12. friendship一字的单复数
I should like to cultivate cordial friendships with them.(我希望和他们做朋友。)句中friendships一字,有人说复数形不对,应该改为单数。请说明此字单复数用法上的差异。
【解答】关于friendship一字,可分作抽象名词及普通名词两方面来解释。作为基本用法的抽象名词是不可数的(uncountable),意为“友情”“友谊”“友爱”(the feeling or relationship that exists between friends),例如:
my friendship for her(我和她的交情)
It ought,in common friendship,to be done.(这是朋友应尽的义务。)
由抽象名词变成普通名词时,就可数了(countable),意为上述友谊的实例,或维持的时期(instance or period of this feeling),例如:
a friendship of long standing(多年的交情)
Never to forget old friendships.(毋忘旧友。)
Women who offer friendship to a man usually find that he responds with an offer of love.(女人对男人表示友情时,男人通常都要以爱情来回报她。)
It was then that he commenced his romantic friendship with her.(就是从那时开始,他对她发生了罗曼蒂克的友谊。)
I earnestly desire your friendship.(渴望垂爱。)
He needed friendship.(嘤鸣求友。)
I need not say that I shall always hold in grateful remembrance your proven friendship in this hour of need.(你在我穷困的时候,仍然照旧地对我表示深厚的交情,使我永远感戴不忘。)
A close friendship was established between the two.(二人之间建立了密切的友谊。)
Explosive epistles blast friendships.(过激的书信破坏友情。)
They broke off a friendship of twenty years’standing.(二十年的交情毁于一旦。)
I have a friendship with him.(我和他有交游。)
We’ll keep old friendships in repair.(继续维持多年的友谊。)
He was endeared to me by a warm friendship of 40 years.(他是我极要好的四十年的老朋友。)
至于friendship的单数形与复数形在用法上的区别,除上述单数的“友谊”和复数的“友善”外,还有下面这样一点分别:复数形常指“许多朋友彼此之间的交谊”,例如大学同学可以培养出许多的友善关系,就说college friendships;至于两个人之间的友谊,如说the friendship between Henry and James,就不可以改成friendships。问题中的句子是说一个人对其余一些人之间的友谊,所以也不宜用复数。