6.3 手术操作名词
T管撤机法 T tube weaning
按需阀送气 demand valve air feed
靶向治疗 targeted therapy
闭环通气 closed loop ventilation
表面活性物质吸入疗法 surfactant inhalation therapy
部分肠外营养 partial parenteral nutrition
部分液体通气 partial liquid ventilation
侧卧位通气 lateral position ventilation
肠内营养 enteral nutrition
肠外营养 parenteral nutrition
长程氧疗 long-term oxygen therapy
常规潮气量 normal tidal volume [又称]常规潮气容积 △
常规潮气容积机械通气 conventional tidal volume mechanical ventilation
常规机械通气 conventional mechanical ventilation
撤机 weaning
撤机方法 weaning method
成比例通气 proportional ventilation
持续低流量氧疗 continuous low-flow oxygen therapy
持续负压通气 continuous negative pressure ventilation
持续气道正压 continuous positive airway pressure
持续气流送气 continuous flow air feed
持续正压通气 continuous positive pressure ventilation
持续指令通气 continuous mandatory ventilation
大潮气容积 high tidal volume
大潮气容积机械通气 high tidal volume ventilation
代谢调理 metabolic intervention
代谢支持 metabolic support
单纯超滤 isolated ultrafiltration
低流量氧疗 low-flow oxygen therapy
低浓度氧疗 low concentration oxygen therapy
低水平呼气末正压 low level positive end-expiratory pressure
定容型反比通气 constant volume inverse ratio ventilation
定容型模式 volume-controlled mode
定时触发 timing trigger
定压通气 pressure target ventilation
定压型持续指令通气 pressure-controlled continuous mandatory ventilation
定压型反比通气 pressure-controlled inverse ratio ventilation
定压型模式 pressure-controlled mode
定压型同步持续指令通气 pressure-controlled synchronized continuous mandatory ventilation
短程氧疗 short-term oxygen therapy
反比通气 inversed ratio ventilation,inverse ratio ventilation
放射治疗 radiation therapy
肺癌的化学治疗 chemical treatment of lung cancer
肺癌的治疗 treatment of lung cancer
肺保护性通气策略 lung protective ventilation strategy
肺复张方法 recruitment maneuver
肺减容术 lung volume reduction surgery
肺开放策略 open lung strategy
肺康复 pulmonary rehabilitation
肺泡引流 drainage of alveolus
肺移植 lung transplantation
分侧肺通气 independent lung ventilation
分期性手术 staging surgery
氟碳化合物 fluorocarbon
俯卧位通气 prone ventilation
辅助-控制通气 assist-control ventilation
辅助通气 assisted ventilation
辅助性化疗 adjuvant chemotherapy
负压通气 negative pressure ventilation
复合转换 combined cycling
改善组织供氧 improving tissue oxygen supply
高流量氧疗 high-flow oxygen therapy
高浓度氧疗 high concentration oxygen therapy
高频电疗法 high frequency electrotherapy
高频呼吸机 high frequency ventilator
高频喷射呼吸机 high frequency jet ventilator
高频喷射通气 high frequency jet ventilation
高频气流阻断式高频振荡 high frequency flow interrupter high frequency oscillation
高频通气 high frequency ventilation
高频胸壁振荡 high frequency chest wall oscillation
高频振荡通气 high frequency oscillation ventilation
高频正压通气 high frequency positive pressure ventilation
高水平呼气末正压 high level positive end-expiratory pressure
高压氧 hyperbaric oxygen
高压氧疗 hyperbaric oxygen therapy
根治性放疗 radical radiotherapy
根治性化疗 radical chemotherapy
根治性手术 radical surgery
姑息性放疗 palliative radiotherapy
姑息性化疗 palliative chemotherapy
姑息性手术 palliative surgery
光动力学疗法 photodynamic therapy
氦-氧混合气通气 helium oxygen mixture ventilation
后备通气 backup ventilation
呼气过程同步 expiratory synchrony
呼气末屏气 end-expiratory hold
呼气末负压 expiratory negative pressure,negative end-expiratory pressure
呼气末正压 positive end-expiratory pressure
呼吸系统引流 drainage of respiratory system
呼吸支持技术 breathing support technique
环甲膜穿刺 thyrocricoid puncture
环甲膜切开术 thyrocricotomy surgery
缓慢连续性超滤 slow continuous ultrafiltration
机械通气 mechanical ventilation
机械通气氧疗 oxygen therapy via mechanical ventilation
家庭氧疗 home oxygen therapy
间断停机法 intermittent discontinuing of ventilatory support
间接设置潮气容积 indirect preset tidal volume
间歇负压通气 intermittent negative pressure ventilation
间歇正压通气 intermittent positive pressure ventilation
间歇指令通气 intermittent mandatory ventilation
介入治疗 interventional therapy
经鼻气管插管 nasotracheal intubation
经鼻气管插管机械通气 mechanical ventilation via nasotracheal cannula
经鼻气管插管术 nasotracheal intubation
经鼻罩无创正压通气 non-invasive positive ventilation via nasal mask
经口气管插管 orotracheal cannula
经口气管插管机械通气 mechanical ventilation via orotracheal cannula
经口气管插管术 orotracheal intubation
经面罩无创正压通气 non-invasive positive ventilation via face mask
经皮扩张气管造口术 percutaneous dilational tracheostomy
经皮内镜下空肠造口术 percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy
经皮内镜下胃造口术 percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
经皮微波凝固疗法 percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy
经气管插管机械通气 mechanical ventilation via tracheal cannula
经气管切开机械通气 mechanical ventilation via incision of trachea
经支气管镜腔内介入治疗术 endobronchial therapy
局部化疗 local chemotherapy
控制通气 control ventilation
控制性肺膨胀 sustained inflation
控制性氧疗 controlled oxygen therapy
冷冻疗法 cryotherapy
连续气流通气 constant flow ventilation
连续性动-静脉血液滤过 continuous arterio-venous hemofiltration
连续性动-静脉血液透析 continuous arterio-venous hemodialysis
连续性动-静脉血液透析滤过 continuous arterio-venous hemodiafiltration
连续性静脉-静脉血液滤过 continuous veno-venous hemofiltration
连续性静脉-静脉血液透析 continuous veno-venous hemodialysis
连续性血液净化 continuous blood purification
流量触发 flow trigger
流量适应容积控制通气 flow-adapted volume control ventilation
流量限制 flow-limited
流量限制时间转换 flow-limited time cycling
流量转换 flow cycling
盲法气管插管 blind endotracheal intubation
免疫吸附 immunoadsorption
免疫治疗 immunotherapy
内镜下肺减容术 endoscopic lung volume reduction
内源性呼气末正压 intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure
尼古丁替代疗法 nicotine replacement therapy
逆行气管插管 retrograde endotracheal intubation
脓毒症复苏集束化策略 sepsis resuscitation bundle strategy
脓毒症集束化治疗策略 sepsis bundle strategy
钕钇铝石榴子石激光疗法 neodymium glass-yttrium aluminum garnet laser therapy [又称]Nd+3:YAG激光疗法 △
气道内支架植入术 endotracheal stent implantation
气道压力释放通气 airway pressure release ventilation
气管插管 endotracheal tube
气管插管术 endotracheal intubation
气管内吹气 intratracheal gas insufflation
气管内吹氧 intratracheal insufflation of oxygen
气管内喷射 intratracheal jet
气管内氧疗 transtracheal oxygen therapy
气管引流 drainage of trachea
腔内近距离治疗 intracavitary brachytherapy
全液体通气 total liquid ventilation
人工呼吸 artificial respiration
人工气道 artificial airway
人工气道机械通气 mechanical ventilation via artifical airway
人机对抗 patient-ventilator asynchrony
人机同步 patient-ventilator synchrony
容积触发 volume trigger
容积辅助-控制通气 volume assist-control ventilation
容积辅助通气 volume assist ventilation
容积控制间歇指令通气 volume-controlled intermittent mandatory ventilation
容积控制通气 volume controlled ventilation
容积控制同步间歇指令通气 volume-controlled synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
容积控制同步间歇指令通气加压力支持通气 volume-controlled synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation plus pressure support ventilation
容积限制 volume-limited
容积限制容积转换 volume-limited volume cycling
容积限制时间转换 volume-limited time cycling
容积支持通气 volume support ventilation
容积转换 volume cycling
神经调节辅助通气 neurally adjusted ventilatory assist
湿化疗法 humidification therapy
时间限制 time limit
时间转换 time cycling
适应性支持通气 adaptive support ventilation
手术治疗 surgical treatment
双重控制模式 dual control mode
双相气道正压 biphasic positive airway pressure
伺服阀送气 servo valve air feed
叹气样通气 sigh ventilation
体外二氧化碳去除 extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal
体位引流 postural drainage
通气参数 ventilation parameter
通气模式 ventilation mode
通气压力 ventilation pressure
同步 synchronize
同步持续指令通气 synchronized continuous mandatory ventilation
同步间歇指令通气 synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
同步间歇指令通气撤机法 synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation weaning method
同步间歇指令通气加压力支持通气 synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation plus pressure support ventilation
同步间歇指令通气加压力支持通气撤机法 SIMV plus PSV weaning
同步时间 synchronic time
完全肠外营养 total parenteral nutrition
往返活塞泵式高频振荡通气 piston pump HFOV
微波治疗 microwave therapy
微气管造口术 mini-tracheostomy
无创持续气道正压 non-invasive continuous positive airway pressure
无创机械通气 non-invasive mechanical ventilation
无创正压通气 non-invasive positive ventilation
无呼吸氧疗 non-breathing oxygen therapy
雾化治疗 nebulization therapy
吸呼气转换 inspiratory-expiratory cycling
吸呼气转换同步 synchrony of inspiratory expiratory phase transition
吸气触发 inspiratory trigger
吸气触发同步 inspiratory trigger synchrony
吸气过程同步 inspiratory synchrony
吸气末屏气 end-inspiratory hold
吸气末正压 positive end-inspiratory pressure
吸痰术 sputum suctioning
纤支镜引导气管插管 fiberoptic bronchoscopy guided endotracheal intubation
小潮气量 low tidal volume
小潮气量机械通气 low tidal volume ventilation
胸廓外持续负压 continuous negative external pressure
胸膜粘连术 pleurodesis
胸腔闭式引流 closed thoracic drainage
胸腔负压闭式引流 thoracic closed drainage with negative pressure
胸腔引流 chest drainage
血浆置换 plasmapheresis
血液灌流 hemoperfusion
血液净化 blood purification
血液滤过 hemofiltration
血液透析 hemodialysis
压力触发 pressure trigger
压力放大 pressure augment
压力辅助-控制通气 pressure assist-control ventilation
压力辅助通气 pressure assisted ventilation
压力控制间歇指令通气 pressure-controlled intermittent mandatory ventilation
压力控制通气 pressure controlled ventilation
压力控制同步间歇指令通气 pressure-controlled synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
压力控制同步间歇指令通气加压力支持通气 pressure-controlled synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation plus pressure support ventilation
压力调节容积控制通气 pressure-regulated volume control ventilation
压力限制 pressure-limited
压力限制流量转换 pressure-limited flow cycling
压力限制时间转换 pressure-limited time cycling
压力限制通气 pressure-limited ventilation
压力限制压力转换 pressure-limited pressure cycling
压力支持通气 pressure support ventilation
压力支持通气撤机法 pressure support ventilation weaning
压力转换 pressure cycling
氩等离子体凝固术 argon-plasma coagulation
咽喉镜引导气管插管 laryngopharyngoscopy guided endotracheal intubation
烟草控制 tobacco control
延迟时间 delay time
氧气疗法 oxygen therapy
要素饮食 elemental diet
液体复苏 fluid resuscitation
液体通气 liquid ventilation
一氧化氮吸入疗法 inhaled nitric oxide therapy
引流 drainage
有创无创序贯通气 sequential invasive non-invasive mechanical ventilation
预设潮气容积 preset tidal volume
预设呼吸频率 preset respiratory rate
预设吸呼气时间比 preset I/E ratio
预设吸气时间分数 preset fractional inspiratory time
允许性低热卡策略 permissibility low calorie policy
早期目标指导治疗 early goal-directed therapy
诊断性手术 diagnostic surgery
镇痛与镇静 analgesia and sedation
正压通气 positive pressure ventilation
正压通气连接 connection of positive pressure ventilation
支气管热成形术 bronchial thermoplasty
直接肺泡通气 direct alveolar ventilation
直接设置潮气容积 direct preset tidal volume
直接停机法 direct discontinuing ventilatory support
指令分钟通气 mandatory minute ventilation
中等水平呼气末正压 moderate level positive end-expiratory pressure
中浓度氧疗 moderate concentration oxygen therapy
自动持续气道正压 auto-continuous positive airway pressure
自动导管补偿 automatic tube compensation
自动气流 autoflow
自然呼吸 general breathing
自主触发 autonomous trigger
自主呼吸 spontaneous breathing
自主限制 spontaneous-limited
自主转换 spontaneous cycling
综合治疗 comprehensive treatment
最佳呼气末正压 optimal positive end-expiratory pressure