appeal by right
【英文】Appeals by right constitute three-quarters of intermediate appel-late court caseloads.
【解释】appeal by right可译为“权利上诉”,如对于最终判决(final judgment:亦即一审判决,而非终审判决)之上诉,一般都是appeal by right,此时法院如无正当理由,必须受理上诉。该上诉有时也称为appeal as of right(基于正当权利的上诉)。
与appeal by right 相对应的是appeal by permission(批准上诉),指须由上诉法院经自由裁量后向下级法院签发“调取案卷令”(writ of certiorari)后予以受理的上诉。
本例中的appeal指an application to a higher court for a decision to be reversed(向上一级法院申请,要求改判),因其为复数,其意应为“权利上诉案件”。
1.Appeals by right dominate intermediate appellate court caseloads.〔译文:权利上诉案件占中级上诉法院待处理案件中的绝大多数。〕
2.For the 2009 reporting period,26 courts of last resort and 24 intermediate appellate courts reported complete appeal by right caseloads.For these courts,appeals by right equaled 25 percent and 75 percent of the total caseload,respectively.The fact that intermediate appellate courts handle more appeals by right than courts of last resort is an artifact of having a two-tiered appellate system in which the appellant’s first appeal,or the appeal as of right,is filed with and considered by the intermediate appellate court.State courts of last resort have, over the years,given more of this first appeal responsibility to the intermediate appellate courts,but all courts of last resort maintain some type of appeal by right jurisdiction.
3.Q:What court grants appeal by permission only ? A:The Supreme Court of the United States has full discretion over the cases reviewed under its appellate jurisdiction.Appellants submit a “petition for a writ of certiorari,”asking the Court to consider a case.If the Supreme Court believes the petition has merit,they may grant certiorari(grant cert)and issue a writ of certiorari(order to the lower court to send case records).When the justices grant cert,they are essentially granting permission to the petitioner to bring a case before the Court.〔译文:问:哪一级法院仅授予批准上诉权?答:美国联邦最高法院对所有其下的上诉法院复审的案件都有完全的自由裁量权。上诉人提交“调卷令之诉讼请求”,要求该法院就某一案件作出裁决。如果联邦最高法院认为该请求有胜诉可能,法官们则会准予调卷(grant cert)并签发调卷令(命令下级法院呈送案卷记录之命令)。联邦最高法院大法官们准予调卷请求后,他们实际上批准了上诉人要求在该法院(最后)审理的请求。〕