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Uninstalling Nessus on Linux is done as follows:
In order to determine the package name of Nessus, which is to be uninstalled, use the following commands for the different platforms:
- In Open Red Hat, CentOS, Oracle Linux, Fedora, SUSE, or FreeBSD, use the following command:
# rpm -qa | grep Nessus
- In OpenDebian/Kali and Ubuntu, use the following command:
# dpkg -l | grep Nessus
- In OpenFreeBSD, use the following command:
# pkg_info | grep Nessus
Use the package info obtained from the preceding commands as the input to the following package removal commands for the respective platforms:
- In Open Red Hat, CentOS, Oracle Linux, Fedora, or SUSE, this looks as follows:
# rpm -e <Package Name>
- In Open Debian/Kali and Ubuntu, this looks as follows:
# dpkg -r <package name>
- In Open FreeBSD, this looks as follows:
# pkg delete <package name>
Remove the Nessus directory to delete any other files present using the commands mentioned here:
- In Open Linux, use the following command:
# rm -rf /opt/nessus
- In Open FreeBSD, use the following command:
# rm -rf /usr/local/Nessus
If you face any issues during the removal of Nessus, stop the Nessus daemon and try removing the files again.
Perform the following steps to uninstall Nessus on macOS:
- Navigate to System Preferences and select Nessus
- Select the lock option
- Enter the username and password
- Select the Stop Nessus button
Remove the following Nessus directories, subdirectories, or files:
- /Library/Nessus
- /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.tenablesecurity.nessusd.plist
- /Library/PreferencePanes/Nessus Preferences.prefPane
- /Applications/Nessus
Removal of these files will ensure that the software is completely uninstalled from the machine.