[词语]to sow one's wild oats
[趣释]【物事喻指】从16世纪左右开始,“播种自己的野燕麦”(to sow one's wild oats)就已开始使用。实际上, wild oats只是一种被称作“假燕麦”的杂草,无论怎样播种,也不会产生燕麦来。因此,在wild oats中,除了wild从“野生”转为“野性”、放荡不羁之外,其本身也隐含有“白费劲”的意味。英国人用“播种自己的野燕麦”喻指男青年结婚前的放荡不羁、干荒唐事时,往往含有现在已经改正不再放荡的意思。英国小说家赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯(Herbert George Wells)在其小说《心的秘密之处》(The Secret Places of the Heart)中就引用了它。
[运用]I was not one of those young men who sow a large crop of wild oats. I was a fairly decent youth. 我年轻时并没像一般纨绔少年那样花天酒地,我是相当正派的。(威尔斯语)
By the time I was twenty five, I was through sowing my wild oats I had begun to look upon life as something more serious than a flagon of beer at one hand, and pretty girl at the other. 到了二十五岁,我总算结束了自己的放荡生活。我开始认为人生比一手啤酒杯、一手美小妞有更重要的意义了。
After three years of sowing wild oats in Europe, Francis returned home ready to settle down and raise a family. 弗朗西斯在欧洲过了三年放荡生活之后,回国准备安定下来,成家立业了。