F1 hybrid animal 杂交一代动物
facial pallor 铅容
facilitated diffusion 易化扩散
facility for control occupational hazard 职业病危害防护设施
facility for first-aid 应急救援设施
factor analysis 因子分析
factor loading 因子负荷量
factor of safety 安全系数
factor score 因子得分
factorial design 析因设计
failure model effect analysis,FMEA 故障模式和影响分析
fall arrest system 坠落悬挂安全带
fall from height 高处坠落
falling dust 降尘
false negative 假阴性
false positive 假阳性
family to work conflict 家庭-工作冲突
family-work role incompatibility(job-family role strain,work-family tension,inter role conflict) 工作-家庭冲突
fan(ventilator) 通风机
far field 远区场
far infrared ray 远红外线
far ultraviolet ray 远紫外线
Far-IR 远红外光谱
farmer dermatitis 稻农皮炎
farmer’s lung 农民肺
farthest neighbor 最长距离法
fast stom bombardment,FAB 快速原子轰击离子源
fat 脂肪
fatal dose(lethal dose) 致死剂量
fatality rate 致死率
fatigue 疲劳
fatigue-decreased proficiency boundary 疲劳-减效界限
fatigue-like state 疲劳样状态
fatty acid 脂肪酸
fatty liver 脂肪肝
fault tree analysis 事故树分析
feasibility study 可行性研究
feedback circuit 反馈回路
fenitrothion 杀螟松
fenthion 倍硫磷
ferrihemoglobin(methemoglobin) 高铁血红蛋白
ferritin 铁蛋白
ferrovanadium alloy 钒铁合金
ferruginous body 含铁小体
fertilization 受精
fertilized egg 受精卵
fetal mortality 胎儿死亡率
fiber 纤维
fiber counting technique 纤维粉尘计数法
fibrin thrombi 纤维素血栓
fibroblast 成纤维细胞
fibroblast growth factor-like 类成纤维细胞生长因子
fibrogenic dust 致纤维化性粉尘
fibronectin 纤维结合素
fibrosing alveolitis 纤维化肺泡炎
fibrous dust 纤维性粉尘
field desorption,FD 场解析
field epidemiology 现场流行病学
field intervention 现场干预
field investigation(field survey,field work,on-the-spot investigation) 现场调查
field ionization,FI 场电离
field size 照射野
field survey 现场调查
filter 滤器
filter holder 滤料采样夹
filter type escape unit 过滤式自救器
filtered gas mask 过滤式防毒面具
filtered protective clothing 透气式防护服
filtering equipment 过滤装备
filtering ventilation 过滤式通风,滤毒式通风
filter-mask 过滤式防毒面具
filter-membrane sampler 滤膜采样器
filtration 过滤
filtration dust catcher(porous layer dust collector) 过滤式除尘器
fine mesh safety vertical net 密目式安全立网
fine sound level meter(precision sound level meter) 精密声级计
finn chamber 芬兰小室
fipronil 氟虫腈(特密得)
fire damp explosion 瓦斯爆炸
fire smoke poisoning 火灾烟雾中毒
fire smoking 失火烟雾
first isolation area 首次隔离区
first order spectrum 一级光谱
first pass effect 首过效应
first-aid facility 应急救援设施
first-order kinetic process 一级动力学过程[一级速率过程]
fish meal worker’s lung 鱼粉工人肺
Fisher discriminant Fisher判别
fission fragment 裂变碎片
fission product 裂变产物
fission reaction 裂变反应
fitness-for-duty evaluation 工作适应性评估
fixative 固定剂
fixed cohort 固定队列
fixed sampling 定点采样
flame atomization method 火焰原子化法
flame ionization detector(FID) 火焰电离检测器
flame photometric detector(FPD) 火焰光度检测器
flame retardant gloves 阻燃手套
flame retardant protective clothing 阻燃防护服
flaming 烧灼
flash eye 闪光眼
flash ophthalmia 电光性眼炎
flat skylight 平天窗
flavour enhancer 增味剂
flax dust 亚麻尘
flextime policy 弹性工作制
floating dust(suspended particulate) 飘尘
flocculant 絮凝剂
flocculation 絮凝(作用)
flocculation test 絮状试验
floor contamination monitor 地面污染监测仪
flour dust 面粉尘
flourishing mental health 心盛,积极心理状态
flow cytometry,FCM 流式细胞术
flow cytophotometry,FCP 流式细胞光度术
flow injection analysis,FIA 流动注射分析法
flow process 流水作业
flow rate 流速
flowmeter 流量计
fluctuation test 波动试验,彷徨试验
flue gas 烟气
flue gas purifier 烟道气净化器
fluid balance 液体平衡
fluidized self-hardening sand 流态自硬砂
fluorescence 荧光
fluorescence efficiency 荧光效率
fluorescence emission spectrum 荧光发射光谱
fluorescence in situ hybridization 荧光原位杂交
fluorescence life time 荧光寿命
fluorescence quantum yield 荧光量子产率
fluorescence quenching method 荧光熄灭法
fluorescence radiation 荧光辐射
fluorescence spectrum 荧光光谱
fluorescent dye 荧光染料
fluorescent fading 荧光衰减
fluorescent quantitation PCR 荧光定量PCR技术
fluorescent thin layer plate 荧光薄层板
fluorescent whitening agent 荧光增白剂
fluoride 氟化物
fluoride ion selective electrode 氟离子选择性电极
fluorine teeth 高氟牙
fluorite pneumoconiosis 萤石矿尘肺
fluorite(fluorspar) 萤石,氟石
fluoro phosgene 氟光气
fluorohydrocarbon 有机氟
fluorometry 荧光分析法
fluorophotomeric detector,FD 荧光检测器
fluoropolymer fume fever 氟聚合物烟尘热
fluorosis 氟病,氟中毒
fluorosis of bone(skeletal fluorosis) 氟骨症
foam dust separator 泡沫除尘器
foaming agent 发泡剂
focus-to-film distance 焦片距
focus-to-skin distance 焦皮距
focus-to-table distance 焦台距
follow up 随访
follow-up study 随访研究
food additive 食品添加剂
food chain 食物链
food maze test 食饵迷宫试验
foot-candle 英尺烛光
footwear against static and alterative current 防静电鞋和防交流电鞋
forced vital capacity,FVC 用力肺活量
forceful exertion 过度用力
forecast(prediction) 预报,预测
forest encephalitis virus 森林脑炎病毒
forest encephalitis(forest spring encephalitis,Rassian forest-spring encephalitis) 森林脑炎
forging and pressing 锻压
formaldehyde(formalin) 甲醛
formation vibration 变形振动
formative evaluation 形成评价
formic acid(methanol acid) 甲酸,蚁酸
forward mutation 正向突变
forward mutation test 正向突变试验
forward stepwise 前进逐步回归法
forward-rotating system 正向旋转系统
fossil fuel 矿物燃料,化石燃料
founders’pneumoconiosis 铸工尘肺
foundry 铸造
foundry worker’s pneumoconiosis 铸工尘肺
fourfold table 四格表
fragment 碎片,断片
fragment ion 碎片离子
frame-shift mutation 移码突变
free chlorine 游离氯
free erythrocyte protoporphyrin 红细胞游离原卟啉
free fatty acid 游离脂肪酸
free radical 自由基
free radical scavenger 自由基清除剂
free residual chlorine 游离剩余氯
free silicon dioxide 游离二氧化硅
free word 自由词
freeze-drying(lyophilization) 冷冻干燥
freezing cold injury 冻结性冷损伤
freon 氟利昂
frequency 频率,频数
frequency analyzer 频率分析仪
frequency distribution 频数分布
frequency division of noise 噪声频程
frequency domain 频域
frequency spectrum 频谱
frequency spectrum analysis 频谱分析
frequency table 频数表
frequency weighted 频率计权
frequency weighted acceleration 频率计权加速度
frequency-weighted acceleration level 频率计权加速度级
frequency-weighted vibrating acceleration 频率计权振动加速度
frequently occurring illness 多发病
fresh air rate 新风量
frictional coefficient 摩擦系数
frictional resistance 摩擦阻力
fritted glass disc bubbler 多孔玻板吸收管
frostbite 冻伤
frustration level 受挫程度
full-text database 全文数据库
fumarase dehydrogenase 富马酮酸脱氢酶
fume 烟
fume fever 烟尘热,铸造热
fume hood 通风柜
fumigant 熏蒸剂
fumigant poison 熏蒸剂毒剂
fumigation 熏蒸
fuming nitric acid 发烟硝酸
fuming sulfuric acid 发烟硫酸
functional antagonism 功能性拮抗
functional accumulation 功能蓄积,机能蓄积
functional capacity 功能能力
functional capacity assessment 功能性能力评估
functional capacity evaluation 功能性能力评估
functional efficiency 脑力功效
functional group 功能基团
functional limitation 功能受限
functional measurement of dimensions 功能人体尺寸测量
functional state index 功能状况指数
fungi(fungus) 真菌
fungicide 杀菌剂
funnel plot 漏斗图
furan 呋喃
furnace mask 炉窑面罩
furnace workers cataract 炉工白内障
fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for security system dynamics 安全系统动态模糊评价法