Translation from the English edition:
AABB’s Technical Manual,19th edition, by Mark K. Fung
Copyright©2017 by AABB
All Rights Reserved. AABB is not responsible for any errors in translation.
Mention of specific products or equipment by contributors to this AABB publication does not represent an endorsement of such products by the AABB Press nor does it indicate a preference for those products over other similar competitive products. Product listings, descriptions, and references are not intended to be comprehensive. Any forms and/or procedures in this book are examples. AABB does not imply or guarantee that the materials meet federal, state, or other applicable requirements. It is incumbent on the reader who intends to use any information, forms, policies, or procedures contained in this publication to evaluate such materials for use in light of particular circumstances associated with his or her institution.
AABB authors are requested to comply with a conflict of interest policy that includes disclosure of relationships with commercial firms. A copy of the policy is located at http://www.aabb.org.
Efforts are made to have publications of the AABB consistent in regard to acceptable practices. However, for several reasons, they may not be. First, as new developments in the practice of blood banking occur, changes may be recommended to the Standards for Blood Banks and Transfusion Services. It is not possible, however, to revise each publication at the time such a change is adopted. Thus, it is essential that the most recent edition of the Standardsbe consulted as a reference in regard to current acceptable practices. Second, the views expressed in this publication represent the opinions of authors. The publication of this book does not constitute an endorsement by the AABB of any view expressed herein, and the AABB expressly disclaims any liability arising from any inaccuracy or misstatement.
AABB is not responsible for any errors in translation.
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ISBN No.978-1-56395-947-9
Printed in the United States