 ml per hour. You will need less fuid infusion if you can drink more water. It can decrease the workload on your heart.
护士: 没关系的,你好好休息。你今天的血糖已降到18.6 mmol/L。我来帮你测个体温。现在是38.0℃,很好,你现在要多喝水,每小时要喝掉这么一杯,大约是100ml,你能喝水就可以少输液,这样可以减轻心脏负担。
Patient: OK. I will try.
病人: 好的,我尽量喝。
Nurse: Have a rest I will see you later.
护士: 你先休息吧,过会儿我来看你。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。
(Two days later,Mr. Ni recovered almost completely,with temperature of 37.5℃and fasting blood glucose of 10.6 mmol/L.)
(又过了两天,倪先生已基本恢复,体温37.5℃,空腹血糖10.6 mmol/L。)
Nurse: Mr. Ni,you look very well today. Now let me measure your 2-hour-after-meal blood glucose. Well,it is 15.4 mmol/L.
护士: 倪先生,你今天气色真好,我现在给你测定餐后两小时血糖,是15.4 mmol/L。
Patient: Why is the blood glucose level always much higher after meals?
病人: 为什么餐后血糖比空腹要高那么多?
Nurse: It’s one of the characteristics of Type II Diabetes. Because of the malfunction of your islet,there isn’t enough insulin to decrease your blood glucose which leads to higher post-meal blood glucose.
护士: 这是II型糖尿病的特点。由于你的胰岛功能差,食物吸收以后,没有足够的胰岛素把血糖降下来,因此餐后的血糖会比空腹高很多。
Patient: I see. Is there any way to decrease it?
病人: 原来是这样,那有什么办法降下来吗?
Nurse: Yes. It will surely drop back to normal range if you keep taking the medicine. It is not good if you don’t follow the treatment or take medicines.
护士: 你只要坚持正规用药,血糖是可以降下来的。像你原来那样不吃药、不治疗是不行的。
Patient: But I feel pretty well these days,nothing uncomfortable.
病人: 可是我的感觉真得很好,没有任何不舒服。
Nurse: This is another characteristic of Type Ⅱ Diabetes. Patients usually feel nothing wrong in the early stage. Some people don’t know it before complications occur. The postmeal hyperglycemia will do great harm to a patient’s heart,blood vessels and nerves.For example,your urine test shows your kidney has some damage. You should have your ocular fundus checked tomorrow.
护士: 这又是Ⅱ型糖尿病的特点。在早期可以没有任何不适,等到出现并发症时才发现有糖尿病。餐后高血糖的危害是非常大的,会对人的心脏、血管、神经产生损害,比如你的尿液检查表明肾脏已有损害,明天再去做个眼底检查。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
(The patient returned the room after having his ocular fundus checked the following day.)
Nurse: Mr. Ni,here is the result of your ocular fundus examination. You ocular fundus problem is serious. You should have an operation when your blood glucose drops to normal.
护士: 倪先生,你的眼底检查结果出来了。你的眼底病变比较严重了。需要手术治疗,等你的血糖降下来就可以手术了。
Patient: That serious? I have had a very bad eyesight for more than a year. I thought it was an aging related problem.
病人: 有这么严重?不过我的眼睛看不清已经有一年多了。我以为是老花眼也没在意。
Nurse: The ocular fundus damage results from your long period of poor blood glucose control.Operation is necessary. It will improve your eyesight a lot. But first you must keep your blood glucose in a normal range.
护士: 你的眼睛是由于长期血糖控制不佳引起的眼底病变,必须手术治疗,治疗后的效果是比较好的,但是手术前你的血糖要控制好。
Patient: I didn’t suppose it was so severe. I was told“Fa-Lun-Gong”could cure my disease.Considering diabetes is a chronic disease. I thought I could get rid of the medicines,improve my health and avoid trouble if I kept practicing it. Now I recognize because I have delayed my treatment,it has let to more damage to my health.
病人: 后果真的很严重,我原来一点也不懂。听别人说练功后可以治疗疾病,我想糖尿病是慢性病,练了功可以不吃药,省了很多麻烦,又可以强身,一举两得。现在看来是耽误了自己的治疗,引来不必要的身体伤害。
Nurse: Yes. Diabetes is a life-disease,which can not be cured completely at the present time.But complications can be prevented by means of medications. If you can stick to the treatment and keep your blood glucose under control from now on,you should be able to live normal just like others.
护士: 是的,糖尿病是一种终生性疾病,目前尚无办法根治,只有靠药物长期控制预防并发症。从现在起你只要坚持治疗,控制住血糖,还能像正常人一样生活。
Patient: It seems the old saying“one is never too old to learn”is correct. I will keep this in mind. I will believe in science and the doctors,and stick to medical treatment the rest of my life.
病人: 看来人是需要活到老学到老,我会记住这次教训,相信科学,相信医生,坚持终生治疗。
Nurse: Mr. Li,I have heard that you are fond of desserts and alcohol,right?
护士: 李先生,我听说您很爱甜食和饮酒,是吗?
Patient: Yes,I can’t go to sleep without a drink. I know that diabetes patients should not drink,but I can’t resist the temptation of wine.
病人: 是的,不喝酒我就睡不着觉。我知道患糖尿病不能喝酒,可是我就是挡不住酒的诱惑。
Nurse: Right now your blood glucose is high and you also have cataracts. If you don’t give up drinking and don’t stop eating desserts,complications will become worse. Why don’t we fnd a way together to curb your desire for wine and dessert?
护士: 您现在的血糖处于高水平,又并发了白内障,如果再不禁酒,不控制饮食,并发症会更多更重。我们能否想个办法共同努力控制饮酒和甜食呢?
Patient: That’s fne. What I need is your instructions and help.
病人: 好的,我正需要你的指导和帮助。
Nurse: Then let us do some interesting things like listening to music,playing chess and reading novels to divert your attention from alcohol and desserts. We can plan an appropriate diet menu for you. We can also request that the nutritionist prepare food with good color,aroma,and favor for you to stimulate your appetite. I’m sure you are capable of controlling wine and desserts intake.
护士: 那好,让我们来找一些有兴趣的事做,像听音乐、下棋、看小说等等,分散您对酒和甜食的注意力。然后我们为您制订合理的食谱,让营养师把食物加工得色香味俱全,刺激您对食物的欲望,相信您会有能力控制饮酒和甜食的。
Patient: Sure,I’ll do my best to cooperate with you. Another question is that I have cataracts in both of my eyes. My left eye is almost totally blind and the eyesight of my right eye is very poor. This makes it very inconvenient for me to get around. Can they be treated?
病人: 行,我一定努力合作。还有一个问题想请教一下,我的双眼都患了白内障,左眼几乎全看不清了,右眼的视力也很差,使我行动非常不便,不知能否治好?
Nurse: They can be treated. We can ask the eye doctor to see you after your blood glucose level become normal. A simple operation(laser beam or ultrasonic therapy)will enable you to see again.
护士: 可以治的,只要血糖控制正常了,我们可以请眼科医师来给您会诊,一般只需做一个简单手术(激光或超声雾化)就能帮您重见光明的。
Patient: That’s great. I’ll cooperate with you to have my blood glucose controlled and then schedule for the eye operation as soon as possible.
病人: 太好了,我一定好好配合你们尽快控制血糖,争取早日安排眼科手术。
Nurse: Fine. Let’s work hard together.
护士: 好,让我们共同努力。