4 Construction Quality Acceptance
4.1 Requirements in Construction Quality Acceptance
4.1.1 The inspection,acceptance and certification for the installation engineering construction quality of I&C device in the thermal power project shall be conducted according to the requirements of this Part.
4.1.2 For the inspection and acceptance for the project construction quality,the construction contractor shall prepare the quality acceptance range division table on the base of the works scope according to the requirements of Chapter 4 in this Part;the supervisor shall conduct the examination and the parties of construction,supervision and owner jointly sign and seal for approval after the owner make a confirmation.For the engineering projects with engineering general contract or construction project management(mode),the construction contractor may,according to the actual situation,add acceptance organizations in column"acceptance organization"in the construction quality acceptance range division table;if the designer and the equipment supplier in column"acceptance organization"participate in the quality acceptance,the owner may make proper calibration according to the actual situation.
4.1.3 The part of the inspection items in"Construction Quality Acceptance Range Division Table"in Chapter 4,incongruent with the ones in the actual project,may be added or canceled.the items added or canceled may be numbered or not in the project numbering in the construction quality acceptance range,but the original number shall not be altered.
4.1.4 The project construction quality shall be inspected by the acceptance organization specified in"Construction Quality Acceptance Range Division Table".the acceptance for batch,subitem and subsection,the supervisor shall,if participating in,shall organize them,and the organizations concerned shall participate;the owner shall organize the acceptance for subsystem,and the organizations concerned shall participate;the designer and the supplier shall participate in the acceptance of the related items according to the requirements of"Construction Quality Acceptance Range Division Table".The quality acceptance personnel shall hold the qualification certificate consistent with his/her acceptance profession,and the qualification certificate shall be within the validity period.The acceptance authority of the personnel involved in the quality acceptance for subsystem,subsection,subitem and batch shall be determined by the organizations concerned under the organization of the owner.
4.1.5 In the engineering quality inspection and acceptance,the quality inspection personnel at all levels shall strictly comply with the requirements of this part as well as the relevant current national standard,professional standard,contract terms,design document and manufacturing technical document,and they shall be responsible for the acceptance results.
4.1.6 The quality acceptance must be conducted after the construction project is completed.the construction contractor shall apply the quality acceptance to the project's supervisor and owner upon the construction contractor has completed self-checking and prepared complete self-checking records.
4.1.7 The construction contractor shall notify the supervisor and the organizations concerned to witness acceptance before being concealed,and complete the inspection acceptance record and the certification.
4.1.8 The appearance quality of subsystems shall be inspected by the quality inspection personnel with visual observation,feeling or necessary measurement,and confirmed and singed according to the overall condition of the inspected project.
4.1.9 The inspection and acceptance of project construction quality shall comply with the requirements in Chapter 4 of this Part and be conducted by batch,subitem,subsection and subsystem;where a subsystem is constructed by multiple construction contractors by sections,individual subsystems may be set up.the individual subsystem number is the original subsystem number affixed with English letters for distinguishing.
4.1.10 The project construction quality acceptance shall meet the following requirements:
The acceptance for subitem shall be conducted only upon the acceptance for batches is qualified;the acceptance for subsection shall be conducted only upon the acceptance for subitems is qualified;the acceptance for subsystem shall be conducted only upon the acceptance for subsections is qualified.
4.1.11 The"qualified"construction quality acceptance for batch,subitem,subsection and subsystem shall meet the following requirements:
1 The complete inspection is conducted for the inspection items according to the requirements on batches and subitems,and the inspection results meet the quality criteria;the quality acceptance for this batch or subitem is qualified.
2 The acceptance for the batches contained in a subitem is qualified and the data for the subitem is complete;the quality acceptance for this subitem is qualified.
3 The acceptance for the subitems contained in a subsection is qualified and the data for the subsection is complete;the quality acceptance for this subsection is qualified.
4 The quality acceptance for the subsections contained in a subsystem is qualified and the data for the subsystem is complete and meets the archives management requirements;the quality acceptance for this subsystem is qualified.
4.1.12 The nonconformity of construction quality,if existing,shall be registered for record and treated according to the following requirements:
1 The inspection items for reworked ones,or replaced instrument or equipment,shall be conducted again.
2 The inspection items replaced,which satisfy the functional requirements of safe handling,may be inspected according to the technical scheme and the agreement.
3 Unqualified inspection item,which cannot be replaced or reworked,shall be identified by the certifying agency or the organizations concerned;the inspection items without effects on inner quality,service life,use function and safe operation may be concessional.The concessional items may not be inspected again,but they shall be indicted in column"acceptance conclusion",and the written report shall be attached following the acceptance table.
4.1.13 The construction quality of batch and subitem under one of the following conditions shall not be inspected:
1 The inspection results of its dominant inspection items cannot meet the quality criteria.
2 The designer or the supplier has data requirement in quality criteria and the measured data are not filled in the inspection result columns.
3 The quality acceptance documents do not conform to the archives management regulations.
4.1.14 The quality problems caused by design or equipment manufacturing shall be solved by the designer or equipment supplier.When the onsite processing entrusted to the construction contractor can not make individual dominant items meet the standard requirements completely,the concessional treatment may be applied upon the certification in writing made the owner jointly with the designer,supplier,supervisor and construction contractor.the project(item)with concessional treatment may not be inspected again,but it shall be indicated in column"acceptance conclusion",and the written report hereof shall be attached following the acceptance table.
4.1.15 The quality acceptance documents for batch,subitem,subsection and subsystem shall be of accurate data,complete document collection,and complete signature procedure;and the material and handwriting for document preparation shall meet the requirements of"durability"and the archives management specifications.